Charles Bell♦ (d. 1800), gardener, m. 18 Mar. 1743 at Humbie to Ann Stevenson (bap. 26 Oct. 1718, Humbie)
John Bell (b. 3 June 1744, Ormiston)
William Bell♦ (bap. 30 Apr. 1746, Ormiston, d. 16 Mar. 1805), gardener, p. Margaret Muir
child Bell (b. c. 1776, Ormiston)
Charles Bell (bap. 31 Dec. 1748, Ormiston)
Mary Bell (bap. 31 July 1756, Ormiston)
William Bell♦ (d. c. June 1769, Ormiston), gardener, m. 20 June 1741 to Christian Moffat (b. 13 Aug. 1714, Saltoun, d. c. Feb. 1772, Ormiston)
Charles Bell♦ (b. 29 Mar. 1744, Ormiston), soldier, 53rd & 41st Regiments, m. 23 June 1769 at Ormiston to Agnes Millar
Janet Bell (b. 1 Sep. 1770, Ormiston, d. by 1839), m. 6 Aug. 1791 at Edinburgh to George Dickson (b. 7 Jan. 1765, Tranent, d. by 24 May 1839)
William Bell (bap. 8 Oct. 1745, Ormiston)
Robert Bell (bap. 9 Jan. 1750, Ormiston)
child Bell (b. 16 Sep. 1754, Ormiston)
Adam Bell♦ (d. by 9 July 1740, Ormiston)
John Bell♦ (d. c. 1785, Cranston), m. 18 Dec. 1747 to Helen Stevenson (bap. 12 Mar. 1714, Humbie)
William Bell♦ (b. 25 July 1749, Cranston), m. 1 Oct. 1772 at London to Magdalene Deal
Emilia Priestly Bell (b. 19 July 1773, Cockpen)
William Deal Bell (b. 10 Sep. 1780, Ormiston)
Thomas Deal Bell (bap. 21 July 1782, Cockpen)
Henry Deal Bell♦ (b. 2 Mar. 1785, Cockpen, d. 9 Sep. 1859, Oxford WI), m. 13 Nov. 1807 at Kelso to Jean Dickison (d. 15 Feb. 1830, Edinburgh)
Jean Bell (b. 11 Nov. 1808, Edrom)
William D. Bell (b. 18 July 1810, Edinburgh)
Magdalene Bell (b. 31 Mar. 1812, Edinburgh)
John Graham Bell (b. 26 Jan. 1814, Edinburgh)
Thomas Deal Bell (b. 10 Feb. 1816, Edinburgh)
Henry Deal Bell (b. 26 Apr. 1818, Dolphington)
Alexander Bell (b. 2 June 1820, Dolphington)
George Murray Bell♦ (b. 5 Jan. 1828, Edinburgh, d. 17 Sep. 1912), m. 29 Mar. 1855 at Oxford WI to Lucinda Blair Miller (b. 12 May 1832, Cambridge PA, d. 12 Dec. 1913, Payette ID)
Florence E. Bell (b. 13 Feb. 1856, Oxford WI, d. 7 May 1934)
Henry Miller Bell (b. 9 Jan. 1858, Oxford WI, d. 17 Mar. 1947, Pasco WA), m. c. 1888 to Cornelia Lucy Smith (b. 25 June 1868, Minnesota, d. Sep. 1953)
Thomas Ernest Bell (b. 8 May 1860, Oxford WI), m. c. 1885 to Frances R. --- (b. Oct. 1863, New York)
Margaret Kate Bell (b. 29 Mar. 1863, Oxford WI, d. 25 July 1911)
Alice Clara Bell (b. 9 Jan. 1867, Oxford WI, d. 3 June 1910)
Helen Bell (b. 5 Aug. 1872, Augusta WI, d. 5 Sep. 1872)
Peter Bell (b. c. 1834, Scotland)
Elizabeth Bell (b. c. 1838, New York)
Jane Bell (b. c. 1841, New York, d. 1870), m. to Matthias Drew (b. 1838, d. 1921)
Elizabeth Bell (bap. 24 Dec. 1786, Cockpen)
Helen Bell♦ (bap. 29 Sep. 1758, Cranston), m. 3 Sep. 1787 at South Leith to George Somerville, shoemaker
Elizabeth Bell (bap. 25 Sep. 1761, Cranston)
Christian Bell♦ (b. c. 1713), m. 20 Nov. 1731 at Ormiston to Andrew Kinghorn (bap. 1 Nov. 1702, Cranston, d. 1760, Ormiston)
Our Descent
William Bell (--1740)
Charles Bell (--1769)
William Bell (--1769), m. 1741 to Christian Moffat (1714-1772)
Charles Bell (1744--), m. 1769 to Agnes Millar
Janet Bell (1770--), m. 1791 to George Dickson (1765-1839)
Janet Dickson (1800-1835), m. 1819 to Andrew Wilson (1792-1860)
Janet Wilson (1820-1860), m. 1843 to James Wilson (--c1847)
John Wilson (1844-1899), m. 1875 to Jessie Russell (c1854-1944)
John George Wilson (1880-1958), m. 1904 to Mary Ellen Ford (1885-1960)
Andrew Conley Wilson (1925-2006), m. 1952 to Louise Alvina Schueler (1931-2005)
Documentation ♦
Adam Bell (--1740)
