THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [FIFTH SERIES.1 ART. XIX.ÄMinor Faulting in the Cayuga Lake Region; * by E. TATUM LONG. INTRODUCTION. The drought of the summer of 1921 caused many of the creeks in the vicinity of Cayuga Lake to run almost or entirely dry. Advantage of this condition was taken to make a rather detailed study of rock exposed in their beds and on their banks, with a view to adding if possible some information as to the nature of the numerous small faults of the region, and in particular to a very unusual mani- festation of faulting shown on a small scale in Salmon Cr. at Ludlowville, N. Y. (See map, fig. 1.) For some time these faults had caused considerable speculation but weather conditions made field investigation impossible. As it soon became evident that knowledge of the general structure of the region would give little clue to the par- ticular features here exposed, the beds of some thirty odd creeks covering a distance about 20 miles to the north of Ludlowville and 4 miles to the south, were traversed, in addition to the Whole of the east shore of Cayuga Lake, except the lower nine miles. The Lehigh Valley Railway tracks for this same distance and about six continuous miles of the west shore above Taughannock, with a few additional shorter stretches to the north, were also cov- ered on foot so that all details could be closely observed and contact readings made of the dip of the strata. A launch was employed in order that sight readings could be made on both shores, a distance of about 30 miles being cov- ered in this way. These readings proved more accurate and more representative, as several feet instead of inches could in this way be covered by the clinometer of a Brun- * Grateful acknowledgment is herewith given Prof. A. J. Eames and Prof. V. E. Monnett for helpful criticism of the manuscript. AM. JOUR. SCI.ÄFIFTH SERIES, voL. III, No. 16.ÄAPRIL, 1922. 17 231 ton which was used for most readings. An average dip of a little less than 1~ (about 60') was thus established over by far the greater part of the lake shore. The dip being so gentle it is almost impossible to get accurate readings even by sighting with a level clinometer on a telescope, hence the impracticability of contact readings. The presence or absence of cliffs, as well as that of the terraces, in some places so conspicuous, is due to the FIG. 2.-The Tully Limestone between Portland Pt. and Idlewood, east shore of Cayuga Lake. The Tully is here shown capping the Hamilton with the usual southerly dip. Though but 20' thick it forms a conspicuous terrace with a corresponding dip to the south. nature of the formation exposed at a given locality, whether hard or soft. The height of the cliffs and ter- races, sometimes over 100' above the lake-level, is due to the position of the two dominatingly hard layers of the districtÄthe Tully limestone immediately overlying the Hamilton shale, and the Encrinal bed of the Hamilton, somewhat over 100' below. These two resistant layers form waterfalls in all creeks which cross their outcrops, the height of the fall being dependent upon the elevation of the hard ledge. 232 Major Structural Features. The Watkins Glen-Catatonk folio deals with the region south of a point called Esty's Glen which is located about four miles north of Ithaca. To the north of this point little work has been done, but one would expect to find a continuance of the large features as shown, by E. MI. Kindle,1 to exist in the region to the south, including not only south central New York but northern Pennsyl- vania as well. This structure is considered by him to be the northward dying out of the results of the Appa- lachian Mountain making whose trend and characteristics it shares. The sinuous axes of the broad low folds of the Chemuing and Portage of this area are given in a sketch map on page one hundred of the folio, as well as on the Areal Geology sheet. The average trend is slightly N-E to S~MT of a true east-west line and would imply pressure from a direction S.SE resistance being encountered in a N.NW direction. Eastward they swing to a more nearly E-W course. From the south to the north end of Cayuga Lake successively older rock are continuously met, the general dip being to the south, though it is not constantly so. The order of succession is: Portage at Ithaca and to the'north, until the Genesee appears in the bottom of the cliffs about half a mile south of Esty's. Something over a mile to the north of this the Tully emerges from the Lake and though seldom over 20' thick, dominates the cliff face of Cayuga Lake (see fig.2) with but one break at the mouth of Salnion Cr., for a distance of 14 miles to the north after which for three more miles it makes falls heading deep ravines in the Hamilton shale beneath. The steepness and occasional great height of the cliffs of Cayuga Lake are therefore all the more remarkable since they are cut in the soft shale of the Hamilton for over half of the 40 miles of its shore line. The quarry in the Tully limestone at Portland Pt. seems to be located on the crest of the major anticline of the whole Cayuga area at an elevation of 640'. Beds dip away from this point to the south for a short distance at the rate of 6~, but after 14 mile assume the usual dip of about 10. This continues with but slight variation to the south end of the lake. To the north, the beds dip a little 1 Watkins Glen.Catatonk folio 169, U. S. G. S., pp. 98-111. 