Chicago & Erie Railroad Personnel File Abstract - William Tell Drake

Born Nov. 28, 1860, Marion, OH. Entered service Oct. 1st, 1886 as brakeman. Promoted to freight conductor Dec. 6th, 1886. Married. Age 28 years as of March 14th, 1889.

Suspended 5 days Sept. 2nd, 1890 for getting engine off track at Leiters Aug. 28th. Did not approach the switch careful enough. Brakeman undertook to throw it in front of engine, got switch part way over and forward truck of engine went on ground.

Suspended 7 days from Oct. 8th for not making ticket reports promptly to auditor and for pulling up main track against 2nd 8 at Clear Creek on 2nd 5, Oct. 7th, 1893. Ruled off pass. train Oct. 29th for leaving 21 sleeping car passengers at Englewood on 1st 8, Oct. 27th, 1893. Ruled off pass. train until Dec. 1st, 1893 only.

Feb. 14th, 1904, Conductor of #3 - honored ticket X1057 - #533 of Brt. x Penna. issue Mansfield to Lima, from Marion to Lima. Notified by JHK 5/10. file 8042.

SOURCE: P. 73, Chicago & Erie Railroad Employment Summary Book, ledger book covering @ 1880-1905. Donated to this site courtesy of Nick Pappas. Transcription by Jim Sponholz (c) 2007.

From the August, 1931 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
W.T. Drake, 71, second oldest passenger conductor on the Erie's Marion Division, and father-in-law of A.W. Baker, trainmaster at Buffalo, died June 9th (1931) at Hammond, Ind. He had been in service 46 years and for 28 years was conductor between Marion and Chicago. He was a member of the Erie Veterans association. Mr. Drake was buried from the Masonic Temple, Huntington. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Elizabeth Stack of a pioneer family of Huntington; one son, William H. Drake of East Chicago, Ind.; and three daughters, Mrs. C.B. DuVal and Mrs. P.C. Havill of Chicago and Mrs. A.W. Baker of Buffalo.

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