NOTE: This document was transcribed by Anne M. Cady in November 1999. It is NOT intended that this material be used in a commercial manner. Below is a transcription of the Diary of Alice Holmes of the town of Edwards in St. Lawrence County. The entries shown were made in 1876 between March 27th and December 31st. It should be noted that the diary was created to be used in the year 1872, but it appears the only entries made at that time were a few regarding transactions on her father’s (Joel C. Holmes) farm. These entries were made in another hand, possibly her father’s. At some time the diary was apparently passed on to Alice who labelled it in the front as "Alice Holmes Edwards Diary 1876". She never missed an entry between the dates listed above and she adjusted the days of the week to match the year 1876 instead of 1872 (i.e. – she scratched out Wednesday and wrote in Monday). Alice Holmes was born August 17, 1859. In the 1870 census for Edwards she is shown as being 10 years old. In 1880 she is 20, and the relationship column shows she was an adopted daughter. In 1870, she was shown as living with her father Joel and mother Martha, and her grandparents Elija and Lucretia Paul. Joel was listed as a 49 year old Farmer. The farm appears to have been moderate in size, with the real estate value given as $1520 and personal property value listed as $900. In 1880, Alice is still with her parents and her grandmother. It appears her grandfather died between the two census listings. There are a couple references to ‘Grandpa’ in the diary, but not nearly as many as there are to ‘Grandma’. However, since the references do occur it appears that Alice’s grandfather was still alive in 1876. Most of the entries start with a weather report (quite typical for diaries of that time). They then briefly describe her day and travels. Alice only seems to have attended school occasionally, despite being only 16 years old. Her family frequently traveled to Fullerville (in Fowler) and it appears to have been the most common destination for them. They also went to Harrisville (in Lewis County), Edwards, Little York (in Fowler), and Gouverneur. In the fall, Alice was sent to stay with relatives in the Stockholm/Parishville/Dickenson Center area. These are believed to have been relatives of her father. In addition to the daily entries listed below, Alice also wrote down poems in the front and rear memo sections of the diaries. Below are a some examples:
No longer at the usual time The diary below generally is a true transcription, complete with typographical errors such as ‘staid’ instead of ‘stayed’, ‘moped’ instead of ‘mopped’, etc. I have tried to add some punctuation to make the text clearer, since Alice did not seem to use any. Notes are included at the end for many of the people mentioned to give potential identifications where possible. Any updates, corrections, clarifications, or identifications can be sent to Start of regular diary entries for 1876 by Alice Holmes
Will we be gathered here
No longer see each others face
Nor list to the words of cheer
Tis hard to part with those we love
Tis hard to part with
Those we love
Tis hard to bid Adeau
Tis not so hard to part with some
As Tis to part with you.
- Alice Holmes
Tis hard to part
But then we must
But I feel as if
My heart would bust
While thus I muse on my vanished joys & look through bygone years my sight is blinded for my eyes are brimming full of tears. The earth was bright before me then & life was in its may. For he in very truth was mine who now is far away.
- Alice Holmes.
Monday March 27
It is very pleasant today. I am to Mr. Balls. Worked in the forenoon and went up to Mr. Davis in the afternoon. Othelia and I went down town in the evening.
Tuesday March 28
It is a very pleasant day. I staid with Jeff last night. We went down town in the morning. Balls people were washing. Camp(1) brought me home in the afternoon. We had a nice ride. Tuesday 28.
Wednesday March 29
It is snowing today. The snow is all a going off. We are washing today. Pa came home from Belmats(2) this morning. It freezes this evening. I am lonesome.
Thursday March 30
It is a beautiful morning. Pa has gone down to Belmats. Ma is moping. Saw E. Lamphere(3) go down. C. Rogers(4) was in. C. O. Pierce went down. It snowed in the afternoon.
Friday March 31
Still it snows. Grandma is sick with the headache. We are a going to iron. Mother and I went to Fullerville in the afternoon and took Henerette down. F. J. Paul(5) was here. Grandma went down to Mr. Leaches(6). Bought ½ lb tea.
Saturday April 1
Snowing this morning. Mother is moping. Very pleasant this afternoon. I (illegible) for ma. We went over to Mr. Leaches(6) a little while. Very pleasant evening. Did not get fooled.
Sunday April 2
Very Pleasant. Frank & Ardeal(5) was here. We went over to Mr. Hawks(7). Father came home from Belmots(2). Henerette was here.
Monday April 3
Very pleasant, snowing a little. Grandma and Mrs. Bennett come. Albert P. was here. We are washing. There was a fool (Ed Kitts) here. Rained in the afternoon. Dog bit me tonight.
Tuesday April 4
It is raining and raining. C. Rogers(4) was in. Gardy Hall was in. Pa and Grandpa went over to the old Tomas barn for straw. I moped and baked bread. Began to make over my brown dress. Very foggy. Ma is sick tonight.
Wednesday April 5
It is warm and pleasant. I worked on my dress. Saw Melzer Doul. Maly and Monty Sprague was in. Pa and grandma went to Fullerville. Polly Paul(8) came. It rained quite hard.
Thursday April 6
It is quite cold. Polly staid with me last night. The wind blows very hard. I ironed today. We had a lamb in the house and also baked cookies in the afternoon.
Friday April 7
Raining and snowing very wet. Had another lamb in the house. Went over to the barn with Pa after hay. Very stormy snowing hard. Charles Rogers(4) was here and spent the evening.
Saturday April 8
Pleasant this morning. I baked bread. Pa went over to Mr. Freeman(9). F. Paul(5) was in. Ma and I cleaned the hog pen and went to Fullerville. I got a letter from Jeff Lewis. Lobo(10) was in.
Sunday April 9
A beautiful morning. Father has gone to Pitcairn. C. Rogers(4) was here and spent the day. I wrote to letters, one to Jeff and one up west. Anna Waters(11) was in. Ma and Mrs. Lobo(10) was here in the evening.
Monday April 10
A beautiful day. We are washing. Father has gone over to Mr. Freeman(9). Mrs. Lobo(10) and Mrs. Cole(12) was here in the eveing.
Tuesday April 11
A very pleasant day. I am ironing and baking. Grandma is sick. Ma is working on my dress. Father has gone to Fullerville.
Wednesday April 12
Another pleasant day. Ma Spicer(13) was in. Father and I went up to the sugar bush. Mrs. Cole(12) was here.
Thursday April 13
A very nice morning but rained in the afternoon. I sewed on my dress.
Friday April 14
Raining again. Father went to Fullerville. Got me some corset stats (?). Rains terribly. Had some lambs in the house.
Saturday April 15
It is more pleasant this morning quite warm. Mrs. Waters and Hetty(11) was here in the afternoon. Henerette came up. C. Rogers(4) was in. Grandma went to Fullerville.