233 less than 10 northward for about a mile, when they assume approximately a horizontal position for another mile or so, before again dipping to the north at a rather higher angle than before. This is again followed by a horizontal area at Ludlowville. A short distance north- west of the boundary of the accompanying map the dip is reversed and the beds continue a southerly dip to the northern end of the lake, some thirty miles distant. The major fold will here be spoken of as the Portland Point anticline, from the present name of the point, though it was formerly known as Shurger `s Point and is so named on the topographic sheet. Its axis across Cayuga Lake trends nearly 50 south of E-W with a westerly pitch of about 44' per mile, that is, about «~. This westward pitch of The anticline combined with the general southerly dip of the strata serves to give an ever increasing height to the strata in a northeasterly direction. Faults in the Encrinal limestone. Faulting, like the other dynamic movements of the region, is on an unobtrusive scale and would deserve little or no attention were it not for the possibility of throwing some light on the history of the region, indicating some- thing of the nature and direction of the forces applied, and illustrating in nature, even though in miniature, some of the principles involved in rock movement. All of the faults under observation occur in the Hamilton shale. The difference in physical properties between the Encrinal bed of the Hamilton and the vastly greater shaly portion throw the faults therein occurring into two obvious classes, though both are of the "low-angle" type. Those in the Encrinal are conspicuous enough to one on the look- out for them, but undoubtedly there are distributed through the shale countless thousands, the existence of which one will never guess. Vast thicknesses of the shale have no visible bedding planes and even in situ are so broken up into small flat lenses, often less than an inch in either direction, that only by virtue of an offset in some of the numerous joint planes is the presence of a fault detected. But little is therefore known of the movements within the shale, for its tendency to split up into this mnl- titude of lamella~ at once destroys any record which might 234 have been preserved on the fault plane. It is almost impossible to get data for the third dimension and impres- sions are correspondingly vague. Quite the reverse is the case in the Encrinal layer. In the locality of Ludlowville and on the opposite shore, faulting is more frequent than farther north, and the Encrinal bed here consists of nearly two feet of coarsely comminuted crinoid fragments containing well-preserved fossils of good size. It is hard and compact, though FIG. 3.ÄStriated columnal structure due to movement under compression along fault planes in the Enc.rinal layer between Crowbar and Willow Cr., west shore Cayuga Lake. coarsely crystalline, forming ledges or waterfalls as the conditions determine; a typical "competent" bed, in which the faults conform to the laws of shearing under horizontal compression, where the direction of least resistance is both upward and downward into the com- aratively mobile shale. The fault planes dip both to the north and the south at angles varying from 200~30o, and on both sides of the plane show striated columnar structure produced by movement under pressure (see fig. 3). The most numerous collection of these faults is found on the west shore of the lake midway between Crowbar and Willow Cr. and in a second strip of Encrinal 235 north of Willow Cr., the first on the south limb of the anti- dine, the second on the north limb, the dip on both being slightly less than 10. FIG. 4.