Born Oct. 4, 1860, Haslom Center, Ohio. Age 23 years, single. Brother Harry L. Schobey, Columbus, Ohio, nearest relative. Formerly with CS&H Railway. Good letter from H.A. Pond, Superintendent. Entered C&E service as brakeman, Sept. 6th, 1891.
Suspended 10 days for letting engine 312 off end of stub switch at Leiters, March 15th, 1892. Suspended 5 days on account of could not be found for his run, July 18th, 1892. Promoted to freight conductor Feb. 20th, 1900.
Assigned to position of extra passenger brakeman, June 15, 1902. On Oct. 1, 1902 surrendered his passenger rights. On June 16, 1903, assigned to service as extra passenger brakeman. On June 23, 1905, gave up passenger rights and returned to freight service.