17315. Age 31, Born 05/10/1866 in Canada. Entered service Jan. 28th, 1888. Promoted to conductor Aug. 31st, 1888.
Suspended 10 days June 27th for holding Gen Frt Agent Adams papers 1 month and 14 days. Suspended 10 days for pushing car off the end of Hammond coal dock Nov. 20th, 1889, caused by trying to put up four cars at a time and in a coupled condition. Suspended 5 days July 5th for leaving Hammond cars on the lead at Hammond June 20th and did not back them down into the yard as rule required.
Suspended 20 days Oct. 16th for rear end collision at Akron, cause poor flagging. Suspended 7 days for hauling 6 flat cars to Huntington that were billed to Clear Creek, March 11th, 1892. Suspended 7 days from Dec. 12th for hauling NYLE&W 26408 coal billed to North Judson to Hammond on Nov. 30th, 1893.
Suspended 10 days for switching on main track at Hammond on 2nd 83 March 3rd, 1894 on the time of No. 5 with a flag out but 1,062 feet. Suspended two round trips from April 18th, 1894 for hauling NYLE&W 51653 from Huntington to Chicago in No. 87, Dec. 26th, 1893 for an empty when it was loaded. Suspended 7 days for hauling SRL 962, empty refrigerator, to Chicago in 1st 81, March 29th, 1894, when his bill for car read Marion to North Judson.
Suspended 15 days from May 18th for leaving Hammond on No. 86, May 15th, 1894 on a red block, witout a clearance and without getting four "31" orders addressed to his train.
Suspended 2 round trips for leaving Newton on 1st 83, Jan. 19th, 1895 on short time to make Levings for No. 2. Suspended 7 days from Aug. 1st for failure to comply with rules in regard to carrying man in charge of car of stock in 3rd 78, July 18th, 1895, whose name was not shown on running card. Suspended 7 days from Dec. 24th for hauling SRL 1526 car of coke for Hammond into Chicago in 3rd 77, Nov. 30th, 1895.
Suspended one round trip from Sept. 18th for setting off cars at Newton to lighten his train (Extra 768 West) Sept. 7th, 1896 without permission.
January 25th, 1899, marked his own caboose 3634 on the side with chalk, "Shop this car for wheels" and did other marking on the side of car, thereby damaging the paint.
Promoted to extra passenger conductor 03-14-1905.