Age 26, resides at Huntington. Enters the service of the C&E as brakeman, Feb. 5th, 1890.
Suspended 10 days, from July 26th, 1890, for damage to cars at Akron pit. Promoted to freight conductor Dec. 26th, 1890. Reprimanded for not filling out to a full train at Hammond on 2nd 83, Jan. 7th, 1894.
Suspended 5 days from May 5th for hauling ED car 42138 from Huntington to Chicago in 1st 83, May 3rd, 1894, without a bill, was a loaded car.
Discharged for addressing a meeting of brakeman at Huntington July 2nd, 1894 as follows:
"We should turn the charter of lodge No. 55, B of RT, to the wall and join the ARU in a body. Go out and win this strike."
Amended by Gen. Supt to read discharged for disloyalty during ARU strike.