The following diary was written by Fannie Sipperley of Melrose, Schaghticoke NY in Rensselaer County in 1878. At the time of the diary, Fannie was 12 years old. Her father John was 60. Based on the 1870/1880 census listings, her siblings were: Elbert (age 23 in 1878), George (age 19), Charles (age 17), Fannie (age 12), and John (age 6). In the 1870 census, Fannie's mother was shown as being Harriet who was 40 years old at that time. I also have available on my website a diary written by Harriet in 1873. Since the 1880 census shows that John Sipperley with a new wife (Kate, age 37), I can't say for sure whether Kate or Harriet is the person Fannie refers to as Ma. Since Fannie often refers to Ma being 'Not Well' my guess is that Harriet was the person being referenced and that she died not long after the diary was written.
In 1870, John Sipperley appears to have had a fairly prosperous farm, with a real estate value of over $10,000 in the 1870 census. Nearby neighbors in the 1870 census were George W. Baucus (age 65 - Farmer - $20,000), his wife Mary, and their six children; Mathias Snyder (age 74 - Retired Farmer - $20000), his wife Rebecca and son John; Jacob Dater (age 44 - Farmer - $25000), his wife Catherine and children - Clarence, Henry, Altah, Irving, and Charles. These families are often mentioned both here and in Harriet's diary.
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone with information on the people, places, or events of this diary. I can be reached at
[email protected]Now, here's the diary:
Miss Fannie E. Sipperley Melrose, NY Presented by her father
Tuesday, January 1, 1878
Stayed at home all day. Charlie went to Mr. Hermans skating with Irving & Charlie Dater. I went off with John & the carriage. Didn't get back till 12 o'clock. It was a very pleasant day.
Wednesday, January 2, 1878
It commenced to snow 7 PM. It was very cold and windy all day. J & I went to school. The boys thrashed a little.
Thursday, January 3, 1878
J & I went to school. All day it was very cold. All went to spelling school in the eaving, all but Pa Ma. I had a pleasant time. J & I **
Friday, January 4, 1878
Snowed all day, cold. J & I went to school. Pa was home all day.
Saturday, January 5, 1878
Pa & Charlie went to horsesoity in the eavning in sleigh.
Sunday, January 6, 1878
All went to church but E. Josie rode out as far as Melrose with us, then went home. E. G. went up to the point. Mr. & Mrs. Schoolmaker called.
Monday, January 7, 1878
J & I went to school. Ma Pa C went to church in the eaving & I went to school. Pa Ma called on Mr. Wenwert in the eaving. The rest of us were all home.
Tuesday, January 8, 1878
J & I went to school. Chosen Thordore & lady spent the day. Pa Ma went to Mr. Schoolmakers to a party in the PM & C & I went to singing school. E went up to the point.
Wednesday, January 9, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa went down to Grans Hollow in AM to get tige shod. It was a very pleasant day. Snow still on the ground.
Thursday, January 10, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa went to Melrose in PM. It rained in the eaving. G C went to school. Tried to get Ma ready for VA. Pa cleaned up the oats.
Friday, January 11, 1878
Snowed hard & co*nterrned to until 12 O'clock then the sun came out & thawed. At night Pa Ma went in a sleigh to church.
Saturday, January 12, 1878
Pa Ma went to Troy. E G C went to singing school & thay would not let me go. Thay salped me & nearly killed me. '*' C '*' C (writer drew a STAR, then the letter C, then another STAR, then another C)
Sunday, January 13, 1878
All went to church. Josie stayed and got dinner and then she went home. All went to church in the eaving. Twas a very pleasant day.
Monday, January 14, 1878
J & I went to school. J washed. It rained a little in AM. We had spelling school. J & I went. J stood up the longest. Pa killed beef.
Tuesday, January 15, 1878
J & I went to school. E went up to the point in AM, returned at night. Pa went to Grants Hollow in AM. Ma is not very well. Pa went to Mr. Baucuses in PM.
Wednesday, January 16, 1878
J went to school all day. I went in PM. In AM went to the point to the convention. Pa Ma E went to. It was cold.
Thursday, January 17, 1878
J & I went to school all day. Pa Ma went to Waterford. I was up to the point all * to the convention. G & I went to school. Color (?) Mr. Dems barn & shead burned up.
Friday, January 18, 1878
J & I went to school. E went to the point all day. Pa Ma went to the point at night. Lizzie Peeper came & went up to spelling school. Lizzie stood up the longest.
Saturday, January 19, 1878
All went to singing school in PM but Pa Ma. Auntie Wetsel came in PM. Mary came after Josephine and thay went home. Worked hard all day.
