Quit and got his time, Nov. 30th, 1888. Reentered service as brakeman, Western District, Aug. 1, 1891. Age 23.
Suspended 5 days from April 24th for damaging NYL car 36397 by careless switching at North Judson, April 13th, 1894. Suspended 7 days from Jan. 27th for taking engine 113 to II&I tank at North Judson without permission and taking last drop of water they had, causing delay to an II&I meat train. Suspended 10 days for damage to cars, freight and track at Griffith on 33, Sept. 30th, 1896, result of poor judgement on his part in not giving signal to stop soon enough and not having brakeman with him apply brakes sooner than they did. Three cars broke off from engine and collided with another.
Promoted to freight conductor, Nov. 2nd, 1899.