FREDERICK S. CONNON, Huntington, Indiana.
Frederick S. Connon was born in Greenwich, Kent County, England, March 21, 1855. His father, C. W. Connon, was doctor of laws and a lecturer in the Greenwich Proprietary School. In 1858 he severed his connection with this school and accepted an appointment as English master of the Upper Canada College at Toronto, Canada, and for eleven years as
one of the faculty had the respect and affection of all who had the good fortune to meet him.
At the age of 15, after receiving a common school education, he enlisted in A Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, under Colonel French. He remained in the artillery service for two years, and was promoted to corporal. After receiving an honorable discharge at Kingston, Ontario, he attended the Canadian Military School of Infantry, and in due time graduated from this institution. In 1872 he accepted a position as fireman on the Canadian Pacific Railroad, running between Toronto and Owen Sound. After three years of service he resigned and shortly afterward accepted a position on the Canada Southern, where for one year he worked as brakeman. leaving to go with the old Great Western, for whom he worked three years as brakeman, running between Niagara Falls and St. Thomas. He resigned this place to go to Marshall, Texas, where he accepted a position on the Texas & Pacific. In the course of a year his ability was recognized by promotion to engineer, and for one year he ran between Dallas and Big Springs. Desiring to live in the North, he accepted a position on the Wabash Railroad, with which he remained three years, the last ten months of which were spent running a yard engine in Decatur, Ill. In 1886 he accepted a position with the Canadian Government on construction work, working on the Canadian & Pacific between Port Arthur and Scribner until 1889, when he went to the "Cotton Belt" as engineer, and for two years ran on that road between Jonesville, Arkansas, and Texarkana, Texas. In 1891, he severed his connection with this road, to accept a position under Master Mechanic Kesdell on the Chicago & Atlantic.
Mr. Connon is a man of education and refinement and he is highly respected by all who know him. As an engineer he ranks among the best in the Erie service, being very popular with the officials and his fellow workmen.
In April, 1898, he was married to Miss Nona Powers, daughter of Edward Powers, a resident of Huntington. Mr. Connon's mother makes her home with him. He is a member of B. of L. E., Division 221, and also belongs to Amity Lodge No. 483, F. & A. M.: Huntington Chapter No. 27, R. A. M.; Council 51, R. & S. M.. and Wabash Valley Lodge, A. 0. U. W. of Huntington.
Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.
Age 38, single. Case of injury, notify engineer L.B. Sweetland. Previously employed as engineer 3 years, resigned to accept service on another line. reentered the serice of the C&E as brakeman, March 4th, 1895. Pulled off to reduce the force, May 23rd, 1895. Transferred to motive power department as engineer, Nov. 4th, 1895.