Sunday April 16
Raining and snowing. It is more pleasant this afternoon. Frank Scovil was in. Pa broke my comb. Grandma come home. Henerette went up to A. Paul’s(14). We went up to Mr. Coles(12) . C. Rogers(4) was here in the evening.
Monday April 17
It is rather dark and windy. We are washing and coloring.
Tuesday April 18
Snowed in the night. Not very pleasant. Father went to York(15). Mr. Spicer(13) took dinner here. I am not very well. Snowing tonight. Cora Allen came down. We went over to Mr. Hawks(7).
Wednesday April 19
More pleasant. I have been moping my room and the kitchen. I went to Fullerville with Pa and got me some writing paper. Charlie Lobo(10) was here.
Thursday April 20
Very pleasant. I went up to Mr. Rogers(4) & spent the day. Charlie and I went to York(15) about 4 o’clock.
Friday April 21
Rained all day. I went down to F. Pauls(5) & got my shoe fixed. Read storie in C. Rogers(4) paper.
Saturday April 22
A pleasant day. I have worked all day. Cleaned pantry to day. Mrs. Hawk(7) was here in the afternoon. C. Rogers(4) spent the evening. Went to bed at twelve o’clock. Cracked butternuts.
Sunday April 23
Another pleasant day. Jennie Woodcock(16) was here. We sold three lambs. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry was here. C. Rogers(4) and I went to Fullerville to meeting. Anna Mead was here. Pa bought the buggy.
Monday April 24
Very pleasant. Washing today. F. Paul(5) was in. Mrs. Cole(12) was in. Father sold the colt. Heneretta was here. Ironed in the afternoon.
Tuesday April 25
Rather dark day. I have moped. Mother & Ardeal(5) have gone up to Rogers(4). A. Paul(14) was in. Rained in the evening.
Wednesday April 26
Very warm. I & mother went up in the sugar bush to Mr. Rogers(4). Called on Mis Waters(11). F. Paul(5) was in.
Thursday April 27
Very pleasant. I went to Fullerville & got Mrs. Jenkins & went again at night and took her home.
Friday April 28
Raining today. I finished my brown dress. Ma frized my hair. More pleasant this afternoon. I went over to Mrs. Smiths with C. R.(4) to a party. Jennie Allen was here in the evening.
Saturday April 29
Quite pleasant although the wind blows cold. I went to Gouverneur. Saw Will Ball. Got me some new shoes & new gloves. Sleepy tonight.
Sunday April 30
Snowed a little. A very pleasant day. Pa and I went to Harrisville with pa (?) staid to Balls went to church in the evening went up to Effi’s and to see Minnie Horj (?).
Monday May 1
Very pleasant. Staid to Balls in the forenoon. Went up to Davis in the afternoon. Went downtown in the evening. Staid to Jeffs band played. Boarding Jennie Woodcock(16) comence.
Tuesday May 2
Very pleasant. Jeff and I went down town. Got some labels cut. Labels today. Went riding with Jennie Hitchcock. Played blindfold. Good time.
Wednesday May 3
Raining today though pleasant in the afternoon. Effie and I went over to Mrs. Osbornes. Had a nice visit. Jennie Larock took us riding. The band played. Called to Balls.
Thursday May 4
Called to Balls. Quite pleasant this morning. Rains a little. Camp(1) called us this morning. Mr. Osborne brought me home. A nice ride. Mrs. Davis gave me two large potatos. Got home at ten o’clock. Had a hail storm tonight.
Friday May 5
Very pleasant – though cool. Jennie(16) has just gone to school. I curled her hair. Raining this afternoon. Mrs. Bancroft(17) is here. C. Rogers(4) is in. Went to a party to Mr. Rogers. Staid all night.
Saturday May 6
Elsie came down. Father bought me a new comb. Dark & windy today. Looks like rain. C. Rogers(4) brought me home. I am *aning sleepy to as I can be. Mother and Father have gone to Harrisville. I went to sleep. Grandma went to Fullerville.
Sunday May 7
Raining this morning. Rained all day. I slept all the afternoon. Went after wintergreen berries.
Monday May 8
Very pleasant. Mother is washing. I have done up the work. It rains this afternoon. Commenced going to school. Eunice(4) came up today. Jennie(16) came up a fool this morning.
Tuesday May 9
Very pleasant this morning. Looks like rain. It has not rained today. I went to school. Jennie(16) and I went over to Mrs. Cole(12).
Wednesday May 10
More pleasant this morning. Curling Jennie’s(16) hair. I went to school. Went to Fullerville. Jennie and I went down with Dolly. Margaret was here today.
Thursday May 11
Very pleasant. The wind blows cold. Eunice(4), Mrs. Rogers & Mrs. Spicer(13) & Mary M. was here. I stitched on Eunice’s wrapper. Staid out of school today.
Friday May 12
It rains today. Not very pleasant. I went to school. Mrs. Bancroft(17) was up first (?) night. Elsie went to school with me. C. Rogers(4) was here in the evening. Asked Frank Allen if he saw a stray pigs.
Saturday May 13
It is not pleasant today. The wind blows cold rains a little. I have baked cake. Jennie(16) went home on foot this morning. Mother and grandma went to Fullerville. I went to sleep in the afternoon. C. Rogers(4) was in here tonight.
Sunday May 14
Very pleasant. Pa has killed the cow. I slept all the afternoon. Saw Anna and Jotty Scott(18) go down. Elsie and I went after the sheep. Mr. Hubbard paid Pa 10 dollars and took the note.
Monday May 15
A very cold day. I went to school. Lu Lobo(10) was in the evening. Ma and Grandma went fishing. Jennie’s father(16) brought her up. Ma washed today.
Tuesday May 16
A very pleasant day. Pa went to Halesborough and to D. Peck(19) to see Anna Mead. Saw Mr. Ball go down.
Fiday May 17
Dark and gloomy. Rained a little. Went to school. Mrs. Wakeford was here. Ma ironed. Jennie(16) & I went after some flowers.
Thursday May 18
Called to Mr. Waters(11). Rained in the morning. Pleasant in the afternoon. Went to school. Grandma went to Fullerville. Got her bonnet. Jennie(16) & I & Ma went after wintergreens, got six quarts. Lobo(10) was in.
Friday May 19
Very pleasant and awful warm. I went to school in the forenoon. Cleaned schoolhouse in the afternoon. Was colored black.
Saturday May 20
Very pleasant. I staid to home all day. Baked bread. Ma went to Fullerville. Elsie went over to Mr. Rogers(4). Made beer today.
Sunday May 21
Elsie went home with S Laye. Awful warm. I went down to Delos Spicers. Carried Grandma and Mrs. Spicer down to go to Parishville. Got home about 7 o’clock. Lost my shawl. Eddie bought the lambs.
Monday May 22
Rains rained all day. Ma & I washed. Did not go to school. L. Lobo(10) was in. Sewed my hat over in the afternoon. Greens for supper. Jennie(16) & I went over to Mr. Coles(12).