ÄIntersecting faults in the Encrinal layer between Crowbar and Willow Cr. west shore Cayuga Lake. Notice the change in angle of dip as the faults enter the underlying shale, as well as the wedge-shaped block lifted up by the horizontal pressure. Fig. 4 will bear repetition here as giving, from nature, an example of faulting strikingly similar to the results of one of Daubr‚e `s famous experiments, as shown in fig. 5ù2 The block subjected to direct pressure from both ends was a mixture of plaster, beeswax and resin, made to approach natural conditions as nearly as possible and in which were developed fractures formed at angles of about 450 to the direction of compression. The wedge shape of the fault block produced in the Encrinal, though of such small size as to almost forbid comparison, seems to illustrate a movement similar to that suggested by Mr. R. T. Chamberlin in his article on "The Appalachian Folds of Central Pennsylvania. "~ 2Fig. 5 is a photograph of plate II, fig. 3 accompanying a discussion on p. 316, taken from "Etudes synth‚tiques de g‚ologie expdrimentale, vol. I, by A. Daubree. 3 Chamberlin, R. T., Jour. Geol., vol. 18, No. 3, 1910 (especially pp. 246-259). 236 In the Encrinal bed the dip of the fault plane is 220 to the north and 300 to the south, but as soon as it enters the shale below it swings around and wi~in a couple of feet has assumed a 20~ dip to tIfU~4h instead of 30~ and a 100 dip to the north instead of 22g. At the intersection of the faults some of the rock is broken away, which may give a false impression, but by projecting the fault planes across the intersection it would appear that the plane C D was the older, though older possibly only by the time it takes to make a fault, for it seems to be cut by the plane A B with a slight off&et of not more than 1". The wedge has been raised about three FIG. 5.ÄResults of pressure applied to a block of plaster, wax and resin, in an experiment of A. Daubr‚e. Notice the wedge block so similar to Fig. 4 above. inches and the striated columnar structure indicates movement in a direction about N 15~ E, the strike of the planes being approximately N 750 W. Owing to the posi- tion of this and several nearby faults accurate measure- ments were impossible. A comparison of fig. 4 with fig. 10 in the article on "Low-Angle Faulting" by Mr. R. T. Chamberlin and Mr. W. Z. Miller4 will at once prove interesting and instructive. Here in nature is a striking demonstration of the trustworthiness of their experiments. Of course one of the intersecting faults must be eliminated in one's mind to make the analogy really good. But this little fault goes even farther. Traced back and Chamberlin, R. T., and Miller, W. Z., Jour. Geol., vol. 26, p. 27, 1918. 237 upward into the overhanging vegetation on the south side for a few inches there is evidence that after leaving the hard Encrinal bed below, the fault again lowers its dip in passing into the shale above. This is a very unusual exposure as the shale in other observed cases has been cut from under the hard limestone layer and all trace of faulting obliterated. FIG. 6.ÄOutcrop of Encrinal layer at the beginning of the high dip just south of Portland Pt., east shore of Cayuga Lake. Just opposite Crowbar and 14 mile south of Portland Pt. the Encrinal appears emerging from the lake with a dip rather steeper than usual. This 50 dip to the south cor- responds with the increased dip of the Tully above while approaching the nearby crest of the anticline at Portland Pt., 14 mile north (fig. 6). In it one fault was seen with a dip of 30~ north and striations trending about N 80 E. The position was such as to make an accurate reading of the striated columnar structure impossible. On the north limb of the anticline about one mile north of its crest and just north of the bridge over Salmon Cr. near its mouth at Myers, the Encrinal appears in the west bank some feet above the village street with a dip of 10 N. Joints and what appear to be faults occur, but the cliff is too steep to make this part of the bed accessible. Around the second turn up stream it again appears in the other 238 bank with a cliff facing N 480 B. This is most accessible and where it crosses the bed of the creek gives a contact reading for dip of nearly 20 N. This is undoubtedly too high. Of all observed, here was found the best one for measurements, along with several imperfect ones. Just before the Encrinal layer crosses the creek a fault with a dip of 25~ N is exposed. Only the foot wall remains, thus greatly facilitating the reading of both dip and striated structure. The latter is N 40 B, the only positively accurate reading for the direction of movement as shown by the columnar structure on the fault planes. This read- ing as all others is corrected for a magnetic declination of 8~, according to the U. S. G. S. quadrangle for the area. The following table will give some idea of an average iii the faults: Faults dipping south angle of dip direction of striae 1. 20¡-25¡ S. about N. 6¡ E. 2. 25¡ S. 3. 30¡ S. N. 15¡ E. strike about N. 75¡ w. 4. 