Sunday, January 20, 1878
All went to church in the AM but E & Auntie. In the PM E went over the river. Rained a little in the PM. J did not come home.
Monday, January 21, 1878
J and I went to school all day. J did not come home. G C went to school. Auntie still here. No snow on the. Ma Pa worked hard all day at everything.
Tuesday, January 22. 1878
J & I went to school all day. Pa & Ma went to Mr. Reads to a party & spent the eavning. Mr. Dater called in AM. Auntie left in the PM on the train. J returned in AM. Miss Jerma Bontsellmore * E G to a party.
Wednesday, January 23, 1878
J & I went to school all day. It was a very cold day. The wind blew hard. J washed.
Thursday, January 24, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa went to Troy on the cars. Ma was not very well.
Friday, January 25, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa went to Troy on the cars. J C & I went to spelling school. E G were up to Mr. Bonsteets to a party. Ma was not very well. I stood up the longest.
Saturday, January 26, 1878
All went to singing school. Pa went to Melrose in PM. J & I was busy all day.
Sunday, January 27, 1878
All went to church in the AM. Ma did not go. Mr. Jay Wert came and took dinner with us. It was a very pleasant day. Rained in PM.
Monday, January 28, 1878
J & I went to school. Ma was not very well. It snowed all day. J washed.
Tuesday, January 29, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa was not very well. It was a very pleasant day. Mr. S**rus Baucus called & gave Pa Ma a invatahin * party.
Wednesday, January 30, 1878
J & I went to school all day. It was a cold day. G C & I went to singing school in PM.
Thursday, January 31, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa & E went to Waterford. Ma & J was busy all day. E went out to Melrose in the PM.
Friday, February 1, 1878
J & I went to school all day. Took our dinner. We could not come home. The snow blew a high streak ofel snow banks & went off.
Saturday, February 2, 1878
J & I worked hard. Scoured the silver & C & I went to singing school. G went up to mill in PM. E went off.
Sunday, February 3, 1878
All went to church in AM but C. J rode out as far as Melrose with us then walked the rest of the way. I went after her in the PM. I Pa went to church in PM.
Monday, February 4, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa Ma went to Troy. G C went to school. J washed. E went to Melrose in AM. C got the oxen weighed in AM. Snow still on the ground.
Tuesday, February 5, 1878
J & I went to school. Snow still on the ground. * went to spelling school in evning. Irving stood up the longest. I did not go. Pa Ma went to Mr. Daters to call in PM.
Wednesday, February 6, 1878
J & I went to school. C G & I went to singing school. E went off. Pa put down the hall carpet. Thmthemonether stood 20 above zero.
Thursday, February 7, 1878
Ma called to see Josie. J & I went to school in the PM. Ma Pa went to Mr. Schoolmakers. Spent the eaving. C E went to the Donation at Mr. Sturnks.
Friday, February 8, 1878
J & I went to school. Josie was getting ready to go up to Anna's. Mr. Colton came and staid to dinner. After dinner went away.
Saturday, February 9, 1878
Dried all the sqush in the AM. Snowed and the wind blew hard. J & C went to Melrose. J got read to go to Anna's but did not go. M was not thare. All went to singing school in PM & staid to tea. * went up to Anna's on the night train. Pa went to Melrose in PM.
Sunday, February 10, 1878
All went to church in the bobsleighs. Snowed all day. J was not here. E went to church in PM.
Monday, February 11, 1878
J & I went to school. Ma did the work. J was not here. Pa went to the hollow to get the horse shod.
Tuesday, February 12, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa & E went to Lansingburgh for some coal for Mrs. Casper. Pa & Ma went to a part at Mr. Daters. E went off in AM. J came back.
Wednesday, February 13, 1878
J & I went to school. Johnnie was not very well. E Pa went to Troy. All went to singing school. Mr. Acakert called to see Elbert but was not at home. J washed. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday, February 14, 1878
J went to school in AM. In PM did not go. Went to had spelling school in the PM. J did not stand up the longest. Irving did. Charlie Dater stood up longer than J. Pa Ma went to Mr. Baucus to stay to dinner. E drawed ice.
Friday, February 15, 1878
I did not go to school. Had sore throat. Johnie went. Pa & E drawed ice all day from Mr. Hernsman. Mr. Miccan called to see Pa.
Saturday, February 16, 1878
Pa went to the point to pay his tacks and called to see Dr. Beals. Brought Ma some medicine. E drawed ice & load. E C & G went to singing school. I was sick with a cold. It was a very pleasant day.
Sunday, February 17, 1878
All went to church except Ma. G & Josie went to church to. E went of * flora & the cuttar. I could not go to church on accont of my cold. Rote a letter to Susie.