Tuesday May 23
Very pleasant. Ma and I cleaned three rooms up stairs. Mrs. Worden(20), Florence & Ardeal & Frank(5), Mina Render went down. C. Rogers(4) was down in the evening.
Wednesday May 24
Very pleasant. The wind blows quite hard this afternoon. Ma & I finished the chambers.
Thursday May 25
Looks like rain this morning, pleasant in the afternoon. I & Jennie(16) went up to Mr. Rogers(4). Staid all night. Ma went to Fullerville. Cleaned the cellar.
Friday May 26
Cool but pleasant. Came home about 10 o’clock. Very warm. Went up to Mr. Rogers(4) again to get some sweet corn. Jennie(16) had camping six girls from Fullerville. A. Paul(14) was here to supper.
Saturday May 27
Very pleasant this morning. I am ironing. Ma and I went over to Eugene Tompsons(21) in the afternoon. Saw Mr. Hank Tompson in the evening. C. Rogers(4) was down to see me.
Sunday May 28
Very pleasant. C. Rogers(4) came down to see me in the forenoon. I & C. Rogers went to ride in the afternoon. Called W. A. Smith(22), got home at 9 o’clock. Very warm. Cora Allen called here. Pa got his hair cut.
Monday May 29
Pleasant in the morning same in the afternoon. Mom and I washed. I moped. Did not go to school. Mrs. Cole(12) was in. Rained in the evening.
Tuesday May 30
Very pleasant and warm. Ma & I white washed Grandma’s bedroom. Ed Waters(11) was in. Very warm.
Wednesday May 31
Another warm day. I went to school. Jennie(16) & I went up to Mr. Kennedy after school came home at half past eight. Saw Mr. T. King and Mr. Pahid (?) go up.
Thursday June 1
First day of June. Awful warm. I went to school & after school we went up to Mr. Allen’s for tea. Saw Mr. Roger(4). Thinks he is (illegible). Home at half past 10 o’clock. Tired out.
Friday June 2
Pleasant but warm. Went to school. Jennie(16) went home. Mother went down to Mrs. Bancroft(17). Ma & I went a fishing. Caught six fish.
Saturday June 3
Baked cake. Not so warm today but pleasant. Rained a little tonight. Andrew & Minnie called here today. I went into Mrs. Cole’s(12). Ma has gone a fishing. I have done up the work.
Sunday June 4
Very warm and pleasant. Eva Schoolcraft(23) was here. C. Rogers(4) here to see me. Pa & Charley went over to Mr. Freeman’s(9). Grandma come home from Parishville. Saw Mr. Ball’s people go up.
Monday June 5
Pa went to Clifton. Very pleasant not so warm. I went to school. We did not wash. C. Rogers(4) was down at 4 o’clock to get some pork. Grandma is not very well. Jennie(16) lost her pin. I went down to F. J. Paul’s(5) to get a hat.
Tuesday June 6
Looks like rain – did not rain – pleasant. Went to school. Pa came home from Clifton. I wrote a letter to Eugene Brown. It was a love letter.
Wednesday June 7
Very pleasant & warm. I got up at 4 o’clock this morning. Went to Gouverneur. Bought a hat & dress tie. Ma got her gloves. Circus to Gouverneur. Did not go in. Called to Uncle Steph(24) and to Mike Porters. Got home at ten o’clock.
Thursday June 8
Rains this morning – pleasant this afternoon. Went to school. Ma had the tooth ache. Washed today. Gardy Hall was in.
Friday June 9
Very warm. Went to school. Rained in the afternoon a thunderstorm. Jennie(16) went home. Mrs. Hawk(7) was here.
Saturday June 10
Very warm and I have worked all day. Ironed this afternoon. Ma colored red & green. Mrs. Cole(12) was in. I went to Fullerville. I see Mrs. Balmot afront making my dress. Ma went a fishing got a good many.
Sunday June 11
Very pleasant this morning. Mrs. Terry & Mrs. Robinson was here. Hot today. Cora Allen was in. Mrs. Worden(20) & Nettie Brown was here. C. Rogers was here a short time. Ma & I went over to Eugene Tompsons(21).
Monday June 12
Warm in the forenoon. Thundershowers in the afternoon. Went to school. Al Paul(14) lathed today. Rained hard – cool this evening. Colored copper as color.
Tuesday June 13
Cool this morning. Wove one stripe on the carpet. Washing today. Went to school. Jennie Allen was in after some plants. C. Rogers came home with Jennie from Mr. Waters(11).
Wednesday June 14
Warm this morning. Went to school. Rains tonight – a terrible thunderstorm – rains yet. Mrs. Waters(11) was in. One stripe of carpet done.
Thursday June 15
Very warm. Went to Fullerville. Had my dress cut & fitted. Called on Ardeal(5). Rode home with Mrs. Culver. Rained when we got home. Laura (?) was over. Pa worked on the road.
Friday June 16
Very cool & pleasant. Robbie Webb(25) was in. Jennie(16) went home. I went to school. Made soap today. Wove on the carpet.
Saturday June 17
Very cool. Mopped and baked this forenoon. Ironed my white waists. Ma & Grandma went a fishing in the afternoon.
Sunday June 18
Wind blows terribly – rains a little. C. Rogers(4) was here all day. Ma & Grandma went a strawberries. Rained terribly. Went over to Lobos(10) Pa, Ma, & I.
Monday June 19
Rainy this morning. Brought Jennie’s(16) instrument up. Mrs. Waters(11) white washed the parlor. Began to paper. Eddie Worden(20) was in a shower.
Tuesday June 20
Very pleasant. Pa & I went to York(15) afer more proper finished papering. Rained again this afternoon. C. Rogers(4) was down. We had all gone to bed.
Wednesday June 21
Very cool & pleasant – rained half of the time. Wove on the carpet most all day. Mrs. Lobo(10) was here in the afternoon. Practiced in the evening.
Thursday June 22
Very cool & pleasant. Wove on the carpet all day. A peddler staid all night. Played on the melodian tonight.
Friday June 23
Very cool & pleasant. Bought me some Casticks. Wove in the forenoon. Went to sleep in the afternoon. Grandma went a fishing. Called to Mr. Lobos(10) in the evening.
Saturday June 24
Warm & pleasant. Ma was sick. I moped and done the house work. Ma sewed on my dress. Grandma went to Fullerville. Pa & I rode down just night.
Sunday June 25
Rains terribly. Mrs. Allen & Robbie(43) was here. Ma is sick. C. Rogers(4) spent the afternoon. Uncle Steph & Auntie(24) was up. More pleasant.
Monday June 26
Cleaned my bed. Quite warm all day. Auntie went home this morning. Grandma & I washed. Ma sewed a little on my dress. Rote (sic) a letter to Effie tonight. Done a big days work. Tired.
