Employed as brakeman July 13, 1887. Promoted to conductor Sept. 16, 1887. Age 34, 3/13/1889.
Suspended for 10 days Jan. 22nd, 1888 for failing to report engine off the track in 51st Street Yard (Chicago), Jan. 9. Suspended for 15 days Feb. 26th for burning of journal Feb. 20th, 1889.
Suspended 10 days Sept. 4th, 1889 for giving signals to engineer before switches were in right position, causing engine and car to be derailed at 55th Street on Aug. 24th, 1889.
Suspended 10 days for burning journal E.D. car 43220 Nov. 15th, 1889. Accident report No. 561.
Suspended for 10 days on account of having switches wrong at Hammond after setting out some cars, Dec. 15th, 1889.
Discharged Aug. 28th for failing to protect his train at Laketon Aug. 16, resulting in a serious rear end collision. Reinstated in service as conductor Sept. 24th, 1891 by change of decision of Supt. Mozier and Gen. Supt. J.L. Moorhead.
Suspended for two weeks for not protecting his train taking South siding at Rochester July 8th, 1892 (was struck by 2nd 90). Suspended 10 days for passing Aldine on No. 31, June 7th and Midway on No. 32, June 8th, 1893, eight minutes ahead of time.
Suspended 5 days for not reporting damages to a switch at Monterey on 32, Oct. 8, 1895. Suspension in effect 10/23, notified 10/22, expires 10/28, 1895. Suspended 10 days for allowing one man to set out a car at Akron on 32, June 30th, 1897 with 18 cars to handle. In backing up to couple on to rear end, 12 cars broke off and collided with rear end causing serious damage.
On June 30, 1903, promoted to Extra Passenger Conductor.