Age 24 years, single. Residence North Judson, Ind. Father's name John Brown. No previous experience. Enters C&E Service Dec. 23, 1891 as brakeman, Western Division.
Responsible for wreck at Leiters Oct. 21st, 1892. Discharged Oct. 31st, 1892. He wired his resignation from North Judson Oct. 22nd, 1893 (sic).
Reemployed as freight brakeman, August 5th, 1894 by order of Supt. Coe. See letter file 3988 dated Dec. 26th, 1894.
Gave Conductor Crist back talk Oct. 9th, 1895 because Crist insisted on his getting on top of train at all stops and pulling through larger stations. Discharged June 16th for violation of Rule 202 at North Judson, May 30th, 1896.