From the August, 1914 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine
Captain Geo. W. Moore, Master of the steamer "Owego," hails from a family of mariners; his grandfather was owner and master of the Schooner "Lucy Orchard," one of the largest sailing vessels doing business in the fifties. His father was a master of a steamer at the age of 21. Captain Moore's home was on the banks of the St Clair River, where he enjoyed his first sailing experience, in a sail boat built by himself and which he converted into an ice boat in Winter. At the age of fifteen he began his marine career as a fireman on a tug boat on the St. Clair River. At seventeen he was a wheelsman and continued in general Lake service on freighters carrying grain, ore and coal, plying between Chicago, Duluth and Ogdensburg and Buffalo. His first command was the Steamer "Robert R. Rhodes" followed by the "Neshota" and "Minneapolis."
His first service with the Erie Railroad Lake Line, began in 1904, when he was appointed Master of the "Owego," and has handled this fine ship to date, to the satisfaction of the company.
From the October, 1917 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine
Captain George W. Moore, formerly master of the steamship "Owego," when it was owned by the Erie, is now captain of the "Alpena," a large self-unloader owned by the Michigan Alkali Company of Detroit. Capt. Moore is one of the most skillful navigators on the Great Lakes.