Tuesday June 27
Rains this morning. I ironed all the forenoon. Done up my corset. Went calling up to Mr. Rogers(4) & Mr. Spicer(13). Saw a blind man & a crazy man. Ma was very sick. I went over to Mr. Lobo(10) to get some Cena (?).
Wednesday June 28
Very pleasant. I ironed & baked bread. Served a little tonight’s callers Mrs. Waters(11), Mrs. Lobo(10) and Mrs. Cole(12). Gave Mrs. Lobo my overskirt & waist.
Thursday June 29
Warm & pleasant. I baked all the forenoon. Mrs. Rogers(4) was here with Frankie. Stiched on Frankie’s clothes. Sewed on my dress. I carried Mrs. Rogers home & Jennie & I went to Mrs. Hubbards.
Friday June 30
Very warm and pleasant. Pa & I went to Little York. Called to Mrs. Bigfords(26). Got me some collars & cuffs & some pink ribbon, Grandpa a coat & a new ***(?). Jennie(16) went home on foot.
Saturday July 1
Pleasant this morning – a shower in the afternoon. Moped & is done all the work. Grandma is sick and so is Ma. Mrs. Cole(12) was in. Went to sleep in the afternoon. Picked my ducks.
Sunday July 2
Looks like rain. C. Rogers(4) was down to see me. Henry Coats was in. Rained in the afternoon. Saw Mr. Ball go down. Called on Mrs. Labo(10).
Monday July 3
Rains this morning, windy. Very windy this afternoon. Called on Mrs. Cole(12) this afternoon. Have not done much. Went to sleep. Picked some peas. Pulled some daises. Hoed some cabbage plants.
Tuesday July 4
It rained hard at 4 o’clock this morning. C. Rogers(4) and I went to Harrisville. Staid all day & all night. It rained most all day. Ma & Pa, Grandma & Grandpa all went. Mrs. Cole(12) rode up with them. Pleasant evening.
Wednesday July 5
Got home after one. Rained hard. Very cool and pleasant. Came down from H. Took breakfast to Mr. Rogers(4). Got home around 11 o’clock. Robbie brought Effie down this morning. She & I rode down to Fullerville & down to Mrs. Tithrans (?).
Thursday July 6
Very pleasant. Effie & I picked peas for dinner. Pa & I & Effie went to Little York. Called to Mr. Silvers(27). Got my sundoan (?) **?. Ate peanuts in the evening. Very pleasant.
Friday July 7
Rained in the afternoon. Very pleasant out this morning. Ma & Grandma washed. I did the work. Ironed my white dress in the afternoon. Jeff went after gooseberries. She ironed her waist. We all went fishing. Had a nice time.
Saturday July 8
Jennie(16) kept school today. Hot as it can be. Did not do very much. Mrs. Thompson was here in the forenoon & to dinner. Effie & I went to Harrisville. Got there about seven. Went downtown in the evening.
Sunday July 9
Another hot day. I staid with Effie last night. Started for home about 10 o’clock. Called to Mr. Rogers(4). Got home about 2 o’clock. Jennie(16) did not go home this week. Jennie & I & C. Rogers went to ***? for a ***?. Came around the square.
Monday July 10
Very pleasant. I picked some peas for dinner. Hoed my plants. Helped to pick wool. Mrs. Cole(12) helped me pick in the afternoon. A thunderstorm past night. Went to meet pa. He got some new hens (?).
Tuesday July 11
Rainy this morning – pleasant in the afternoon. Washing today. Moped a little. Jennie & I took supper to Mr. Spicer(13). Called to Mr. Rogers(4) to get some yeast. C. Rogers was down to Mr. Spicers. Frank Gates(28) was down.
Wednesday July 12
Pleasant & hot. Wove most all day. Ma ironed. I baked and went a berrrying – got a quart. Wove a strip today. Mrs. Cole(12) was down.
Thursday July 13
Al worked here. Worked this morning & wove on the carpet. Mrs. Labo(10) was in. I went over to Mr. Labos this morning. Pleasant & warm. Took tea to Mrs. Cole(12). Jennie(16), I, & Pa draned 3 loads of hay.
Friday July 14
Albert worked here. Warm & pleasant. I ironed all day. Done my linen dress for the first time. Ma wove in the afternoon. Finished the big peace of carpet. Hot. Jennie(16) went home. 2 loads.
Saturday July 15
Very warm. Cleaned the pantry & moped & swept. Have been to work all day. Mrs. Cole(12) was in. Pa went to Fullerville tonight. Put 2 loads of hay.
Sunday July 16
Cool this morning – warm this afternoon. Wrote a letter to Anna Mead. Mrs. Hawk(7) was in. Mr. & Mrs. Labo(10) was here in the evening. Ma & Grandma went down to Mr. Spragues.
Monday July 17
Very warm. We cleaned the kitchen & Ma’s bedroom. White washed today. Grandma went up to Alberts. 2 loads of hay.
Tuesday July 18
Very warm. Ma & Grandma & I went a berrying. Got 15 quarts. Sold them to Mr. Wellar at 8 cents. 2 loads of hay.
Wednesday July 19
Very pleasant & warm. Helped to wash. Wove on the carpet. Went over to Mr. Labos(10). Went up to Mr. Keen. 3 loads. ? staid till 11 o’clock. We see Mrs. Tomas.
Thursday July 20
Mrs. Tomas died. Warm but it rained in the afternoon. The wind blowed terriibly. Went a berrying. Ma & I 1 load got 14 quarts at 8 cents. Pa & I went to Fullerville.
Friday July 21
Hot – Very warm. Rained in the afternoon a little. Mrs. Eavens & Mrs. Terry was up and Jane Bancroft(17) was here in the afternoon. I was sick. Had the headache. Stitched on Jane’s dress. Went after some yeast.
Saturday July 22
Very hot & dry. Went to Mrs. Tomas funeral. Ma sat up last night with her. Rained last night. Mr. Bratt was married.
Sunday July 23
Looks like rain – very cool. Jennie staid here today. C. Rogers(4) was down. We went over to Mr. Spicers(13) to tea. Played croquet. Ellen was sick. Rained just night. Ma & Pa went ariding.
Monday July 24
Cool but pleasant. Ma & Grandma picked 15 quarts of berries. I went to Fullerville. Called to Mr. Collins. It rained. Took Jennie(16) home sick.
Tuesday July 25
Cool – it rained in the afternoon. Ma & I went a berrying. Got 14 quarts. Ma & Grandma went to Fullerville. Father got me some slippers.
Wednesday July 26
Very pleasant. Mrs. Rogers(4) was here in the forenoon. I sewed for her. Called to Mrs. Labos(10) this afternoon.
Thursday July 27
Very cool but pleasant. We went a berrying today. Picked 21 quarts. Pa took us up & carried us to Fullerville. Reen & Betsy went to. Uncle Deck came down.
