Entered service as brakeman, Sept. 5th, 1889. Age 28, married. Promoted to extra freight conductor Nov. 28, 1889.
Suspended 10 days from May 9, 1891 for running by block at Akron one half mile. Discharged Aug. 28th, 1891 for pulling out on main track at West Point with an extra train Aug. 20, ahead of train 90 without orders or protection, resulting in serious side collision.
Reinstated in service as conductor Sept. 26, 1891 by order of Supt. Mozier and Gen. Supt. J.C. Moorhead. Suspended 8 days from Sept. 18th for runing LE&W crossing at Rochester on No. 87, August 29th, 1892. Reprimanded April 18th for standing on west crossing at Newton 25 minutes, March 31st, 1893, delaying Wabash 96.
Reprimanded for fulling with dispatcher at Palmer on June 15th, 1893. Suspended 7 days for hauling empty SRL reefrigerator car 2868 to Chicago in 1st 85 of May 21, 1893, when car was billed to North Judson. Dismissed from the service August 28th, 1893 for allowing his train (2nd 82 of Aug. 23rd) to collide with rear of 1st 82 at Disko, August 23rd, 1893.