Entered service as brakeman, Sept. 15, 1882. Promoted to freight conductor, Dec. 10th, 1883.
Garnished Feb. 18, 1889 by La Grange Severence. Resigned March 28th, 1889 (?) of service given. He reenterd service as brakeman April 26th, 1890. Suspended 20 days from Feb. 22 for not flagging No. 14 just west of Huntington Yard, Feb. 17th, 1892.
Promoted to conductor Aug. 18th, 1890. Suspended 20 days from Oct. 17th for allowing his rain, 2nd 94 of oct. 13th, 1893 to collide with a Monon freight on Wilders crossing. Discharged for want of loyalty during the ARU strike. In effect July 31st, 1894.
(Some additional shorthand figures were on the bottom of the page)