JAMES M. HALE, Huntington, Indiana.
James M. Hale, son of Thomas A. Hale, a pioneer farmer of Wabash County, Indiana, was born in the town of La Fountain, that state, on May 3, 1862. After receiving a common school education he worked on his father's farm some years, beginning his railroad career in the fall of 1883 on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway as a brakeman. He remained but a short time, going into business for himself as a stock shipper and horse dealer. In the fall of 1886 he returned to railway work, securing a position as fireman on the Chicago & Atlantic, and after three years of service was promoted to engineer, since which time he has run an engine in the freight service.
Mr. Hale was married on December 14, 1897, to Miss Lizzie L. McFaren, daughter of Lee McFaren, a prominent lumber dealer of Huntington County, Indiana. Mr. Hale owns some fine property in Huntington and is one of the city's most respected citizens, being a member of Amity Lodge No. 483, F. & A. M.; the Chapter, Council, Commandery, and was Senior Warden one term. He is also a member of the B. of L. E., and has held a subordinate office for two terms.
Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.