Monday, February 18, 1878
J & I went to school. Ma was not well. I finished Susie letter. J washed. It was a very cold day. M Cabot the Window & Bo actions.
Tuesday, February 19, 1878
J went to school in PM. I went all day. Pa went to the point. E went out to Melrose. Too yung ladies came & he took them up to the point tew nits a ball. Mrs. Maccan came, spent the PM. Willie Overacker. Ma did not feel very well.
Wednesday, February 20, 1878
Pa Ma & C & I went to Mr. Brownell & spent the day. J went to school in AM. PM did not go. E went off. Cold wind. Snowy day - all day.
Thursday, February 21, 1878
J & I went to school. It rained. Pa went to Melrose in AM. In PM a Mr. Rifenberr called. Was going to have spelling school in the evening but was posponed on accont of the weather.
Friday, February 22, 1878
I went to Melrose. There was no school today. It rained all day. All were home all day. C E went out to Melrose in AM. Charlie herd J & my Geography lesson. Pa herd our spelling lesson.
Saturday, February 23, 1878
Pa & Ma went to church in PM. Called at Mr. Schoolmakers on their way back. Very muddy rainy day. Joe & I had a grand time cracking butternuts.
Sunday, February 24, 1878
E went off in the PM. Mr. S was with him. Pa C J F went to church. It was communion over to our church. Josie road out as far as Melrose with us then went home in PM. I drove down after her. J went with me. Mr. * Dater spent the afternoon.
Monday, February 25, 1878
J & I went to school. J washed. Mr. Brooster called & invited Pa Ma to a party at Mr. Broonsteed. E went to * to a party at Mr. Daters, Very muddy.
Tuesday, February 26, 1878
J & I went to school. Had spelling school in the eavning. Pa Ma & E went to Troy. Jo J & I went. Did not spell down. Chose 4 times when we got home. We was bed up the supper dishes. We got to bed 11 o'clock.
Wednesday, February 27, 1878
J & I went to school. G C went to school. It was verry muddy * warm day.
Thursday, February 28, 1878
J & I went to school. It was a very warm day but it was very muddy. Ma did not feel very well. Pa cut wood in the AM.
Friday, March 1, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa Ma went to Mr. John Bonstells to a party. E carried on terrible. Locked Josie & I out of the dining room. We started for Mrs. Caspers but did not go. Much snow, pretty cold.
Saturday, March 2, 1878
Pa cut wood. The wind blew hard all day. Josie & I made a butternut cake. Ma was sick. It rained in PM. Bossie had a little calf in PM.
Sunday, March 3, 1878
It rained hard all day. Didend any of us go to Church. Charlie set a hen in PM. Ma was not very well. No snow on the ground.
Monday, March 4, 1878
Cold & snowy day. John & I went to school. Expected to have spelling school in the eavning but it was posponed on accont of the weather.
Tuesday, March 5, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa & E went to town meating in PM. Pa C & Josie & I went to spelling school. Mr. Risingburgh called in PM. Very muddy.
Wednesday, March 6, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa went to Melrose in AM. I left off head in my spelling class. Verry muddy. Mr. Brownell was married in the evening.
Thursday, March 7, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa & E went to the point to here a trial. It was a cloudy day. Ma & Josie sowed all day. Mr. Overocker called in AM, envited Pa Ma to a party.
Friday, March 8, 1878
J & I went to school. It was the last day. Pa Ma went to Mr. Hogas in the AM. On there return went to Mr. Overackers to a party. Had spelling school in the PM. I stood up next to Irving Dater stood up longer than Josephine.
Saturday, March 9, 1878
Pa road down to Lansingsburg with Mr. Halstead. I worked hard all day. Mr. Rifingburg came & stayed to tea in AM. Called to see Pa but was not at home. Very pleasant day.
Sunday, March 10, 1878
Ma Pa called on Mrs. Casper. All went to church. Josie road out as far as Melrose with us. It was very muddy but it was very warm. Elbert went off with Tige & the buggie.
Monday, March 11, 1878
Rained in PM. Josie washed. Pa had the sore throat. J & I did the work out doores. E went to Troy. Very Muddy.
Tuesday, March 12, 1878
Rained a little. M Rifenburg came in PM. Herd Josies & my lessons. Ma & I sowed. Pa's throat still sore. Verry muddy.
Wednesday, March 13, 1878
Pa went to Mr. Groosbecksail. E took Mr. Rifenburg home. It rained a little all day. E went to Troy in PM on the train. Ma J & I worked hard all day.
Thursday, March 14, 1878
Got ready for the party. Pa went to Troy. It was very muddy. Pa took down 16 dozzen of eggs. Snowed in PM. Baked cake.