5. Faults dipping north angle of dip direction of striae 20¡ N. about N. 6¡ F. 28¡ N. N.8¡ E. 22¡ N. N.15¡ E. strike about N. 75¡ W 25¡ N. N.4¡ E. strike N. 86¡ W. 30¡N. N.8¡E. strike N. 72¡ W. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 occur just north of Crowbar where cliff and shore line = N. 40¡ W. No. 3 is shown in fig. 5. No. 4 is in Salmon Cr.; readings accurate within a fraction of a degree. No. 5 is at Portland Pt. For a discussion of the origin and results of rotational strain, to which type of faulting the above appear to belong, the reader is referred to C. K. Leith's "Struc- tural Geology" and to the above mentioned article on "Low-Angle Faulting." An attempted summary would not do the subject justice, but two points may be empha- sized. It is known that the great forces, which raised thousands of feet of sedimentaries into the Appalachian Mts., were applied in a practically horizontal direction. "The planes of greatest tangential stress should there- fore dip at angles somewhere in the neighborhood of 450 and may plunge downward or upward."5 This angle of 5 Chamberlin, R. T., Appalachian Folds of Central Pa., Jour. Geol., vol. 18, p. 247, 1910. 239 45¡, however, may be modified and greatly reduced by a number of conditions. Two in particular apply to the case in hand. As brought out in the article on Low-Angle Faulting, 1. to lower the angle of the fault plane means, to decrease resistance by friction as produced by normal compressive stress; hence the avenue of least resistance will be taken. 2. "Rotational strain may be developed from horizontal compressive stresses, in heterogeneous material by bedding or similar structure, which present differences in competency. ` `~ Deductions. From the above facts as shown by the faults of the Encrinal layer of the Cayuga Lake region it may be assumed that the forces which produced them worked approximately horizontally and came from a direction between 4¡ and 15¡ west of south. This is a rather sur- prising development in view of the preceding statement that the region belonged to the outskirts of the Appalach- ian province and had shared its history even though in less active form than the mountainous tract. Some inti- mation of the fact might have been discerned in the pro- gressively changing curve of the axes of the anticlines as shown in folio No. 169 page 100 as they turn from a gen- eral SSW-NNB to an easterly direction. So ingrained, however, is the idea that all pressure as applied to the Appalachians must come from the southeast that the warning passed unnoticed. In northwestern central Pennsylvania, as well shown on the U. S. topographic map, there occurs a sharp turn in the trend of the Appalachians, with convexity N-W, swinging them across northern Pennsylvania and south- central New York in a nearly east-west course. This soon again turns and they pass northward through New England in the usual NNE direction. Lines drawn at right angles to the trend of the second curve which occurs in south-eastern New York would converge not far east of Cayuga Lake, which means that this region is practically due north of the east-west segment. The fact that the axis of the Portland Pt. anticline crosses Cayuga Lake 6 Chamberlin, R. T. and Miller, w. Z., Low-Angle Faulting, Jour. Geol., vol. 26, p. 44, 1918. 240 a few degrees NW-SE of a true E-W line is, therefore, in keeping with the other surprising fact of the direction whence came the pressure developing the faults of the Encrinal layer, and in reality is what should be looked for, if truly related to the Appalachian Chain. A dike which gives some collateral evidence. A feature which, on first sight, might in some respects seem at variance with the previously expressed facts, is the presence of a peridotite dike on the crest of the major anticline. It was exposed five or six years ago in the east- ern end of the quarry operated by the Portland Cement Company at the point given its name. Rising from the FIG. 7.-Inclusions of Tuhly limestone in a weathered peridotite (serpentine) dike at Portland Point. Notice the fine bedding planes of the limestone. Hamilton, which forms the floor of the quarry and cutting entirely through the Tully limestone it intrudes several feet into the Genesee shale above. For the region it is quite sizable, varying from 12" to 18". The strike of the dike, N 3%60 W, is not in conformity with the postulated direction of movement, which however is to be accounted for by the fact that the dike is obviously here following the course of one of the numerous joints belonging to the N-S system. Its contact with the country rock is often very close, there being no evidence of filling, but on the other hand there are many places where the contact is ragged, streamers of the magma having entered the lime- stone and in some cases pieces of the Tully being broken off and incorporated in the peridotite. (See fig. 7.) Con- 241 tact metamorphism is not conspicuous but a gradation of texture is frequently noticed and the limestone is often indurated for an inch or more. Calcite has very nearly filled all the cavities opened up and on this soft medium is recorded the usual N-S horizontal movement of the region. So evidence other than faulting falls in line. The north and south walls of the quarry very nearly par- FIG. 8.