23 Feb. 1740, "... when your Bro'r John came in. He told me your Bro'r Adam had been with him and went in a Ship sailed some days ago. ... I believe John won't be pleased if he hears of William's not being sent off to fend for himself, and made go and work or want. He will be uneasy if he is about your father at any rate I am sure a good hired Serv't under your Eye will do better for your father and his Ground and Garden, and the true way to bring Will'm to himself is to let shift for himself and feel his own weight." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 50-52]
9 July 1740, "Best Mortecloth for Adam Bell 4 [sh]" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
Colville, James, ed., Cockburn, Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to His Gardener, 1727-1744, 1904.
Charles Bell (--c1769)
4 Dec. 1727, "I [John Cockburn] wrote to my Bro'r telling him that Will'm the Gardener was gone from hence before I received your Letter desiring the Seeds he was to get from Mr. Colebrook's Gardener, and the best way I can think of for your getting of them was by writing to your Cousin John who is still in this neighbourhood..." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 1-3]
3 June 1735, "This I [John Cockburn] design chiefly for some thoughts about Improving of your father's [William Bell's] Garden and land of which if you [Charles Bell] do right you'l turn a good deal off into Kitchen and Orchard Garden. ... By the course of nature your father can't live long ..." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 22-32]
26 Sep. 1735, "Thomas Kinghorn and Jean Cockburn both in this parish were Contracted in Order to Marriage twentie Sixth of Septr 1735 Caurs John Kinghorn and Charles Bell" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
23 Feb. 1740, "... when your Bro'r John came in. He told me your Bro'r Adam had been with him and went in a Ship sailed some days ago. ... I believe John won't be pleased if he
hears of William's not being sent off to fend for himself, and made go and work or want. He will be uneasy if he is about your father at any rate I am sure a good hired Serv't under your Eye will do better for your father and his Ground and Garden, and the true way to bring Will'm to himself is to let shift for himself and feel his own weight." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 50-52]
20 June 1741, "William Bell and Christian Moffat both in this parish gave up their names in order to proclamation Charles Bell Caur for the man and Hary Moffat in Saltoun Caur for the woman" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
7 May 1742, "George Bell in this parish and Ann Nicolson in the parish of Pencaitland gave up their names in order to proclamation May the 7th 1742 Charles Bell Caur for the man and James Nicolson in Belshis Caur for the woman" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
16 Aug. 1742, "Charles Bell
in Ormistoun [seized] Off an piece of ground in the Toun of Ormistoun dated the 16 August last presented at Infra" [Scotland, Particular Register of Sasines, East Lothian]
16 Aug. 1742,"Charles Bell ... [resigned] to John Cockburn of Ormistoun Off the forsaid peice of ground dated the 16 August Last presented in Infra" [Scotland, Particular Register of Sasines, East Lothian]
17 Oct. 1742, "I can give my consent to no houses being built in the Main Street of the Town but what are two Storys high." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 79-81]
19 Feb. 1743, "Robertson and you may Stock yourselves with Chickens of the very best kind this year and keep none but with large tops and pure white legs. If you do so this year, by next my Wife's and your's will be equally good and no fear of mixture." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 84-86]
7 July 1767, "Session agreed not to ask from Alexr Tod in E Field & Charles Bell in Ormiston their proportion of assessment in respect to their circumstances, being only 4 shillings 5 pence" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
