Born in Canada, Oct. 1st, 1871. Age 21, single, residence Huntington. Edward Conarty, father, residence Whitby, Ont. Entered service of C&E as brakeman (upon recommendation of his brother, E. Conarty, conductor), March 21, 1891.
Suspended 7 days for failure to come when called for 1st 83, Sept. 11, 1894 - delayed train. In effect Sept. 12, notified Sept. 12, expires Sept. 19.
Promoted to freight conductor Oct. 10, 1899.
From the April, 1931 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine (Hammond News):
Friends of Conductor Walter Conarty will be glad to know that he is back on the job after a long illness.
From the June, 1939 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Marion Division Pasenger Conductor Walter Conarty of Huntington was retired April 30 (1939) under the federal Railroad Retirement statute at age 66 after 48 years, 1 month of service. He began March 21, 1891.