-Horizontal faulting in the Hamilton shale at the big Falls, Ludlowville, N. Y. The fault plane is just above the surface of the pool. allel the axis of the fold so that the curved lines of dip shown in these two walls as well as the eastern, together with discrepancies iii dip indicate a torsional movement, elevation at no two corners corresponding. Faults in the Hamilton Shale. Quite another type of faulting from that already dis- cussed is found in the shaly members of the Hamilton. Here faults occur which are either movements along bed- ding planes or parallel with them, on through various 242 angles up to those very nearly vertical. One good exam- pie of the horizontal type is shown at the water level of the pool at the foot of the big Fails at Ludlowville, north of the village, and just below the dam. (See fig. 8.) The disp1~icement is probably six inches. As the pooi does not dry up even in time of drought and no boat is pro- vided for the convenience of visitors it was impossible to get nearer the fault than a hundred feet or so. It is about 35' below the Tully, the movement offsetting joints of the N-S system, so that the upper mass was moved eastward relative to the lower mass. This offset of the joints is only the apparent displacement. The cliff faces very close to due south, its trend being E-W, with no dip in either direction which could be detected with a Brunton clinometer or a telescope clinometer even by distant sight- ing. As the streams always hug the north sides of their courses it is to be inferred that a slight northerly dip must be present. Taking the direction of pressure as previously calculated at an average of about 100 west of south, the chief movement will be in a general N-S direc- tion, the E-W component representing only the very small part played by the 10~ deviation from N-S. As the fault does not.persist for any very great distance it is safe to infer that the maximum displacement is nowhere great. This locality is about two miles north of the crest of the anticline at Portland Pt. and hence on the northern limb, the dip of which is very far from constant. It appears to be located on a second horizontal area, another level district occurring about 100' higher and half a mile nearer it. Instead of being due to pressure this fault may possi- bly, though not at all probably, be due to local relaxation and hence belong to a type intimately connected with val- leys and which will be discussed in connection with the wedge fault block to follow. Mr. G. C. Matson in an article on "Peridotite Dikes near Ithaca, N. Y. "7 calls attention to several dikes not here considered. One group of four is above the high fall over the Genesee shale, in a tributary to Salmon Cr. just northeast of Ludlowville. "Three of these have been faulted; the fourth does not reach up to the fault plane. The amount of displacement is about two feet." 8 From 7 Jour. Geol., vol. 13, p. 265, 1905. 8 Ibid 243 this reference a horizontal fault is to be inferred and judg- ing from the small offset a displacement similar to the fault at the big Falls from which this is but a half mile distant in a direction nearly due east. Immediately east of the bridge crossing Salmon Cr. on the road entering Ludlowville from the south is a fault of most unusual appearance. The face of the bluff in which it occurs trends N 730 iE. that is, it faces in a general northerly direction. Running from a point somewhere under the bridge for over 100' to the east there is another horizontal fault which ends abruptly against a joint plane. This too is at low-water level but over 20' below the first FIG. 9.