29 Mar. 1769, mentions above assessments of Charles Bell in Ormiston, Alexr Tod in Peaston [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
Oct. 1769, C. Bell had 1.00 acre in the village, and more outside ["A Plan of the Village of Ormiston Belonging to John Earl of Hopetoun Lying in the Shire of Hadington as surveyed and designed in October 1769 by A Gordone as laid down anno 1734", in Lyell, p. 18-19]
17 Dec. 1920, "By the death of Mr. Andrew Dickson, there has passed away a much-respected villager, and an interesting link with the past has been broken. He was the last of a line of market gardeners in Ormiston, descended from Charles Bell, to whom John Cockburn, the agriculturalist, well nigh two centuries ago, wrote the series of letters published by the Scottish History Society in 1904 ..." [Scotland, Haddington, Haddingtonshire Courier]
Colville, James, ed., Cockburn, Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to His Gardener, 1727-1744, 1904. Charles Bell was that gardener.
Lyell, Annie, Ye see it a': The Ormiston Story, 2001. Contains a 1769 map of possessors of land in Ormiston.
Whitehead, W.Y., History of Ormiston, 1937. On p. 45: "John Cockburn was a volumnious correspondent. He wrote regularly to Ormiston ... once every month at least to his gardener Charles Bell. Many of his letters ... were printed in 1904 ... by the Scottish History Society."
Charles Bell (--1800): m. Ann Stevenson (1718--)
26 Oct. 1718, "26 Bap. Ann da. to John Stivenson and Mary Park wit James and William Stivenson" [Scotland, Humbie, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Mar. 1743, "March 8th 1743 Charles Bell in Ormiston parish and Anne Stevinson in this parish gave in their names for proclamation in order to marriage March 18 day Married" [Scotland, Humbie, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
9 Apr. 1743, "Ormiston Hall April 9th 1743 Charles Bell in this parish and Ann Stevenson in the parish of Humby gave up their names in order to proclamation" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
10 June 1744, "Charles Bell and Ann Stivenson at Ormeston Hall hade a Child brought forth June 3d and baptized the tenth in his own family before witnessess named John" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
30 Apr. 1746, "William Son of Chas Bell Gardener in Ormiston bapt 30th April 46" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
31 Dec. 1748, "Charles of Chas Bell Gardener in Ormist. bapt. 31 Decemr 48" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
31 July 1756, "Mary daur of Charles Bell & Ann Steven in Orm. born [blank] bap. July 31st 1756" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
7 July 1767, Kirk session agreed to waive assessment for poor from Charles Bell
in Ormiston on account of his circumstances [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
27 Mar. 1769, Kirk session agreed to waive assessment for poor from Charles Bell
in Ormiston on account of his circumstances [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
6 Dec. 1769, charter from John Hope, Earl of Hopetoun, to Charles Bell,
gardener in Ormiston, of land on north side of street in Ormiston [Scotland, Particular Register of Sasines, East Lothian]
1 July 1772, Kirk session agreed to waive assessment for poor from Charles Bell in Ormiston on account of his circumstances [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