Friday, March 15, 1878
We had a party. It was a very pleasant day. Verry muddy. We worked hard all day. Elbert went out to Melrose in AM after his trunk. He packed it in PM.
Saturday, March 16, 1878
Ma & I sewed. It was a very pleasant day. Very muddy day. Josie had the sore throat. Pa went out to Melrose in PM. The boys thrashed all day.
Sunday, March 17, 1878
All went to church in AM. Text was Mat 16 & 24. It was a splendid sermon preached by Mr. Wert. To of Mr. Ackerts was here to dinner. Mr. Mutie Dater called in PM. It was a very pleasant day. Very muddy. Josie sick.
Monday, March 18, 1878
E went out to Melrose in AM. Josie was sick. Sowed for Elbert to start out west. He wrote in my autograph. Very pleasant day. Rained a little in AM.
Tuesday, March 19, 1878
Pa took Elbert down to Troy. He took the train and started for the West. He bid us all good buy. I could not help but cry when he left us not nowing wether I should ever see him again. He kissed me good buy.
Wednesday, March 20, 1878
We had a party in PM. Worked hard all day. G C went to school. Johnnie sawed wood.
Thursday, March 21, 1878
Sewed in PM. In AM Pa went to see Mr. Baucus. Pa went out to Melrose in PM. Thare were two gentlemen came here to look at George & Charlie Oxen.
Friday, March 22, 1878
Pa Johnnie & I went to Troy. Took down a load of rye. Came back 2 o'clock then Pa & Ma went down to Mr. Halsead to a party. George got left from the cars. The boys last day of school.
Saturday, March 23, 1878
Pa went to see Mr. Baucus in AM. I took Josie home in PM & her mother came here after her in PM. Pa went to see Mr. Baucus in PM.
Sunday, March 24, 1878
Rained hard so non of us went to church in AM. Pa went down to Mr. Baucus in AM. I went down after Josie in PM. Charlie & I went to church in PM. Very cold and windy day.
Monday, March 25, 1878
Josie washed. It was so cold and windy that did not hang the cloaths out. Pa went down to see Mr. Baucus in PM. I went to Melrose in PM. Ma was sick.
Tuesday, March 26, 1878
Mr. Baucus died 5 o'clock this morning. Pa went down to see him in AM. Pa went to Melrose. Josie hung the cloaths. Pa went to the funral of Mr. Overacker's Aunt. He was a berrar. Ma sick.
Wednesday, March 27, 1878
Ma was not well. Lizzie Peeper came up in PM. Pa went to see Mr. Baucus in PM. Pleasant day.
Thursday, March 28, 1878
C G & I went to Mr. Baucus funral. Pa was a berrar. Rained a little. Text 14C of Job 20th verse. It was a splendid sermon. Ma was not able to go.
Friday, March 29, 1878
It was a very cold windy day. Pa & I went to Troy. Ma was not very well. Went to Mr. Griffins to a party in PM.
Saturday, March 30, 1878
Pa went to consil meeting over at our church. G C had a fight. The worst one they ever had about scraping the road, but after all C scraped it. G acked awful. Raised the * neighbors.
Sunday, March 31, 1878
Pa Ma G & J went to church. C & I went to Mrs. Hurley's funral at Schaghticoke Hill. Mr. Perkins preached text 1st Peter * ready to be revealed in the last Charlie & I went to church.
Monday, April 1, 1878
Beautiful day. J washed. Ma comenced the chests. Took up the middle room carpet. Mrs. Casper called. Mr. Rifenburgh came in PM, stayed all night. Ma ironed in PM.
Tuesday, April 2, 1878
Mr. Rifenburgh was here to breakfast. We cleaned the close room & the sore room & book place. Pa went to Troy. He moved Mr. Mecan. The boys drawed gravle & manure.
Wednesday, April 3, 1878
Pa J went to Troy. We cleaned the hall up stairs & the front room. We did not take up the front room carpet. L P came in PM. J & I went to Melrose in PM with L.
Thursday, April 4, 1878
Cleaned the boys room & our room. Pa white washed it. Ma went to call on Miss Mary Baucus & Miss Mary An Westel. Pa C went up after sawdust up to the hill.
Friday, April 5, 1878
Rained & snowed all day. We did not clean house. We baked.
Saturday, April 6, 1878
Pa Johnnie went to Troy. Rained. I went to Miss Mary Ann Wetsel after flowers. Pa brought a lovely geranium from Mrs. Schoolmakers. Ma sewed.
Sunday, April 7, 1878
All went to church in AM. Very muddy. Josie was here all day. C & I went to church in PM. Josie, J & I went to Mrs. Casper in the afternoon.
