Age 35, residence Chicago. In case of injury, notify mother, Mrs. Ada De Malfried, Racine, WI. Formerly with the PFW&C 14 years and six months.
Enters service as brakeman, Nov. 23rd, 1891.
Granted thirty days leave of absence 08/11/1893 and failed to return at the expiration thereof. Some time during Oct., 1893, received a postal from him saying he had been sick, and Dec. 2nd, 1893 a letter saying he was still confined to his room, but hoped to be able to resume work in a short time. He was then informed that he would have to produce evidence in writing that he had not been able to work since Oct. 10th, 1893. Received another letter from him from Chicago (his home) dated Feb. 8th, wherein he expressed a willingness to make affadavit to the fact that he had not worked one day nor been able to work from Oct. 10th up to the time of this letter, and accompanied same with a certificate from Dr. P. Dougherty of 401 Garfield Boulevard, that he had prescribed for De Maulfried. Also a statement from F. Werkmeister, whose house De Maulfried occupies, who says he had seen De Maulfried every day since he laid off and to his positive knowledge there has not been a single day when he was able for duty. The above all referred to Supt. Coe who in a written communication dated Feb. 21, 1894 ordered De Maulfried put to work with all his rights previous to leave of absence.
Suspended 7 days for damage done switch at Hammond on No. 30 of Sept. 14, 1894. In effect Sept. 24, notified 23, expires Oct. 1, 1894.
Transferred to Hammond yard, March 24th, 1895. Dismissed from the service Oct. 28, 1897 for assigning his wages, second offense, violation of Rule 202 and note paying his debts.