18 Mar. 1806, "No 33. Haec Inquisitio ... quod quand Carolus Bell Hortulanus apud Ormiston propatrius ex parte patris Janeta Bell uxoris Georgii Dickson Carrucarii apud Ormiston filia legitima demortui Charles Bell obiit ... et quod dict Janeta Bell satrix prosentium est legitima et propinquior hares in generali linia et Conquistus dict quod Caroli Bell propatrui ejus ..." [Scotland, Services of Heirs]
30 Dec. 1826, "(511) Dec. 30, 1826. JANET BELL, spouse of George Dickson, Farmer, Ormiston, as heir to Charles Bell, Gardener, Ormiston, her granduncle, Seised, Dec. 9, 1826, -in a Tenement of Houses and land, (under exception), on the north side of the Street of ORMISTON: -on Ch. Conf. and Novod. by John, Earl of Hopetoun, to the said Charles Bell, Dec. 6, 1769, and Ret. Gen. Serv. Mar. 18, 1806. P.R. 1148. 14." [Scotland, Abridgements of Sasines, East Lothian]
Charles Bell (1744--): m. Agnes Millar
1 Apr. 1744, "William Bell and Christian Moffat in Ormiston had a child brought forth the 29 March 1744 and baptized the first day of April before witnesses named Charles" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
27 June 1753, "Expended of the Mortification Money for binding poor Apprentices ... To John & Alexr Logan weavers in Ormiston as apprentice fee for Charles Bell lawful son to William Bell residenter in Ormiston for 6 years from 27 June 1753, £3.6.8" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
23 June 1769, "Charles Bell & Agnis Millar both in this parish gave up their Names to be proclaimed in order to Marriage June 23d 1769" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
9 Sep. 1770, "Jannet daur of Charles Bell & Agnis Millar born Septr 1st bap 9th 1770" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 July 1778, "His Majesty's 53d Regiment of Foot ... Hutchenson Dunlop Captain" lists "Prisoner wth the Rebels: Wm Bell" [private] ... at Fort Chamblee [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls] [Wm Bell is likely an error for Chas Bell]
28 Apr. 1779, "His Majesty's 53d Regiment of Foot ... Hutchinson Dunlop Captain" lists "Prisoner wth ye Rebels: Chas Bell" [private] ... at St. John's [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
16 May 1781, "His Majesty's 53d Regiment of Foot ... Hutchinson Dunlop Captain" lists "Prisoner with the Rebels: Chas Bell" [private] ... at Yemaska [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
24 Aug. 1781, "His Majesty's Fifty Third Regiment of Foot ... Hutchenson Dunlop Captain" lists "Prisoner with the Rebels: Charls Bell" [private] [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
24 Mar. 1782, "His Majesty's Fifty Third Regiment of Foot ... Hutchenson Dunlop Captain" lists "on Command wth Capt Wm Mure's compy: Charles Bell" [private] ... at Pointe aux Trembles [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
11 Oct. 1782, "His Majesty's Fifty Third Regiment of Foot ... Hutchison Dunlop Captain" lists "Charles Bell" [private] ... at Isle aux Noix [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
10 June 1783, "His Majesty's Fifty Third Regiment of Foot ... Hutchison Dunlop Captain" lists "Chrs Bell" [private] ... at Isle aux Noix [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
13 Sep. 1783, "His Majesty's Fifty Third Regiment of Foot ... Hutchison Dunlop Captain" lists "Charles Bell" [private] ... at Isle aux Noix [British Army, 53rd Regiment, Muster Rolls]
9 Dec. 1784, Letter from Charles Bell to Ormiston kirk session, regarding
distribution of £30 belonging to John Allan, deceased fellow soldier of 53rd Regiment of Foot, to be used for John's wife Margaret Nicol,
sons John & Wight [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