-Wedge-shaped block between a horizontal fault just above water-level, and an oblique fault dipping toward the left margin of the photograph. Easily detected by the offset of the joints. one mentioned. Just across the sluice to the east of the bridge and 9' above the horizontal fault another fault plane has been developed which dips down at an angle of 8¡ and meets the lower one just where it encounters the joint plane. Cutting the face of this bluff are a number of well-marked joints belonging to the N-S system. The two faults form a wedge-shaped block between them, which as seen in fig. 9 is thrust inward, that is to the east, but exhibits no evidence of crushing at its point. The 244 amount of offset, as measured in this case, is quite uni- formly 6" on both faults. The junction of the two faults with the joint plane has made a point of weakness in which the creek has cut a miniature cave of a few inches but in the absence of a brecciated zone and a decrease in the offset of the joints in approaching the point of the wedge it seems that the force applied must have been oblique to the section exposed rather than parallel with it. At the intersection of some of the joints with the upper fault plane a curved surface has been developed on the joint planes, suggesting a drag movement so often seen in connection with faulting. The direction and amount of offset is easily seen, owing to the presence of the joints, and corresponds quite closely with the fault at the Falls. The face of the bluff trending as it does N 73¡ E gives a very small angle of about 11¡ between it and a section along the strike of the structure of the region, the axis of the main fold being taken at N 85~ W. One would, there- fore, expect as in the previous case that by far the largest part of the movement would not be disclosed. As the sluice ran at right angles to the bluff it was hoped that some information in the third dimension might be gained but the broken character of the shale had erased any evi- dence if such ever existed. It was finally noticed that at the intersection of one of the east-west and one of the N 80 E joints where crossed by the dipping fault plane about two square inches of the surface of the fault were exposed; this showed an unmistakable dip into the bank, that is to the south, but the surface was too small and poorly situated to get any accurate readings. However the dip south was apparently not less than 80 at the line of outcrop. Presuming that this dip continues, regardless of what its angle may be, it doubtless ultimately joùins the horizontal fault, from which it seems likely that it is a branch. This being the case we have here a transverse section of the two faults rather than a longitudinal sec- tion as at first appeared. The movement of the wedge block was therefore not primarily in and eastward, but was northward. The deviation to the west, of the forces coming from the south which produced the faulting, plus a slight torsional movement, would swing the joints out of alignment to the extent of six inches and the compari- tively mobile shale would accommodate itself to the 245 oblique pressure when it could hardly have done so in the face of direct compression. The occurrence of the three above faults in such close association with a large sized stream of extensive cutting power brings up a question which may be raised by some. Along the banks of many of the streams in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, there occur in the Eden shale small over- turned folds, sometimes advanced to the stage of thrust faulting. (Fig. 10.) These are usually found on the FIG. 10.ÄFold in Eden shale, West Fork Cr., Cincinnati, 0. Supposed to be due to relaxation resulting from stream erosion. under-cut side of terraces and are beginning to be recog- nized as produced by relaxation due to rock removal by stream erosion, rather than by direct pressure. These streams are all post-glacial whereas Salmon Cr., N. Y., runs in a valley recognized as pre-glacial. The horizon- tal fault at the Falls has certainly no connection with a terrace though the one by the bridge has some such rela- tion and to a post-glacial terrace at that. However, they appear to be so in accord with the rest of thO evidence concerning the diastrophic history of the region that it hardly seems necessary to call in outside evidence for their explanation. A second type of faulting as shown in the shale mem- 246 bers of the Hamilton is a compound or slice fault devel- oped on the south side of Stony Point some 25 miles down Cayuga Lake. At this point a hard layer of limy shale, much more compact and resisting than the surrounding shale is sharply turned up at a 100 angle with dip to the south. The faults occur just at the start of this high dip, the greatest measured. For 200' along the shore south of the point, the N 120 W joints show horizontal faulting with displacement of 1" to 112" of the joints of the E-W system. The movement has pushed forward each succes- sive block between two faults from west to east. That is, the western part of the zone has not moved so far north as the eastern part. The N-S joints dip west a few degrees from the vertical but the angle was not measured. It probably does not exceed three degrees as other joints of the region which are not vertical show a dip very gen- erally around 