Age 28 years, married, residence Butler, Ind., will move to Huntington. Formerly with IWLK&C Ry. as switchman, has good letter from Supt. Pratt, also recommended by Conductor Moak. Enters service of the C&E as brakeman, Sept. 30, 1891.
January 18th, 1899, on 2nd 85, engine 700 shoved 3 cars off end of track 19 in Hammond Yard about 5:30 a.m. while setting cars in on same track. Should have gone down track 19 to see that there was sufficient room to shove the 7 cars in on that rack instead of assuming that there was room and acting accordingly. Damage $17.35.
Jan. 3rd, 1901, promoted to extra conductor. Sept. 15, 1902, dismissed for not properly protecting his train, causing accident Aug. 17th, 1902. File 8624.