Monday, April 8, 1878
J washed cleaned the hall & closet & parlor bedroom. Pa & Johnnie went to the Mill. The tin peddlar came. Bought cake pan & wash basin.
Tuesday, April 9, 1878
Beautiful day. Pa drawed brick for Mr. Schoomaker. We cleaned the two parlors in PM. J & I ironed.
Wednesday, April 10, 1878
I churned the first butter today in 20 min. Pa went to Troy with a load of potatos. Jo went with him. Ma & I sowed. Mrs. Kasper called in AM.
Thursday, April 11, 1878
We cleaned the kitchen and white washed it. It rained hard. Pa was a berrar over at our church. Mr. Friend is buried. I went to Troy on the carriage.
Friday, April 12, 1878
Pleasant day. Pa went to the mill & harness maker. In PM he went to Melrose. I went to Miss Mary Ann Wetsel after flowers. MA & I sowed a little.
Saturday, April 13, 1878
Pa varnish the kitchen and painted the floor. We moved in the dining room.
Sunday, April 14, 1878
All went to church. Mrs. Peeper came up after Josie & they both went to church. Mr. Griffin called in PM. Pa Ma started to go up to the Valley but Mr. Griffin came.
Monday, April 15, 1878
Pa drawed brick for Mr. Schoomaker. I went up to Miss Wetsel. Took her a flower and went to Mrs. Daters for flowers. Very pleasant day. Still in the dining room.
Tuesday, April 16, 1878
Pa drawed brick. George went to Troy on the cars in AM. In PM Pa sowed oats. Very pleasant day. Josie andI cleaned the inside of the glass doors in the pantry.
Wednesday, April 17, 1878
Pa haled brick for Mr. Schoomaker. Ma J & I sewed. Ma vent out my dress. Mrs. Kasper called. Still in the dining room.
Thursday, April 18, 1878
Pa drawed load of bricks. J & I put down the middle room carpet & we cleaned the wood little closets in the pantry. Ma painted the kitchen. Pleasant day, warm.
Friday, April 19, 1878
Pa J & I went to Troy, bought me a pair of shoes. On the way back we * a load of brick for Mr. Schoomaker. Very pleasant day, very warm.
Saturday, April 20, 1878
Rained a little all day. Ma J Pa & I fixed the flower beads. J & I started to clean the cellar, but did not get it done.
Sunday, April 21, 1878
Pa J & I went to church in the carriage in the PM. Pa & Ma went to the point to take the collars back of the harness. Very pleasant day. Windy.
Monday, April 22, 1878
J washed in the dining room. Mr. & Mrs. Halstead called here in PM. Ma sewed. J & I cleaned a little in the cellar & cleaned the kitchen floor. Rained a little in PM.
Tuesday, April 23, 1878
J & I ironed. I got all ready to go to Mrs. Schoonmaker but did not go. Pa drawed sand.
Wednesday, April 24, 1878
Pa drawed all 4 loads of sand. I went to Mrs. Schoomakers in PM. J went home in PM. Very pleasant day. Aunt Kate Groosbeck *. Ma was not well.
Thursday, April 25, 1878
Josie & I cleaned Ma's bedroom. The day was showary. Pa drawed sand. I washed Ma's bedroom wall all alone. Ma was not well.
Friday, April 26, 1878
Pa & Johnnie went to Troy.
Saturday, April 27, 1878
Pleasant day. Aunt Kate Grusbeck came in PM & stayed to tea. J & I went to Mr. Snyder with her back. Pa drawed sand.
Sunday, April 28, 1878
Rained hard all day. All went to church but Ma. Sunday school commenced.
Monday, April 29, 1878
J washed. We put out things to bleach. Very pleasant day, warm. Mr. & Mrs. Wert called in PM.
Tuesday, April 30, 1878
Rained. Pa & the boys sawed wood with the machine in PM. Did not saw any. Pa went to Melrose in AM. In PM C went. Mr. Kasper called.
Wednesday, May 1, 1878
Pa & the boys finished sawing the wood in AM. J & I washed the dining room wall up over head.
Thursday, May 2, 1878
Very pleasant day. J & I finished the dining room wall & we put down the carpet all alone in the PM. All were to the lecture of Miss Emma S Allenit. * splendid.
Friday, May 3, 1878
Pa & Ma went to Troy. Got back a little before 2 o'clock & then Pa went to Mr. George Haersrasin. Very pleasant day. Warm. Ma bought some flowers.
Saturday, May 4, 1878
Pleasant day.
Sunday, May 5, 1878
Rained hard all day. Our cistern ran over. More rain fell then there had been for three years.
