St._Austell War Memorial-Choices


Life in the Parishes

St. Austell WAR MEMORIALS - Photographs by Myra Davey
for the St. Austell History and Genealogy website

  For transcriptions of these photographs, as well as the plaques in the church, see here.

The Celtic Cross, with Holy Trinity's windows behind - and some unique gargoyles, too.



Above are the names of people who died in World War II, added to the monument at a later date. If you view the images in our Photography section, this "base" extension is missing; they thought World War I was "the war to end all wars".

The Celtic Cross contains the names of all the men in the parish who gave their lives, while the plaques inside the church contain the names of all the men of Holy Trinity's congregation who died. There is one name included in the church plaques which is missing from the Cornish Cross; there is no explanation as to why that's so.


The First set of names - A to C - for World War I are to the right



The "Gargoyle" on Holy Trinity, which looks Aztec!






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Last updated September 21, 2009. In case of problem, please notify Webmaster.