Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - J.J. Masterson

(Page 51) - Age 21, single, resides at Marion, Ohio. Enters service as passenger brakeman Oct. 6th, 1892. Had previously been employed as switchman in Marion yard since May, 1890 under direction of Supt. Allen.
Dismissed from the service Aug. 4th, 1894 due to unsatisfactory conduct during the ARU strike of June 26th, 1894.
(Page 63) - Yard conductor. Suspended 10 days for leaving switch open at Marion Yard March 30th resulting in the running of engine 78 through it, damaging track to the amount of $9.60. Given a job braking on passenger trains Oct. 1st, 1892. Suspended 30 days from June 25th, 1894 for leaving main track switch open at Spencerville. Dismissed from the service Aug. 4th, 1894 for unsatisfactory conduct during the Debs Rebellion.
SOURCE: Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.
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