Age 22, single. Residence North Judson, Ind.. In case of injury notify mother, Mrs. Susan Ford of North Judson. No previous experience. Furnished book of rules, time card and air brake book May 2nd and given ten days to learn the work and road. His attention called particularly to Rules 202 to 208 both inclusive, also 228. Enters the service as brakeman, May 12th, 1898.
Discharged to reduce the force, July 1st, 1898. Reemployed as extra brakeman Nov. 3rd, 1898. Granted leave of absence for 30 days April 13th, 1900. Above leave extended to June 17th, 1900. Discharged Dec. 27th, 1900 for insubordination. Refused to help coal an engine. Reinstated March 14th, 1901, account of previous good record and as a matter of clemency. The General Committee of the B of RT acknowledging him guilty of insubordination. Resigned on Dec. 31st, 1901.