Searching for John Schnader

Searching for John Schnader

As of April 19, 2011 here is where our search has taken us for "our" John Schnader born 1790-1800
who married a Catherine Killian in 1823.

Note: There were apparently two John Schnaders in the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania area in the same time period! "Our" John Schnader is not the "Johanne Schneder" that was born 1798 to "Christian and Elizabeth Schneder" that shows up in the Seltenreich Reformed Church records. This second or "other" John Schnader married a (Mary) Catherine Burkholder who was born in 1791. This second John and Catherine(!) couple are both buried in the Voganville Union Cemetary. See "Discussion2" on this webpage.

The current missing data that we need:

Readers are welcome to help us solve the above mysteries!

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