Ancestors of Edward Eugene STEELE


Ted's Colonial New England Ancestry

Several of these family lines include
Mayflower Pilgrim ancestors:
BulletWilliam Bradford
BulletSamuel Fuller
BulletPeter Brown
BulletJohn Howland
BulletEdward Fuller
BulletGeorge Soule
BulletJohn Tilley / Elizabeth Tilley

A number of Ted's ancestors were also
original settlers of the city of
Hartford, Connecticut.
Many of these ancestors have their names inscribed
on Hartford's Founders' Monument,
which is located in the Ancient Burial Ground.
Jeremy Adams William Holton William Spencer George Steele
Francis Andrews Thomas Judd Thomas Stanley John Talcott
Ozias Goodwin William Lewis Timothy Stanley Andrew Warner
Samuel Hale Thomas Lord Thomas Stanton Gov. John Webster
William Hills Richard Lyman John Steele


 Two of Ted's ancestors were involved in the Witchcraft Delusion of the 1690s:
BulletElizabeth Thomas (Mrs. John Fosdick) of Malden
was indicted for witchcraft in Salem by accusation of Marcy Lewis,
age 17, and Mary Warren, age 20 -- both domestic servants.
She was arrested on 2 June, but no further record of her trial exists.
She was apparently acquitted, for she lived an additional 24 years.
BulletThomas Farrar was accused of witchcraft and jailed in Boston.
He was eventually released.
Connecticut's witchcraft trials preceeded Salem's by 30 years:
BulletRobert Webster was on the Hartford jury that convicted
Nathaniel and Rebecca Greensmith of witchcraft.
They were hanged in January 1663.

Revolutionary War Ancestors

The following ancestors served in some capacity in the Revolutionary War:
BulletJames Annis BulletDaniel Pierce BulletSamuel Webster
BulletThomas Benedict BulletDaniel Spike BulletDaniel West
BulletGeorge Brownell BulletLucy Sprague BulletWilliam Wheeler
BulletJohn French BulletIsaac Steele BulletJonathan Winslow
BulletLot Osborne BulletThomas Tracy

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This site was originally created on May 5, 1999.
Last updated June 18, 2006.
Copyright © 1999-2006 Edward E. Steele, All rights reserved