Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - G.L. Wilcox

Entered service as brakeman Sept. 29th, 1883. Promoted to freight conductor Dec. 24th, 1883. Married. Promoted to passenger conductor August, 1886. Age 37, 03/13/1889.

Suspended ten days Feb. 12th for accepting 1888 trip passes in 1889. Suspended five days Aug. 24th, 1889 for taking up trip passes without having passenger sign them on back as required by rules. Suspended 1 round trip Dec. 24th, 1893 for failure to cancel three passenger coupons sent in with ticket collections. Suspended two days Jan. 8th, 1895 for losing a Parmalee Transfer check.

Reprimanded for failure to punch duplex check "half" on duplex receipt sent in for half fare collected Aug. 8th, 1895. Suspended seven days from Aug. 5th for honoring an expired pass on No. 12, May 25th, 1896. (Suspended 10 days and) assessed $2.29 for accepting editorial mileage coupons 894 to 972 both due from book 783 which expired 12-31-96, for a passage from Bass Lake to Chicago on No. 1 March 7th, 1897. The ten days suspension in above erased from record by order of Gen. Supt., Aug. 28th, 1897. Severely reprimanded in Supt's Office, Chicago, Sept. 9th for losing his mileage exchange checks on No. 12 Aug. 5th, 1897. Resigned Oct. 29th, 1897.

Reinstated in passenger service on trains 9 & 10 or 13 & 14 with the distinct understanding that he is forever de-barred from service on through passenger trains, no time allowance to be made for the time lost between the dates of his resignation and reinstatement. The above agreement ratified by Div. 120 of the ORC (Order of Railway Conductors) in a letter signed by committeemmen Sewell and Burgess. 34531 or 27997 Supts. Office, Lima Division, and File 9305, Supts. Office, Chicago Division.

SOURCE: P. 43, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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