Age 22 years, single, residence Marion, Ohio. Brother of engineer J.J. Creamer. Recommended by Conductors Burgess and Darmody. Never did any railroad work previously. Entered C&E service Oct. 24th, 1891 as extra passenger brakeman. Promoted to a regular run as passenger brakeman August 26, 1892.
From the March, 1936 Issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Michael Cramer, 65, passenger brakeman of 44 years service, died at his home, 490 Mary Street, Marion, Feb. 9, 1936. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Florence Cramer, three sons: Delmar, of Wallace St., Harry, at home, and Ralph, of N. State Street; and a daugther, Mrs. J.A. Haubert of Bellefontaine, OH.