Suspended 10 days from April 20th for backing by train into other cars at Markle, March 22nd, breaking 5 draw bars and draft timbers. Used poor judgement and carelessness. Conductor J.N. Creamer and whole crew suspended for being implicated in this accident.
SOURCE: P. 197, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.
From the June, 1911 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine (Chicago & Erie news):
G.T. Menish, lately among the ranks of passenger engineers, whose career with the Erie is long and honorable, has for the third or fourth time been promoted to official position. Mr. Menish formerly held the office of travelling engineer, later that of terminal trainmaster, both of which places he relinquished to reenter road service. His latest elevation comes in recognition of his fitness for official work, and confers upon him the newly created title of supervisor of locomotive operations. Mr. Menish is a genial, hard working man, zealous for the work in his charge, and stands high in the estimation of C&E employees in general.
From the July, 1912 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Obituary: George T. Menish.
It is with much regret that the death is recorded of George T. Menish, who stood high in the Motive Power Department of the Erie Railroad.
Mr. Menish passed away at his home in Huntington, Ind., after a lingering illness. Deceased had filled, with credit to himself and satisfaction to the Erie Railroad, the positions of trainmaster at the Chicago Terminal, road foreman of engines and supervisor of locomotive operation. It was while filling the latter position that his health failed, and he had to give up work.
Mr. Menish studied law earlier in life, and was admitted to the bar in 1896 at Winimac, Ind., and later at Huntington, quitting the law to join the Erie forces. He was a 32d degree Mason and Shriner, a member of the Eastern Star, Rebekahs and the Maccabees; also the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Traveling Engineers' Association, and a prominent member of the Central Christian Church. Deceased leaves a widow and several children.