Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - G.H.G. Moak

Age 27 years, married, residence Huntington, Ind. Formerly with D&HC Co. for 5 years as brakeman, recommended by Conductor Moore. Enters C&E service as brakeman, Western District, Nov. 24th, 1891.

Reprimanded for rough handling of CCC&StL 66618 at West Point, June 25th, 1892. Suspended 7 days from March 17th for damage to switch at Hammond, Feb. 25th, 1893. Suspended 5 days for damage to NYPANO 4075 at North Judson, Dec. 31st, 1894.

Suspended 7 days from April 26 for cornering engine 561 at Hammond, when setting off cars on 2nd 83, April 2nd, 1896. Should have noticed that tank did not clear. Suspended 7 days from Sept. 24th for failing to keep close watch on markers on 82, Sept. 17th, 1896. Train parted at State Ditch, he did not know it until they stopped at Wilders.

Jan. 15, 1901, promoted to freight conductor.

NOTE: this entire entry was crossed out and overwritten with: "Cancelled by (Erie Railroad General Manager) J.C. Stuart's letter of 04/01/1904, File 4820."

SOURCE: P. 144, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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