Age 28, residence Butler, Ind. Father M. Kacy, Wabash, Ind. Formerly with Wabash as Conductor. Recommended by C.A. Timewell, Trainmaster. Enters service of the C&E as brakeman, Dec. 25, 1890.
Promoted to conductor, Sept. 6, 1891. Reprimanded for derailment at North Judson, Sept. 25th, 1892. Suspended 7 days from Feb. 13 for leaving crossover switch open at North Judson. Same run through and damaged. Suspended 5 days for damage to NYP&O 40759 at North Judson, Dec. 31st, 1894. Reprimanded Mar. 19th for getting in the way of 87 unexpectedly at North Judson on Mar. 4th, 1895 and his engine (203) was struck by No. 87 near JO Tower, causing light damage. Suspended 20 days from Jan. 17 for allowing his train (No. 86) to strike double header engines 173 and 225 near yard office at Huntington on Jan. 16, 1896.