Age 37, married, 3 children. Formerly employed 16 years as brakeman and conductor, LS&MS. Recommended by Supt. T.F. Whittlesey and G.A. Coe. Enters the service of the C&E as brakeman, Western Division, Oct. 26th, 1895. Residence Elkhart, Ind. In case of injury, notify wife at #120 Middleburry Street.
Suspended 10 days from June 28th for making a running switch at Rochester on No. 31, June 14, 1897 which resulted in an accident. Reprimanded for getting one pair of tank wheels of engine 173 off the switch at Rochester, Feb. 20th.
Resigned Feb. 27th, 1900 to go to work for the Wabash on account of no chance for promotion on the C&E.