Entered service Oct. 16th, 1889. Brakeman, age 25 years, unmarried.
Reprimanded April 24th for being drunk at Marion, Ohio depot platform April 16th. Previous good behavior cause for overlooking the offense.
Suspended 5 days and reprimanded for oversleeping at Chicago and delaying train 2 twenty minutes, Jan. 23rd, 1890. Suspended 10 days, oct. 3rd, 1891 for failure to carry out instructions in regard to placing cars. Suspended 15 days Jan. 1st, 1892 for quarreling with Conductor Olmstead.
Promoted to freight conductor, March 20th, 1892.
Dismissed from the service Dec. 27th for boarding train 12 at Huntington on the night of Dec. 21st, 1893 under the influence of liquor and assaulting the agent of the Union News Co.