Monday, May 6, 1878
Mr. Rogers brought an organ here & Pa bought it for me. It was the first day of school. Very pleasant day. J & I went to school. I went up to Miss Mary Ann Wetsel after flowers.
Tuesday, May 7, 1878
J & I went to school. C went to the mill. Geo went to Melrose. Pleasant day.
Wednesday, May 8, 1878
J & I went to school. Mrs. Kasper called in PM.
Thursday, May 9, 1878
Johnnie & I went to school. J & Ma cleaned the front porch. Rained hard all day.
Friday, May 10, 1878
John & I went to school. Pa drawed sand.
Saturday, May 11, 1878
Very cold day. C J & I went down to mow the cemmtry. Ma & Pa went to Mr. Werts & Melrose. J went home & stayed all might. Miss Altah Dater called.
Sunday, May 12, 1878
Very pleasant day. All went to church but George. J came home in PM.
Monday, May 13, 1878
Very pleasant day. Pa drawed sand. The boys took the oxen down to Troy. J washed.
Tuesday, May 14, 1878
J & I went to school. Very pleasant day. Pa & C drawed bricks. Josie ironed.
Wednesday, May 15, 1878
Johnnie & I went to school. Very pleasant day. Ma & Josie backed cake. Pa went to Melrose in AM. Hard frost to night.
Thursday, May 16, 1878
Pa & Ma went to Troy. Very pleasant day. Very hard frost. J & I went to school. Pa brought me another nice organ. Is going to send the other back.
Friday, May 17, 1878
Johnnie & I went to school. Pa went to Melrose in the AM & in PM expected Aunt Sally Ann Gorham but did not come.
Saturday, May 18, 1878
Expected Auntie Gorham. Pa & I went to Melrose to meet her but she did not come. Pleasant day. Returned and studyed my Sunday school lesson.
Sunday, May 19, 1878
All went to church. Very pleasant day. Josie went home. Pa & Ma went to Mrs. Caspers in PM.
Monday, May 20, 1878
John & I went to school. J washed. It rained hard so Josie could not hang up the cloaths.
Tuesday, May 21, 1878
J & I went to school. Very pleasant day.
Wednesday, May 22, 1878
J went to school. I did not go. Very pleasant day. Josie went to Troy. She came home at night.
Thursday, May 23, 1878
J went to school. I did not go. Mr. Wiley and his man & Marcus was here to plant corn. Mr. & Mrs. Shoonmaker called. Very pleasant day.
Friday, May 24, 1878
J went to school. I did not go. I had the eresylelas. Mr. Wiley & his man & Marcus was here to plant corn in AM. Ma was not very well. G went after a load of brick for Mr. Schoonmaker.
Saturday, May 25, 1878
Ma was sick abed. Very pleasant day. I had the Eresplus. I could not help Josie work any. Lizzie Peeper came up here to tell Josie her sister had come home.
Sunday, May 26, 1878
All went to church except Ma & I. Very pleasant day. Josie went home to see Annie, her sister.
Monday, May 27, 1878
Very pleasant day. J washed. Johnnie went to school. I did not go. Ma was sick.
Tuesday, May 28, 1878
Pa & G drawed sand. Very pleasant day. Josie ironed in PM. Rained in PM. J went to school. I did not go.
Wednesday, May 29, 1878
Very pleasant day. J went to school. I did not go. Pa & C drawed sand in AM.
Thursday, May 30, 1878
Pa & Charlie drawed sand. J ironed. J went to school. I did not go.
Friday, May 31, 1878
Very pleasant day. Uncle Sanford & Aunt Sally Ann came in AM. Mr & Mrs Wert called & stayed to tea. J went to school. I did not go.
Saturday, June 1, 1878
Busy all day. Warm. Very pleasant day.
Sunday, June 2, 1878
Pleasant day. All went to church. Auntie Gorham was here. Josie went to church. Rev. Mr. Wert preached. Text John 1, chapter 8, verse. The boys took John & Flora before the buggy and went off.
Monday, June 3, 1878
J washed. J & I went to school. Pa went to Troy. Auntie went to Mr. Wetsel's in AM. Very pleasant day. Warm. Ma was sick. The boys piled wood.
Tuesday, June 4, 1878
Pa, Auntie, Uncle Sanford & I went to Uncle Martin's. John went to school. Josie ironed. It rained in PM.
Wednesday, June 5, 1878
(no entry)
Thursday, June 6, 1878
Pa Ma Auntie George went to Troy. J & I went to school. Very pleasant day.
Friday, June 7, 1878
John went to school. I did not go. I had the sore throat.