20. The faulted area covers the entire width of the shore as exposed at this point and may exist over an even greater width and length. The rocks of the whole point and near to it are broken up by an excessive number of si~bsidiary joints at all angles and often much curved. Mr. W. H. Bucher published an article on "The Mechanical Interpretation of Joints," in the Journal of Geology for December of 1920. To one not acquainted with the laws of mechanics the "interpretations~~ sound quite convincing. His main thesis is, that in brittle sub- stances the lines of greatest pressure will bisect the acute angle formed by the shearing planes. He then applies this law to three areas, one of which happens to be the Cayuga Lake region. Not being acquainted in person with the area, he relies for his calculations upon the data given in an article by Miss Sheldon.9 His conclusions, put into figures, being that the compressive forces, must lie in a general N 350 E direction since this line must bisect the angle between the two major joint systems of the region, the average of the greater part of whose angles will run at about N 740 E and N 50 W. This appli- cation is here made to only the northern part of the area which he discusses, but the results as stated are only a few Sheldon, P.; Some Observations and Experiments on Joint Planes, Jour. Geol., vol. 20, No. 1, 1912. 247 degrees at variance with those for the larger area. As proof of the applicability of his theory, he cites the pres- ence of buckling as shown by a raised area in the northeast part of the Catatonk quadrangle, and of a depression in the central portion, near Jenksville. These are unques- tionably present and quite possibly bear some relation to the joints of the region, but they are not the only domes and depressions which occur in the two quadrangles.10 Following the axis of the Watkins anticline as he sug- gests, the Portage-Chemung contact, starting at about 1520' near the western boundary of the map, dips toward Seneca Lake valley, and at Texas Hollow, to the east, has risen to an elevation of 1480' whence the beds continue horizontal to a point two miles southwest of Enfield, the last exposure west of Cayuga valley, along this line. To the north near Reynoldsville, on the crest of the Firtree anticline this contact is 1600' as it is on the crest of the Alpine anticline to the south and near Cayuga (Corrected to Cayuta) L. The first contact shown east of Cayuga valley following the axis of the Watkins anticline as stated, is at Pleasant Hill, six miles east of Ithaca and 14 miles east of Enfield where the contact is 1720' or 240' above the contact at Enfteld. Were the secondary synclinal fold in which Cayuta (corrected to Cayuga) Lake lies disregarded, there would be in this 14 miles a rise of but 17' to the mile, whereas the rise to the north from the depression at Jenksville mentioned by him is over 43' per mile for 16 miles. The average of a number of southerly dips north of the big bend of Cayuga Lake is about 45' per mile, steeper dips developing as the datum plane of the Tully limestone is followed north. Owing to the lack of geological and especially structural knowledge of the area to the north of the Watkins and Catatonk quadrangles, it seems hardly possible to form a very reliable opinion of a district so near to the unknown. Work to the north along Cayuga Lake this past autumn, together with observations of the mapped quadrangles, would seem to indicate that the greater southerly dips, even discounting what is due to the folding process, are entitled to equal, if not greater, 10 In a personal communication Mr. Eucher claims two sets of movements, that producing the joints and buckling being prior to the one which developed the major folds and their accompanying faults. The horizontal fracture planes he thinks may have originated during the first activities, only the movement taking place later. 248 significance than the pitch of the anticlines and synclines and dips associated with a buckling process. Judging from field evidence and acquaintance with the region, Mr. Bucher `s results imply a large latitude in the angle of his bisectrix as well as the presence of some modifying or secondary forces not yet understood. Nev- ertheless the old idea of compressive forces acting from the southeast will apparently have to be revised in favor of a southwesterly direction. This is probably due to the lack of recognition accorded the short east-west segment and may be considered a local exception. Here, two entirely independent arguments, aiming to demonstrate different ideas, have developed conclusions more closely allied with each other than is either one with the usual conception of the movements of Appalachian folding. Ithaca, N. Y.