Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - Isaac Newton Robey

Born at Mt. Victory, Ohio, 1860. Entered service as brakeman, Nov. 9, 1883. Promoted to freight conductor Oct. 17, 1884. Age 29 years, 03/13/1889, married.

Suspended for on week from Jan. 3, 1889 for stating positively he had unloaded a box of groceries at Monterey when box was in car and was taken through to Chicago. Suspended for 15 days for damaging a car at Levings Switch, Feb. 24th, 1890. Report a232, March 5th. Promoted to a regular run in passenger service, June 7th, 1894.

SOURCE: P. 93, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

Newt Robey was involved in a grade crossing accident that killed three persons in 1933. Click here for more information.

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