Saturday, June 8, 1878
Pa went to Melrose in AM. It rained hard all day. Throat still sore. Cut me out a wrapper.
Sunday, June 9, 1878
All went to church except George, Johnnie & I. We had the sore throat. Very pleasant day. Josie & I went to Mrs. Kasper's and to the wood after some winter green.
Monday, June 10, 1878
Rained hard all day. J & I did not go to school. Charlie took Josie home in PM.
Tuesday, June 11, 1878 - Saturday, June 22, 1878
(no entry)
Sunday, June 23, 1878
All went to church but Ma. Josie went home in PM.
Monday, June 24, 1878
J & I went to school.
Tuesday, June 25, 1878
J & I went to school.
Wednesday, June 26, 1878
J & I went to school. Pa & Ma went to Dr. Beals & Mr. Strobles in PM. Very pleasant day. Warm.
Thursday, June 27, 1878
Rained hard all the afternoon. J & I went to school. Pa & Ma went to Troy. Warm day.
Friday, June 28, 1878
J & I went to school. It was the last day. Very warm pleasant day.
Saturday, June 29, 1878
(no entry)
Sunday, June 30, 1878
All went to church. Very warm day. Very pleasant.
Monday, July 1, 1878
(no entry)
Tuesday, July 2, 1878
Mrs. Snyder & Miss Mary Ann Wetsel called in PM. Very warm, pleasant.
Wednesday, July 3, 1878
Ma J & I ironed nearly all day. Very pleasant day. Warm. Thermometer stood 100o.
Thursday, July 4, 1878
We got the work all done up by 9 o'clock AM. Josie sewed nearly all day. Auntie Gorham came in PM. Rained in PM. Ma was not very well.
Friday, July 5, 1878
Auntie Gorham still here.
Saturday, July 6, 1878
Pa went up to Hoosie for a reaper. A tramp came in PM. Stayed for 1 hour & 1/2. Lizzie came in PM.
Sunday, July 7, 1878
All went to church in AM. In PM took Auntie Gorham up to Mechanicsville. All went along but John & Josie stayed here. J went to church. Pleasant day.
Monday, July 8, 1878-Saturday, July 20, 1878
(no entry)
Sunday, July 21, 1878
All went to church but Ma. Auntie Wetsel went with us. We had a very hard thunderstorm here. In PM we all went to Schaghtitoke. Josie & J went to Mrs. Scribner, came back by the old homestead. Ma G C * did not go.
Monday, July 22, 1878
J washed & I helped her. Rained a little. Ma was not well. Both Aunties were here. Pa & Johnnie went to Troy. Ma was not well.
Tuesday, July 23, 1878
Pa & Johnnie went to Troy. Very warm in PM. Pa took Auntie Gorham down to Mr. Halstead. Auntie Wetsel went with him. J went home.
Wednesday, July 24, 1878
Mr. & Mrs. Halstead brought Auntie Sally Ann back. Mrs. Halstead brought us some flowers. Ma was not well.
Thursday, July 25, 1878
Both Aunties and I went up to Uncle Martins in PM. I stayed to tea. I drove home all alone. Very warm day. Ma was not very well.
Friday, July 26, 1878
Ma was not well. Mrs. Peeper came up in PM. Rained a little in PM.
Saturday, July 27, 1878
Miss Altah Dater called to see if I could take music lessons. Very pleasant day. Ma was not well. Josie could not go to Troy. Very pleasant.
Sunday, July 28, 1878
All went to church but George. Very pleasant day. In PM Pa & Ma went to Uncle Martin's. Josie went home in AM. I went to Mrs. Kaspers a few minutes.
Monday, July 29, 1878
Josie washed. I drawed the horse when they unloaded oats. Mr. Kasper helped them in PM. All saw the eclipse at 4:46 o'clock PM.
Tuesday, July 30, 1878
Mr. Dater called in AM. Rained. J & I ironed. Ma sewed a little.
Wednesday, July 31, 1878
Miss Altah Dater came and gave me music lessons. Rained in PM. Mr. Nutie came after her. Pa & Johnnie went to the hollow to get Tige shod in AM. Ma sewed.
Thursday, August 1, 1878
Pa & Josie went to Troy. Rained a little. Ma & I sewed a little. Mr. Ham came after the boys to work.
Friday, August 2, 1878
Worked hard all day. The boys worked at the Hams. It rained in PM.
Saturday, August 3, 1878
Miss Altah came to here my music lessons.
Sunday, August 4, 1878
All went to church, very warm.
Monday, August 5, 1878-Tuesday, August 6, 1878
(no entry)
Wednesday, August 7, 1878
Miss Altah came.
