Footnotes to Erie Railroad Magazine Employee Master Index
Erie Magazine Employee Master Index
Footnotes and Abbreviations
Issue: Date of issue given in YYYY-MM format
Resigned Employees - In some cases, it was not stated whether the employee resigned from the company or just the position. In many cases, employees listed as resigned returned to the payroll at some later date, or actually transferred to a different position without any lapse in service.
Years of Svc (service) - where given, this may be only the years spent in the current or last occupation, not total years of service (the magazine often lacks specificity on this point).
ACL - Atlantic Coast Line RR
Advisory Mech. Committee - Advisory Mechanical Committee, Cleveland, formed in the 1930s to pool engineering and design talent on roads controlled by the Van Swerigen brothers (Erie, C&O, Nickel Plate and Pere Marquette).
ADD - Akron Daily Democrat and related newspapers
ALCO - American Locomotive Works, Schenectady, NY
ATSF - Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway
A&GW - Atlantic & Great Western
AYB - Athletic Year Book, published for the Erie system in 1915 and other years
B&H - Bath & Hammondsport Railroad
B&O - Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
B&SR - Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad
B&SW - Buffalo & South Western
BE - Bradford Era newspaper
BOL - "Between the Ocean and the Lakes: The Story of Erie," 1907, by Edward Harold Mott, available online at Google Book
BR&P - Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad
BALDWIN - Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, PA
BARE - Originally, Brotherhood of All Railway Workers or Brotherhood of All Railway Employees, active on Erie beginning around 1915; changed to Benefit Association of Railway Employees in 1917; headquartered in Chicago. Evolved into Trustmark Companies.
BLW - Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, PA
B of LE or BLE - Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and their publication, the Locomotive Engineers' Monthly Journal
B of LF/B of LF&E - Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen/Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Engineers, publication "Locomotive Firemen's Magazine"
B of RC - Brotherhood of Railroad Clerks
BOL - Bill-of-Lading
Brooks - Brooks Locomotive Works, Dunkirk, NY (ALCO)
BRT - Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, publication "Railroad Trainmen's Journal"
Chicago Division - Formed Oct. 1, 1915 from the Chicago & Erie Division: Griffith, IN to Chicago
Chicago Region - Chicago & Erie RR and branches, Chicago to Marion; headquarters in Chicago, IL. Formed March 1, 1920 following return of control from federal to private hands.
C&A - Chicago & Atlantic: Became Chicago & Erie
C&E - Chicago & Erie Railroad, later C&E Division; Split into Chicago Division and Marion Division on Oct. 1, 1915. On train orders, "C&E" abbreviation refers to "Conductor and Engineer".
C&PP - Corning & Painted Post Street Railway
CCC&SL - Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis RR (Big Four)
Cincinnati Division - Marion Terminal and Dayton to Marion; Combined into Kent Division Oct. 1, 1915; regained original title and endpoints on April 1, 1920, following regional restructuring.
CM&SP - Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway (Milwaukee Road)
Cooke - Cooke Locomotive and Machine Works, Paterson, NJ
CRI&P - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad (Rock Island)
Croxton, NJ - Station known as Bergen Junction prior to 1912
CUT - Cleveland Union Terminal, opened April 24, 1949
C&WI - Chicago & Western Indiana - Erie's route into Chicago Dearborn Station
D Cert - Death certificate issued by local government body. Many are available online at
DEO - Dunkirk, NY Evening Observer newspaper
DT&I - Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad
DL&W - Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad; merged with Erie to form the Erie Lackawanna Railroad in 1960
E&J - Erie & Jersey Railroad
EC&W RY - Elmira, Corning & Waverly Railway
EMBA - Erie Employees' Mutual Benefit Association
Erie Lake Line - Erie's Great Lakes shipping line; divested by ICC order in 1915-1916.
Erie Veterans, or Erie Vets - Employee organization formed in January, 1926 for employees with at least 20 years of service (may have been reduced to 15 years seniority in the 1950s). Had local chapters and annual meetings and outings.
ESG - Elmira Star Gazette
F-M - Fairbanks Morse (locomotive builder), Beloit, WI
FWN - Fort Wayne News
GF - General Foreman
GN RR - Great Northern Railroad
GYM - General Yardmaster
H&KL - Hammondsport & Keuka Lake - Lake steamer line
HH - Hancock, NY Herald newspaper
HHN - Huntington Herald Newspaper (and related titles)
HT - Hammond, IN Times newspaper
HWT - Hornellsville Weekly Times, Hornell Evening Tribune Times, Hornell Evening Tribune newspaper
Hornell Region - Susquehanna to Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk and Salamanca, and branches; headquarters in Hornell, NY. Formed March 1, 1920 following return of control from federal to private hands.