Friday July 28
Rains this morning. Washing today. Had the headache. Rained most all day.
Saturday July 29
Pleasant this morning. Ma is moping. Grama is sewing on the carpet. I went down to see Jennie in the afternoon. Staid all night.
Sunday July 30
Pleasant this morning. Staid until 11 o’clock with Jennie. Effie Davis(29) and Silas Lane was here. Eddie Rogers(4) & Uncle Deck. A very warm day.
Monday July 31
Warm today. Ma & Grandma went berrying – got 15 quarts. I staid to home & done the work. Grama & I went to Fullerville. Saw Jennie.
Tuesday August 1
Very cool but pleasant. Washing today. Mrs. & Ma Spicer(13) was down. Ma & Bell went to Fullerville got a five quart pail. Went up to Mrs. Rogers(4) & staid all night.
Wednesday August 2
Very warm. Went a berrying. Got 10 quarts. Mrs. Rogers(4) went. Eddie brought us home. Very warm.
Thursday August 3
Very pleasant this morning. I have been down to Mrs. Evans to get some yeast. Pa & I went to Gouverneur. Got me a tie & a belt. Put down the carpet today.
Friday August 4
Very pleasant but warm. I have baked pies & cake. I ironed my white dress. Ma & Gramma has gone visiting to Mr. Spicers(13). Little Gertie came home with them.
Saturday August 5
Very warm. Grandma & Ma went a berrying. Ma went up to Spicers(13) in the afternoon. I moped & worked all day. Bell came down to night. I went a berrying first night & got most 2 quarts 14 quarts.
Sunday August 6
Very warm night. I went up to Mr. Waterses to see Hetty(11). Charles & I went to York(15) to Church. Called to Mr. Glaziers(30). Got home at one o’clock.
Monday August 7
Not so warm – looks like rain. Ma & Gramma went berrying. Got 8 quarts. I staid to home. Done the work. Went up to Mr. Waters & set up with Hettie(11).
Tuesday August 8
Very warm. I came home & moped & baked. Ma & Granma went a berrying – got 9 quarts. Mrs. Bennett & Winnie(31) was here.
Wednesday August 9
Very warm. Washing today. Ma & I went up to Al’s. Saw George Mead. I took a nap in the afternoon.
Thursday August 10
Very warm. Went a berrying. Got 9 quarts. Stopped to Mr. Rogers(4) to dinner. Came home & went to Fullerville. Got some cotton yarn.
Friday August 11
Very hot. I went up to Spicers(13). Bell & I went a berrying. I got 5 quarts. Joseph Labo(10) called here. Jennie(16) went home.
Saturday August 12
Very warm again. I staid to home. Worked all day. Ma went berrying. Got 3 quarts. Saw Jennie Exford. Ironed my white dress. Saw Mr. Davis. Went up to Mr. Waters to see Hettie(11).
Sunday August 13
Just a little cooler. Very hot this afternoon. C. Rogers(4) called here. Mr. Pike came up a berrying. Went to see Mr. Coles(12). Nell, Em & Eugene was here. We went up to Mr. Waters(11).
Monday August 14
Very warm. Ma & I went a berrying. Got 6 quarts. Went to Fox Hill. Came home & baked & then went to Fullerville with Hein (?).
Tuesday August 15
Very warm this morning but rained hard in the afternoon. Went a berrying. I picked 7 quarts. Ma picked ** 12 quarts. Sold mine to Mr. Vanance.
Wednesday August 16
Draned 6 loads. Cooler this morning. Went a berrying, got 13 quarts. I went up to Mr. Rogers(4) & staid all night. Very warm in the afternoon. Bell came down.
Thursday August 17
Quite pleasant. Mr. Rogers(4) brought me home. Washed today. Bell & I came down to Fullerville. I got some cotton yarn. Jennie’s(16) school closed today. I went after the cows. My birthday.
Friday August 18
Very pleasant. We went a berrying. Did not get any. Met Mr. Tompsons & rode up to the shantes. Came home & took a nap. There was a dance to Halesborough. C. Rogers(4) came home.
Saturday August 19
Cool this morning. Rained hard in the night. I ironed & moped & washed windows. Ma & Granma went berrying. Got about 10 qts. Sold them to Mr. Pike. Pa went to Fullerville.
Sunday August 20
Cool. Looks like rain. Pa & Ma & I went up to Mr. Wakefords. Was gone all day. Came back by Pitcairn. Cold all day. C. Rogers(4) was here when us come home. Vited me for fo**(?).
Monday August 21
Cold today. Guess it might snow. Went a berrying. Got 18 quarts & ½. Went to Fullerville at night. I saw Mr. Kerns people.
Tuesday August 22
Warmer today. Went a berrying. Got 12 quarts. Mrs. Bennett(31) went. Sold them to Mr. Vanaprer.
Wednesday August 23
A little warmer. Ma & Grandma went berrying. 6 quarts. I staid at home all day. Mrs. Rogers(4) was in. Ma went down to Mr. Collins. Got my Cil Speed. (?)
Thursday August 24
Pleasant this morning. Grandma & I are washing. Ma has gone berrying. (Illegible) gets moped & baked & washed chairs. Amos Waters was in. Pa draned 1 load of hay.
Friday August 25
Bought 1 pair of stockings. Pleasant this morning. Ironing. Grandma & Mrs. Bennett(31) have gone to Fullerville. Had a shower at noon. I went to Fullerville to Jane Bancroft’s(17) to tea. Rode home with Mr. Allen.
Saturday August 26
Pleasant, went berrying. Got 8 quarts. Rained all day. Went all over Canarda. Mrs. Rogers(4) was here. Mr. Pike took our berries. Wind blowed quite hard & chilly.
Sunday August 27
Quite cool this morning. Staid to home all day. Went to sleep. Pa & Ma went up to Mr. Rogers(4).
Monday August 28
Cool but pleasant. I went to Gouverneur with Mr. Allen. Got a new tie & a ruff & some perfume. Took dinner to Mr. Porter. Got home at 9 o’clock.
Tuesday August 29
Very pleasant. Ma & Grandma went berrying. Mrs. Hawk(7) was here. I baked bread & cookies. Fern Hale took Ma & Grandma down H--. I went over to Gene Thompsons(21). Rode home with E. Carbine.
Wednesday August 30
Very dry. Fires all around. I baked pies & cakes & ironed. Worked all day.
Thursday August 31
Very warm & dry. I have washed & moped. Baked bread. Mr. & Mrs. Freeman was here. I called to Mr. Labos(10) to get a flat iron.
Friday September 1
Very pleasant. I ironed my white dress. Gertrude & John & Bell & Mrs. Spicer(13) & C. Rogers(4) was here. Went over to Mr. Hawks(7) in the evening. Rained terribly at night.
