Age 34 years, married, residence Rowe City, Ind. Entered C&E service as brakeman, Sept. 14, 1890, formerly with NP Railroad and Wabash Railway, letter, 1 year under C.A. Trauwell.
Promoted to conductor Sept. 13, 1891. Suspended 7 days from April 16, 1892 for damage to cars at DeLong, April 15th. Running switch, reckless. Granted leave of absence for 30 days from May 22, 1892. Reprimanded Aug. 16th for not taking a car from Palmer on order of Supt., Aug. 8th, 1892. Suspended 10 days from Sept. 7th for running by flag between Akron and Levings on No. 82, Aug. 14th, 1892. Suspended 5 days for setting off a car of green hides at North Judson on 1st 84, Nov. 4th, 1893 to lighten train, when he could have set out dead freight or empties.
Severely reprimanded for refusing to accept a message to Conductor Mace to pick up a car of perishible freight at Rochester on 1st 86, April 13th, 1894. Conductor had been to the office to get his orders and being told there would be nothing more for him, returned to caboose. Intending to pull out on arrival of No. 13, when order came to take the car, Moore refused to take it or to notify the conductor, which delayed train 18 minutes. He was told if he ever again showed the same disposition he would be dismissed.
Reprimanded Aug. 16th for not taking his train in time approaching Servia where they had to head in for No. 8, Aug. 13th, 1894. Train ran by east switch, causing a delay of 8 minutes to No. 8. Suspended 7 days from March 11 for laying off after he was called at Huntington, March 10th, 1895. Said he had been called for a light when circumstances arose requiring him to take a train. Suspended 5 days from Sept. 29 for not having enough brakes out on rear of No. 84 of Sept. 23rd, 1895. When pulling in Huntington Yard, train parted and collided. Suspended 10 days for refusing to take eastbound loads from Griffith on 2nd 82, December 23rd, 1895 on an order over Supt's signature to take cars and get bills at Crown Point. Was not in accounting a case of refusing to obey orders, but he wanted to split hairs on a technicality.
Dismissed March 25th, 1896 for refusing to comply with an order over the Supt's signature to back and pull in siding at Bippus on 2nd 84, March 15th, 1896.