ICRR - Illinois Central Railroad
IHB RR - Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad
JC - Jersey City, NJ
JW&NW - Jamestown, Westfield and Northwestern Railroad (New York)
Kent Division - Formed on Oct. 1, 1915 from Cincinnati Division: First District Kent to Marion; Second District Marion to Dayton
L&D - Loss & Damage
LCL - Less-Than-Carload, freight that doesn't fill an entire car and is physically offloaded by train crew at its destination.
LDN - Lima Daily News, Lima Times Democrat and Lima News newspapers
Lines West - (Oct. 1, 1915) All lines west of Salamanca, NY
LIRR - Long Island Railroad
LOA - Leave of Absence
LS&MS - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad
LV RR - Lehigh Valley Railroad
Mahoning Division - 1st Sub-Division Cleveland to Pymatuning; 2nd Sub Meadville to Kent; Oil City, Ferrona, Canal and Lisbon branches
Marion Division - Formed from the Chicago & Erie Division on Oct. 1, 1915: 1st District, Marion to Huntington; 2nd District, Huntington to Griffith, IN
MCB - Master Car Builder
MDA - Middletown Daily Argus newspaper (See also MTP, MDP and MDT)
MDP - Middletown Daily Press newspaper
MDS - Marion Daily Star newspaper (See also MS and MWS)
MDT - Middletown, NY Daily Times newspaper
Meadville Division - As of Oct. 1, 1915: First District, Salamanca to Meadville; Second District, Meadville to Kent
Meadville Machinery Co. - Formed and staffed by Erie employees during the shop outsourcing movement of the 1920s
MER - Meadville Evening Republican newspaper
MM - Master Mechanic
MN - Mansfield, Ohio News newspaper
MOP - Miscellaneous Online Papers - many newspapers online that host archival obituaries, available by searching on the individual's name at or
MoPac - Missouri Pacific Railroad
MOW - Maintenance of Way (Track & Roadbed Maintenance)
MS - Marion Star
MTP - Middletown Times Press newspaper
New York Region - Jersey City to Susquehanna, and branches; headquarters in Jersey City, NJ. Formed March 1, 1920 following return of control from federal to private hands.
MWS - Marion Weekly Star
NOR RR of NJ - Northern Railroad of New Jersey
NPRR - Northern Pacific Railroad
NRHS - National Railway Historical Society "Bulletin"
NYC RR- New York Central Railroad
NYLE&W - New York, Lake Erie & Western - Erie's title from 1875 to 1893
NYNH&H - New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
NYO&W - New York, Ontario & Western Railroad
NYPANO - New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad
NYSR - New York State Reporter, Vol 137, Containing the Decisions of the Supreme and Lower Courts of Record of New York State. Permanent Edition. April 8 — May 27, 1907. Available on Google Book Search.
NYS&W - New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad (Erie subsidiary until 1940)
NYTSAB - New York Terminal Station Accounting Bureau
OD - Olean Democrat newspaper
Ohio Region - Salamanca to Cleveland and Cincinnati, and branches; headquarters in Youngstown, OH. Formed March 1, 1920 following return of control from federal to private hands.
ORC - Order of Railway Conductors
ORS - Order of the Red Spot - awarded to crews with well-maintained engines
ORT - Order of Railway Telegraphers, and their periodical The Railroad Telegrapher
OS&D - Overage, Shortage & Damage
PFI - Perishible Fruit Inspector
P&LE RR - Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad
PJ - Port Jervis, NY
PJEG - Port Jervis Evening Gazette newspaper
PRR - Pennsylvania Railroad
R&D - Receiving & Delivering, as in R&D Clerk
RA - Railway Age Magazine, available online via Google Books
RE - Railway Engineering Magazine, available online via Google Books
RFE - Road Foreman of Engines
RMS - Railway Mail Service
RNS - Rochester (IN) News-Sentinel newspaper, online through Fulton County Library
SRP - Salamanca Republican Press newspaper
Steamtown - Steamtown National Historic Site Archive Collection.
Stem Winder - Term applied to a locomotive with a drive shaft extending down one side of the engine connected to the driving wheels.
Stripes - Gold service stripes worn by conductors: 1 stripe=5yrs in passenger service
TM - Trainmaster
T&OC - Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad
Undercliff, NJ - Freight station renamed to Edgewater 09/25/1926
UP RR - Union Pacific Railroad
USRA - United States Railway Administration - formed to take over control of the railroads during WWI; Federal control ended on the Erie on March 1, 1920.
WB&E RR - Wilkes-Barre & Eastern Railroad
W&LE - Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway
WWR - Who's Who in Railroading, Railway Age Publishing, various issues
* - Denotes that the text that the item was transcribed from was blurred or otherwise difficult to read. Best estimate is given.
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