Saturday September 2
Very cool & nice. Gertrude & Bell & Ma went down to Franks(5). I moped & done all the work. Went up to Mr. Allen’s with Em & Gene.
Sunday September 3
Very cool but pleasant. Gertrude & John & I went up to Mr. Spicer’s(13). Jennie came up. We went up to Mr. Waters(11). Ma & Pa went over to Hank (?) Thompsons.
Monday September 4
Rains this morning. Gertrude went home. Ma took Jennie’s(16) melodian home. Sewed all day on the machine. C. Rogers(4) was in. Mrs. Labo(10) was in.
Tuesday September 5
Very cold. Mrs. Rogers(4) came down. I sewed all day. Charlie(4) was in. Pa draned coal. Saw Jeff & Robbie. Ma & Pa went up to Mr. Allen’s in the evening.
Wednesday September 6
Mrs. Labo(10) was in. Very pleasant. Finished Winnie’s dress & made a shirt for Charlie. Saw Mina Render. Went to Fullerville. Got me some cuffs & pins. Took tea to Mrs. Terry’s. Mrs. Rogers(4) was here. Mrs. Thompson was here in the evening.
Thursday September 7
Second day of fair. A splendid day. I have been getting ready all day. Went over to Mr. Labo’s(10) in the afternoon a little while.
Friday September 8
Rains terribly. Started for the fair about eleven o’clock. Pleasant in the afternoon. Had a nice time. Went up to York(15) at night. Run horses all the way up. Took dinner to D. Pecks(19).
Saturday September 9
Rainy & cold. Came home from York(15). Got home about noon. Had a nice time. Danced all night & came home with the girls in the morning. I am sleepy to as I can be. Went to sleep at six.
Sunday September 10
Very cool. Worked all day. C. Rogers(4) came down. Eugene T.(21) came after me. We went to Edwards. Got tipped over. Did not get hurt. Saw Barnes Lenny.
Monday September 11
Very pleasant. Went over to the Hop yard. Had lots of fun. Picked 16 inches. C. Rogers(4) came home from the Hop yard with me & staid all the evening & all night.
Tuesday September 12
Very cool. Went picking hops. Picked 16 inches. Cold at night. Finished picking. Went over to Hawks(7) in the evening. Lennie came home with me.
Wednesday September 13
Very pleasant. I came home after some hay. Staid all day over here. Worked a little. Went after the cows. (illegible) Dinner eat apples in the evening.
Thursday September 14
Very cool – rained all the forenoon. Emma & I went to Pitcairn. Took dinner to the Geers. Came back at night. Had a nicotine. Had my fortune told in the evening.
Friday September 15
Raining terribly this morning. Did not go to Fine. Went over to Hawks(7) in the afternoon to tea. Em & Gene & Len came over. Len came home with me. A nasty day.
Saturday September 16
Very pleasant. Went to Fine. Had a splendid time. Saw Frank Gates(28). Rode all day. Went through Shawville(32). Had some fun. Got disappointed Got home at 7 o’clock.
Sunday September 17
Rained in the afternoon. Saw Mr. Gibbs. Very pleasant. C. Freeman called to Gene’s. I came home on foot. Pa & Ma was over. They staid to dinner with Mrs. Bennett & Winnie(31) came home with us. C. Rogers(4) was here in the evening. Winnie & I took a short ride.
Monday September 18
Looks like rain. Rained in the afternoon. Ironed all day. Went up to Mr. Waters(11) & staid to tea. Ma & Pa went to Harrisville. Called to Mr. Labos(10).
Tuesday September 19
Rainy all day. Grandma went to Fuller-. Got her some rubbers. I moped & washed windows. I called to Mr. Hawks(7).
Wednesday September 20
Rains. More pleasant in the afternoon. Gene Tompson(21) & his wife were here to dinner & also Mrs. Bennett(31). I made my white. Me, Ma & Pa came home in the evening. Henerette came down. Ren Cote was married.
Thursday September 21
Very pleasant this morning. Len came over. Eddie Rogers(4) was down. Henrette & I went up Frank Allen’s in the afternoon. Came home in the evening.
Friday September 22
Very pleasant. I washed today. Mina Waters was down. I sewed in the afternoon. Went over to Mr. Coles(12) to a party. Had a nice little time.
Saturday September 23
Cool but pleasant. I went down to Fullerville. In the afternoon Ma went down to Frank Scovil’s. I went after some cherries. Called to Mr. Waters(11). C. Rogers(4) was down.
Sunday September 24
Emme’s child was born. A lovely day. Charlie(4) & I went up to King McColemans. Took dinner there and came home by the forks. Got home about 12 o’clock. Went with the new harness & Mr. Water’s(11) buggy.
Monday September 25
Quite pleasant. I sewed most all day. Ma came home at noon with Mrs. Rogers(4). I had the teeth ache and went to bed early.
Tuesday September 26
Rains very hard. Clearer this afternoon. Ma & I went up to Mr. Spicers(13) to tea. Sewed most all day. Cool tonight. Mrs. Church was up here.
Wednesday September 27
Rainy. Rained all day. Mr. Spicer(13) was in. I have washed & ironed my linen suit. Grandma went to Fullerville. A man staid here all night. C. Rogers(4) was down in the evening.
Thursday September 28
Rainy today. Mrs. Rogers(4) came down in the afternoon. I sewed all day for her. Went over to Mr. Lobos(10). Got ready to go to Potsdam.
Friday September 29
Rains terribly. Got up a half past three. Came out to Potsdam & John met me there. Got to Gertie’s at half past one. Went to a party to Mr. Covies. Had a nice time. Got acquainted with lots of people.
Saturday September 30
Very pleasant. I had a headache. Slept awhile in the forenoon. Read a little in the afternoon. Rained again.
Sunday October 1
Quite pleasant. We got ready & went up to Uncles Josh. Staid all day. Had a good visit. Came back. Read in the evening. Rained again.
Monday October 2
Raining – cleared off and was pleasant in the afternoon. John & I went down to Little Falls(33). Knit all the afternoon. Gertrude washed.
Tuesday October 3
Quite pleasant although the wind blows hard. Gertie & I went up to Ben Abbots. Gertie went home. I staid all night. Rainy at night.
Wednesday October 4
Rainy this morning. More pleasant in the afternoon. I knit most all day. Took a nap in the afternoon.
Thursday October 5
Rains again this morning. I knit most all day. Mrs. Smith was in. Made a call. Rained most all day.
Friday October 6
Rainy again this morning. Went to Bicknilville(34). It rained most all the way down. Got all mud. Got home at dark. Came back by John’s. Had quite a nice time. Had the headache.
Saturday October 7
Rainy again. Minnie had the tooth ache last night. Had a snow storm but had green corn for tea. It snowed quite hard but cleared up 4 o’clock & was pleasant. I wrote (illegible). Haven’t done much today.
