FRANK W. GRAYLESS, Huntington, Indiana
Frank W. Grayless was born in Arcola, Allen County, Indiana, January 27, 1861. His father was Charles W. Grayless, a pioneer farmer of Allen County. The young man attended school until he was 16 years of age, acquiring a good common school education. Upon leaving school he farmed awhile and then went to work for the Whitly Company Stave Works at Churubusco, Indiana, as lumber buyer. In 1884 he began firing for the Wabash Railroad, running between Peru, Indiana, and Detroit. After five months' service he resigned to accept a similar position with the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad, and for a year ran between Fort Wayne and Chicago. In 1886 he went with the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago, where he remained two years and a half, resigning to accept a position under Master Mechanic Berry on the Erie. In 1892 he was promoted to engineer, since which time he has been engaged in the freight service, running between Chicago and Galion. He is an engineer of high class and has demonstrated his ability on many occasions, receiving high approval from the officials.
He was married March 21, 1883, to Miss Rozella Sine, daughter of Jacob Sine, a farmer of Whitely County. Indiana. They have one child, William, a bright young man of 15, who is now attending high school. Mr. Grayless is a member of William Hugo Lodge, No. 166, B. of L. F., and is a subordinate officer of the same. He has a pleasant home at 74 Wilkerson Street, and enjoys the respect of all who know him.
Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.
F.W. Greyless
Suspended 10 days from January 6th for running through switch in Marion Yard on the morning of Dec. 26th with a light engine. Carelessness.
SOURCE: P. 191, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.