Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - G.W. Shroyer

Born Delaware County, IN 12/22/1859. Age 32, married, 3 children. Residence at Huntington, IN. Had six months experience as brakeman on the PFW&C, but employed on company's coal dock at Huntington since Aug. 25th, 1890. Transferred to transportation department and enters service as freight brakeman Nov. 15th, 1893, discharged to reduce force Jan. 18th, 1894. Reemployed July 20th, 1894.

Taken off caboose and put back on extra list Sept. 1st, 1894 on complaint of conductor that his services were unsatisfactory. Suspended 7 days from Dec. 3 for misplacing a switch in 51st Street Yard Oct. 17th, 1895. Resulted in switch being run through.

March 2, 1903, promoted to freight conductor.

SOURCE: P. 122, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

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