Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - George Brinton McClelland Sewell

Born Gilmore, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1864. Entered service as brakeman, April 25th, 1887, age 23. Was promoted to conductor, August 22, 1888, age 24 years. Was discharged Jan. 20 but reinstated again Jan. 24th, 1889 on promise of better service. Was charged $14.20 for hauling CM&StP car 31372 to Huntington and back to Hammond, account the car should have been left at Hammond as billed. On Feb 7, 1890, was assessed for damage to Pullman car, "Jupiter" at Huntington, Jan. 25th. Report A107.

Assessed $4.50 for running a journal further than he should while it was hot resulting in spoiling journal. Centured for this carelessness in addition to fine and notified a like occurrence would result in indefinite suspension. Suspended 10 days from July 31st for not making proper reply to engineer Byer of No. 91 at Levings switch, July 18th to query as to what train they were, a legitimate question. Sewell replied, "Go to Hell." Suspended 7 days from March 27th for quarreling with Company's boilermaker George Barter at Hammond, March 11th, 1893.

Burned a journal off NYLE&W 21683 at North Judson on 1st 82, Feb 20th, 1894. Reprimanded March 4th, 1894 for not replying to telegram from Superintendent, and not making reports by wire of delays to his train and delays he caused other trains, viz No. 5 at Kouts, Feb. 28th, and 12 at Hoovers, March 3rd, 1894.

Suspended 7 days from April 21st for taking CP car 36924 (silk for New York) from 51st St. in 2nd 14, April 10th, 1894, without a bill. Suspended 30 days for signing for and delivering orders to his engineer on 1st 81 of Feb. 10th, 1895 at HD Tower, and failed to give him a Form 19 order calling attention to a broken rail 1/4 mile west of Lake 16. He failed to have his train under control approaching that point and engine and 5 cars were derailed, blocking main track 12 hours.

Promoted Feb. 12th, 1905 to extra passenger conductor.

SOURCE: P. 95, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

From the Wednesday, March 14, 1917 issue of the Rochester News:
G.B.M. Sewell, aged about 50, who married Margaret Darr, daughter of Reuben Darr a number of years ago, committed suicide Wednesday morning at Huntington by drinking carbolic acid. He was a conductor on the Erie railroad, and it is said that he took his life as the result of losing his job. Mr. Sewell and his first wife, Miss Darr, were divorced.

[Rochester News-Sentinel transcriptions found in FULTON COUNTY INDIANA OBITUARIES, by Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, available online through the Fulton County Library, Rochester, IN]

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