Age 30, single, residence Huntington, IN. Nearest relation is mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Calvin, #33 Bermuda Ave., Oneanta, NY. Formerly with D&HC Co. for 5 years as brakeman and extra conductor. Recommended by Conductor Moak. Enters C&E as brakeman, Western District, Nov. 24, 1891.
Suspended 7 days for refusing to come out on freight with an engine pilot on tank, June 24, 1892. Suspended 10 days from May 23rd for making a running switch in Hammond Yard April 30th, 1896. Suspended 10 days from June 12th for damage to Erie car 99747 and brick with which it was loaded, by careless switching at 51st St. April 3rd, 1897.
Sept. 14, 1900, assigned to extra passenger brakeman. On January 27, 1901 promoted to freight conductor. April 16, 1901, assigned to regular passenger brakeman. June 16, 1904, gave up his rights in freight service. Jan. 27, 1906, promoted to train baggage agent.