Age 27, married, residence Huntington, Ind. Father, Stanton Larr, Browns Corners, Huntington County, Ind. Entered service as brakeman, Dec. 20th, 1890.
Suspended 7 days from March 16 for damage to a switch at 49th Street, Feb. 16, 1893. Suspended 10 days from April 12th for damage to a switch at Crown Point, April 2nd, 1893. Reprimanded for damage to bumping post and cars at Crown Point on 1st 82, May 22nd, 1893. Suspended 7 days for damage to crossing gate at DeLong by careless switching on No. 31, Jan. 8th, 1894.
Dismissed from the service July 31st for agitating a strike at Huntington, July 2nd and 3rd, 1894 and saying to brakeman Yetters, "If you go out in Pontius' place, I won't go out as I won't work with a scab." Amended by General Superintendent to read, dismissed for disloyalty during ARU strike.