Employed as freight brakeman August 27, 1894. Formerly with PRR under Trainmaster G.H. Fulton, Pittsburgh, PA. Age 23, single, in case of injury notify John Brobst, father, Watsontown, Northumberland Co., PA.
Suspended 7 days for misplacing a switch at Bolivar, Sept. 27th, 1894. Could not be found by caller at Huntington, Jan. 13th, 1897 and suspended five days from Jan. 16th.
June 15, 1902, assigned the position of extra passenger brakeman. On Sept. 25, 1902, promoted to passenger brakeman. On March 22, 1903, surrendered all rights in passenger service voluntarily and resumed work in freight service.
April 9, 1904, promoted to freight conductor.