Entered service Dec. 6th, 1889 as brakeman, age 30 years, unmarried. Assessed for damage to Pullman car "Jupiter" at Huntington Jan 25th, Report A107. Assessed $1.50 for damage done to cars at Marshland June 6th. Carelessness.
On May 12th, 1894, Conductor Sexton asked me to take Dolan off his car on account of being too lazy for the local. On August 27th, 1894, Conductor (illegible) requested that he be given a man with some ambition in place of Dolan. Suspended 7 days from Jan. 19 for failure to close derail at Crown Point before setting off cars on No. 84, Jan. 13th, 1897. Backed through derail. Suspended 5 days from Sept. 30th for failure to couple on a car delivered to Vandalia at DeLong on 87, Sept. 8th, 1897.
Promoted to extra freight conductor Jan. 29, 1899.
On Feb. 24th, 1899, on Extra 695 West, had orders that No. 13 would run a hour 10 minutes late. Took siding at North Judson and reported into clear. Afterwards came out on main track to do switching on time of train 13 without authority, No. 13 having a white block at JO Tower.