Thursday, August 8, 1878-Friday, August 9, 1878
(no entry)
Saturday, August 10, 1878
Miss Altah came.
Sunday, August 11, 1878
All went to church. In PM we all went to Mineral springs at Mr. Pine's. Lizzie & Josie went with us. Very pleasant day.
Monday, August 12, 1878
Aunt Sally Ann came in PM. Lizzie came & Josie went home. Did no washing. Pleasant day. J & I went to school.
Tuesday, August 13, 1878
J & I went to school. Josie, C, & G went up to Saratoga on the Excursion. Pa & Ma went to the river after the drill.
Wednesday, August 14, 1878
Miss Altah came to hear my music lessons. Pa & G went to Troy, took Mrs. Peeper & Lizzie down. J & I went to school.
Thursday, August 15, 1878
J & I went to school. Josie ironed in the PM. Ma sewed. G C went up to Camp meeting. Had some ice cream.
Friday, August 16, 1878
J & I went to school.
Saturday, August 17, 1878
Miss Altah came. It rained in PM real hard. Mr. Bill Bonsteel barn & shed was struck by lightning. Pa & John went to Troy. Miss Almira came and helped Ma make my dress.
Sunday, August 18, 1878
All went to church but Ma.
Monday, August 18, 1878-Friday, August 23, 1878
(no entry)
Saturday, August 24, 1878
J went home at night. Pleasant day.
Sunday, August 25, 1878
J still home. All went to church.
Monday, August 26, 1878
Pleasant day. Josie still home.
Tuesday, August 27, 1878
Josie came home this morning, brought Lizzie with her to wash. Pa J & I went to Troy. Mr. & Mrs. Smith called the boys teacher.
Wednesday, August 28, 1878
Pleasant day. Pa Ma & George went to Troy.
Thursday, August 29, 1878
Pleasant day. Miss Almira was here to help Ma sew.
Friday, August 30, 1878
Miss Almira was here to sew. Pleasant day. Charlie went to the institute at night but there was non.
Saturday, August 31, 1878
Pa & Ma went to Troy. Got back in time & got to the paratory service. I went with them. Josie & John went to Mrs. Kaspers.
Sunday, September 1, 1878
All went to church except G & I. G went off in AM with Tige & the buggie. I was here all alone. I was not able to go to church. Lizzie came after Josie to go to church.
Monday, September 2, 1878
G birthday. J did not wash. Ma & Pa went to Troy. J & I went to school. Very pleasant day. Mr. Peter Grell came but Pa was not home.
Tuesday, September 3, 1878
J & I went to school. Brother Elbert came back from the West this night. It rained hard in the eavning. Mr. Peter Grell came to strip. E, Pa, Ma *
Wednesday, September 4, 1878
Elbert went out to Melrose after his trunk & satchel. It rained all day. J & I did not go to school. Miss Altah Dater came to here my music.
Thursday, September 5, 1878
J & I did not go to school. It rained. Mr. Lelavens made cider here.
Friday, September 6, 1878
Ma & George went to Troy. J & I went to school
Saturday, September 7, 1878
Pa & Ma went to Troy. Josie & I did the work. Very pleasant day.
Sunday, September 8, 1878
All went to church. Very pleasant day. E went out in PM a little while.
Monday, September 9, 1878
Pa & Ma went to Troy. J & I went to school. Very pleasant day. Josie washed.
Tuesday, September 10, 1878
J & I went to school.
Wednesday, September 11, 1878
(no entry)
Thursday, September 12, 1878
J & I went to spelling in PM. Johnnie & I went to school.
Friday, September 13, 1878-Thursday, September 19, 1878
(no entry)
Friday, September 20, 1878
J & I went to school. Had spelling school in the eavning. E & C went down to Mr. Wiley's to work.
Saturday, September 21, 1878-Saturday, October 5, 1878
(no entry)
Sunday, October 6, 1878
Josie went home in AM. E went off. All stayed at home. There was no church. There was Sunday school.
Monday, October 7, 1878
Josie came home this AM. Pa Ma E went to Troy. Very pleasant day.
Tuesday, October 8, 1878
J & I cleaned the pantry inside the glass doors.
Wednesday, October 9, 1878
Pa & Ma went Troy. Mr. Rigingburgh came and stay all night. J & I took up the middle room carpet.
Thursday, October 10, 1878
Cousin Mary & Cousin Kilby & Mrs. Willingsom came up and spent the day. Very pleasant day.
Friday, October 11, 1878
J & I put down the middle room carpet.
Saturday, October 12, 1878-Monday, November 4, 1878
(no entry)
Tuesday, November 5, 1878
Snowed today.
Rest of year
(no entry)