Sunday October 8
Snowing again terribly hard. Had a hail storm at night. Did not do anything but read. Went over to Mr. Smith’s. Had some mince pie.
Monday October 9
More pleasant but cold. We washed & ironed in the afternoon. Uncle Joshua was over this morning. Very cool.
Tuesday October 10
Quite cold. The wind blows like rain. We went over to Uncle Joshua’s. They went back. I staid all night. We all went over in the wood. Florence was there.
Wednesday October 11
More pleasant but cold. Libbie & George have gone to the village. I took a nap in the afternoon. John Lonis was here.
Thursday October 12
More pleasant – quite a nice day. Something new. Flod & I got dinner. We all went over to the potato patch had lots of fun in the evening.
Friday October 13
Very pleasant. Libbie & I & Flod went up on White Hill(35). Took dinner to Mr. Todds. Got back about 5 o’clock. Had a nice time. Saw the Adrondac mountains.
Saturday October 14
Quite pleasant but rained & snowed in the afternoon. I ironed in the forenoon. Took a nap in the afternoon.
Sunday October 15
Snowing this morning. Froze hard. Slept most all day. Libbie & I went down to the road. Mr. Gyno was to Uncle’s had tea after dark.
Monday October 16
Storms & snows. Libbie & I went to the village. Got Auntie some trimmings. Washed in the forenoon. Snowed (?) like fun.
Tuesday October 17
Pleasant morning. Washed again today. Florence & Josh went up the hill. It was very cold. Lib & I went after the cows.
Wednesday October 18
A pleasant morning. Uncle Joshua & I went out to Dickerson. It was a nice day. We stoped Hopcanton(36) to the starch factory. Got there about 4 o’clock.
Thursday October 19
Quite pleasant. I staid all day. Sewed for Eugene. A nice day.
Friday October 20
Pleasant. Jene & I went up to Nicholville(37) in the afternoon. Ala & I went up to Dickerson in the forenoon. Called to Mrs. Charles. Had a party in the evening. Had a nice time. Hod Parmer was here.
Saturday October 21
Rains this morning. Quite sleepy today. Gene is moping. Mr. Palmer was down.
Sunday October 22
Cool, looks like rain. Hod Palmer was down & staid the afternoon. George & Lucy called here. George & I went to church in the evening. A nice evening.
Monday October 23
Cool but pleasant. Jene & I went over to Mr. Deny’s in the afternoon. Hod & Ad came over in the evening. Hod come home with me. It rained in the evening.
Tuesday October 24
Ala went to Parishville. Quite pleasant this morning. Jene is washing. I moped in the afternoon. Jene baked cake. Lucy came over to tea. Adda staid with us. Hod was down in the evening.
Wednesday October 25
Pleasant this morning but rained at night. Hod & I went up to Mr. Kingsberry’s to a dance. Had a nice time. Came home at 4 in the morning. Ala came home.
Thursday October 26
Cold today. I have slept most all day. Did not feel very well. Liza came over in the afternoon.
Friday October 27
Snowing this morning. Hod was down this morning. Gene & Frank went up to the Ville. I baked a cake. Ala ironed. Gene & I went up to Parmers & Hod & Ad came home with us. It was a beautiful evening.
Saturday October 28
A beautiful morning. Mrs. Tuttle came down. Gene & I went up to Mr. Parmers in the afternoon, had a nice time. Hod came home with us & staid the evening. Harvey Waste & sister was down in the evening.
Sunday October 29
Very pleasant day. Hod & I went to church & then took a ride. Went in the evening in a double wagon. Had a nice time. Hod staid until it was time to go home.
Monday October 30
A pleasant morning. I was sleepy. Hod & I went down to Brushes Mill to a mass meeting. Had a nice time. Had a torch light possession. Got home at 1 o’clock.
Tuesday October 31
A pleasant morning but rained in the afternoon. Gertie & John came out. Hod was in. Mrs. Ellthorp was in.
Wednesday November 1
Rainy today. I called to Mr. Denes. Hod was down in the evening. Mr. Rice was here. Lost his cap.
Thursday November 2
Rainy today. We went to Dickinson to a show. Took a ride after the show. Lucy & Liza was over.
Friday November 3
Rainy again. We tried to sleep but Alla would not let us. We went over to Mr. Denes to tea. George came home with us.
Saturday November 4
Looks like rain. Gene moped. I did not do much. Frank & Gene went to meeting in the afternoon.
Sunday November 5
A pleasant day. I went up to Mr. Palmers. Addie was down in the afternoon. George was down & Eben(38) was down in the evening.
Monday November 6
Quite pleasant. I went up to Mr. Parmers in the forenoon. Made a collar for Jene. We went up to see Ebbin(38). He came home with us & staid the evening. It rained.
Tuesday November 7
(Illegible) my last night in Dickinson Junction day today. Frank went to the Junction. A rainy day. Jene ironed. Ebbin(38) was in in the morning. We went up to Mr. Parmers to a party. Came home at 10 o’clock. Had a lecture.
Wednesday November 8
Lourery (?) & cold. George was in & Ad came to bid me adeau. Frank & I came out to Uncle Joshua. Got there at dark.
Thursday November 9
Rains this morning. Frank went back. Uncle took Gertie & I up to the village in the wagon. Had a nice time. Pleasant in the afternoon. Gertie is making me a basket.
Friday November 10
Quite cold. We went up to Uncle Ben’s(39). They was not to home. We called to Mr. Smiths. Saw Libbie Covie & Sarah Allen. Got my shoe mended.
Saturday November 11
The ground is covered with snow. It is warm. The snow is melting away. Rant was in. There is a man here to clean out the needl (?). We went down to Mr. Berry to eat. Chicken pie.
Sunday November 12
Very pleasant. We went over to Oscar Stones. Staid most all day. Gertie walked coming home. Libbie Covie was in. I wrote home.
Monday November 13
A pleasant morning. I washed this morning. Uncle John & I went up to the village in the afternoon.
Tuesday November 14
Rains this morning – more pleasant. Uncle John & I went over to Mr. Covies after some cider. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Franklin from the west. Had some (illegible) for dinner. Uncle John went up to B*teses in the evening.
Wednesday November 15
A pleasant day. Jene out. Carrie came down.
Thursday November 16
A pleasant day. Gertie & I went riding around the (illegible)
Friday November 17
Very pleasant day. Gertie moped. Mrs. Tupper was here to dinner. Libbie Covie was here in the afternoon. A lovely day. I am getting ready to go home. We went peace with Libbie. I saw Bert Tupper.
Saturday November 18
Cool this morning. We started for Potsdam about 8 o’clock. Staid there till one & started for home. Got to Gouv- at 4 o’clock. Saw Anna Mead. Saw Eva Peck. Got home at 9 o’clock. The roads was very bad. Mrs. Hawk(7) was buried.
Sunday November 19
Quite pleasant. Sylia & Will staid here last night. Aunt Meranda & Steph(24) was here. C. Rogers(4) was here & staid to dinner. C. Rogers was here tonight.
Monday November 20
Rainy today. Ma & I cleaned the chambers today. Worked all day. Albert was in.
Tuesday November 21
Washed today. A pleasant day. C. Rogers(4) was in. We all went up to Rogers in the evening. Had a nice visit.
Wednesday November 22
Rainy today. We cleaned the kitchen & Ma’s room. Lance was sick. Emmagene & Ma went over in the night.
Thursday November 23
Snowing this morning. I have moped. Ma & Jane are a bed. Sewed in the afternoon. Called to Mr. Hawks(7). Snowed all day.
Friday November 24
Snows a little. Cleaned the pantry this forenoon. Jene & I went down to Frank Backus(40) in the afternoon. Pa came after us. A pleasant evening.
Saturday November 25
Quite cool but pleasant. I washed chairs. Ma moped. We all went over to Mr. Thompson’s in the evening. Had a nice time. C. Rogers(4) staid here all night. Had some fun.
Sunday November 26
Snowed a little. We did not get up till 9. I slept most all day. Frank Bromegine(41) was in. The snow stays on yet.
Monday November 27
Clear but cold. We are washing. Jene & I went to Fullerville. I got me a new Calico dress.
Tuesday November 28
Quite cold. We all went up to Albert’s. Staid most all day. Sewed on Henerette’s dress. Went over to Cole’s(12) in the evening.
Wednesday November 29
Pleasant this morning. I have moped & am ironing. Ma baked all day. Killed some chickens in the evening.
Thursday November 30
Thanksgiving. Very cold. Snows a little. We had a chicken pie for supper. I called on Mr. Lobos(10).
Friday December 1
Cold today. Jene & I took a ride before daylight. C. Rogers(4) was over in the evening.
Saturday December 2
Quite cold. I have moped & baked & cleaned out the cellar. The folks have all gone to H---. Eddie Rogers(4) was here.
Sunday December 3
Cold. Charlie(4) & I went over to Franks. I staid to Mr. Rogers in the afternoon. Went over to Franks and staid the evening. Jene came home from Harrisville.
Monday December 4
A little warmer today. I have sewed all day on my black calico dress. Read in the evening.
Tuesday December 5
Quite warm & pleasant. I moped & sewed in the afternoon. The too Mr. Freemans was over. I read all the evening. Ward Glazier(30) brought the potatos.
Wednesday December 6
Mr. Cromier was here. Quite pleasant. Jene & I was working. Grandma went to Fullerville. She got her a new dress & a new broom. Jene & I went over to Franks. *innie was up. We get home at 2 o’clock.
Thursday December 7
Snowing a little. Snowed all day. Good sleighing. About 9 inches of snow. Charly Simmie was down in the evening. Staid all the evening.
Friday December 8
I slept till noon. Jene ironed in the afternoon. Snowed a little in the forenoon.
Saturday December 9
Cold. I moped & sewed in the afternoon. Coldest night we have had.
Sunday December 10
Cold again today. I wrote to Effie & to Uncle Adolphus. Charlie & I took a ride & mailed the letters. Very cold. My first sleigh-ride.
Monday December 11
Quite pleasant. We went to Gouverneur. Got a new dress & corset, ribbon, diary, shoe horn. We got home at nine o’clock. Took dinner at M. Porters.
Tuesday December 12
Quite pleasant. Snows a little. Jene & I made my underskirt. Went over to Mr. Hawks(7) in the evening.
Wednesday December 13
Thawing today. Mrs. Tompson was over, staid all day. I sewed all day. Went over to Mr. Hawks(7) in the evening. Heard Laura play. Grandma went home with Mrs. Tompson.
Thursday December 14
Washing today. I went down to Fullerville. Had my dress cut. Dr. Gordenough(42) came to see Ma. Pa went to Edwards.
Friday December 15
Stormy & cold. Charley(4) came down early in the morning. We went up home with him. Helped pick chickens. Jene staid all night. Laura & Sylvia was over in the afternoon.
Saturday December 16
The coldest day we have had. Ma is quite sick. I have moped & baked all day. Mr. Carter was in.
Sunday December 17
More pleasant but cold. Very cold. Jene came home. C. Rogers(4) was in. Grandma came home. Alice Tompson was over & Mr. Barnes & Fred & Sylvia & Bell & Salsbury was here to dinner. Laura & Mr. Hawk(7) were here.
Monday December 18
Snowing today. Pa went to Edwards. I went over to Hank Tompsons. They all came over in the evening. Laura came over and played. We danced a few times. Had a nice time. Jene came back.
Tuesday December 19
Snowing. I feel sleepy. Have not done much today. Quite cold. Uncle Deck came here. I had the teeth ache. Jene & I picked some chickens.
Wednesday December 20
Quite pleasant. I have moped & ironed a little. Went to Fullerville. Had a tooth pulled. Saw Mrs. Ball go down.
Thursday December 21
Snows. We washed & moped. Sewed in the afternoon.
Friday December 22
Snows. We sewed on my dress. Anna Mead was here. There was pedler eat dinner here. Got me some lastics & some lace. Picked some chickens.
Saturday December 23
Quite pleasant. I moped & baked. Joel went to Gouverneur. Hitty Waters(11) was here. Charley went down. Grandma sewed on my dress. We went a piece with Holly(?)
Sunday December 24
A very pleasant day. I am very lazy today. Charlie(4) was here most all day. Had us Oyster dinner. He staid the evening. We had some pop corn.
Monday December 25
Christmas. A beautiful day. Jene & Pa & Grandma & I went down to Uncle Steph’s(24). Staid all day. Had a good visit. Splendid sleighing. Had a present of a pocket book & an apron.
Tuesday December 26
Snowing today. I moped. Jene & I went up to school in the afternoon. Took tea to Mr. Spicers(13). Came home in the evening.
Wednesday December 27
Snowing again. We have washed. Jene & I went over to Thompsons. Jene came after us. We all went up to the red school house to a reading school. Came back & had supper. Went to bed at 12 o’clock.
Thursday December 28
A beautiful day. We staid over to Jene’s all day. Jane came over. Hod brought us home at night. Serene & Mary was here. Mary staid all night.
Friday December 29
Mary went home. Pleasant in the forenoon but very stormy in the afternoon. Snows & blows. Pa went to Pitcairn. I baked & finished my dress. Gardy & Mr. McGuill was in in the evening.
Saturday December 30
The roads are full of snow. Blows terribly. Charlie(4) came in. Brought his blankets. I moped & ironed a little. Jene backed some fries. Charlie & Gordy was here in the evening. I made one blanket at night.
Sunday December 31
Snows & blows terribly. I have not done much today.