23 Jan. 1788, "By Colonel William Roberts Lieut Colonel of His Majestyes 41st Regiment Foot or Invalids Commanded by M. General Archabd McNab These do certify that the Bearer Charles Bell Soldier having been ordered by the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital to the Regiment of Invalids, commanded by M. General Archd McNab the 6th Day of October 1785 after being discharged for 15 Years Service in the 53d Regiment of Foot then commanded by General Dalrumpal Hath served honestly and faithfully in the above Regiment for the Space of 2 years 3 Months But being now worn out, and rendered unfit for any further Duty on account of being found unfit for active service He is hereby discharged the said Regiment, and recommended as a proper Object to partake of His Majesty's Royal Bounty of Chelsea Hospital: Having received all just Demands of Claothing and Pay from his Entry to the said Comapny to the 23d Day of January inclusive, as appears by the subjoined Receipt. Given under my Hand at Portsmouth this third Day of January 1788" [British Army, Chelsea Pensioners' Service Records]
27 Aug. 1788, "(348. Aug. 27, 1788. CHARLES BELL, Soldier, residing in Ormiston, Seised, Aug. 5, 1788, -in a Tenement in ORMISTON; -on Disp. by Hugh Dickson, Portioner, Ormiston, & spouse, Jul. 11, 1788. P.R. 325. 121." [Scotland, Abridgements of Sasines, East Lothian]
6 Aug. 1791, "George Dickson Carrier from Ormiston in College Kirk Parish & Janet Bell in New North Kirk parish Daugr of Chars Bell Day Labourer at Ormiston East Lothian" [Scotland, Edinburgh, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
12 Dec. 1814, "(1876) Dec. 12, 1814. JANET BELL, spouse of George Dickson, Carrier, Ormiston, as heir to Charles Bell, Soldier, ... Reg. of Foot, her father, Seised, Dec. 10, 1814, -in 20 Falls & 7 ells of ground with the House thereon, on the north side of the High Street of ORMISTON, par. Ormiston; -on Ch. Conf. & Pr. Cl. Con. by the Commissioner of James Hope Johnstone, Earl of Hopetoun, Nov. 30, 1814. P.R. 746. 186." [Scotland, Abridgements of Sasines, East Lothian]
Christian Bell (c1713--): m. Andrew Kinghorn (1702-1760)
1 Nov. 1702, "John Kinghorn & Janet Grieve had yr childe baptized Andrew Witt James Gray & Thomas Kinghorn" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Oct. 1731, "Octr 8th 1731 Andrew Kinghorn & Christian Bell both in this parish were Contracted in order to Marriage & afr proclaman were Mar. Novr 20th Sd year" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 Jan. 1733, "Andrew Kinghorn & Christian Bell in Ormiston had a Child baptized named William. Witnesses John Kinghorn & William Bell" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
18 Apr. 1735, "Janet lawfull Daughter to Andrew Kinghorn and Christian Bell was brought [forth] the twelvth and baptized the Eighteenth of April 1735 before William Bell and John Kinghorn" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
22 Apr. 1737, "Charles lawfull son to Andrew Kinghorn and Christian Bell in Ormistoun was brought forth the Eignteenth and baptized the twentie second of April 1737 before witnesses in his own house" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
31 Oct. 1739, "Andrew Kinghorn and Christian Bell in Ormestone hade a child brought forth Octr 28 and Baptized the 31 named John before witnessess" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
14 Nov. 1743, "Andrew Kinghorn and Christian Bell in Ormestone hade a Child brought forth novr ij and baptized the 14th in his own family named Andrew" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
George Murray Bell (1828-1912): m. Lucinda Blair Miller (1832-1913)
12 Aug. 1850, res. Merton, Henry Bell 65 farmer Scotland, Jane 50 Scotland, George 22 laborer Scotland, Peter 16 laborer Scotland, Elizth 12 NY, Jane 9 NY [USA, 1850 Census, Wisconsin, Waukesha County]
7 Aug. 1860, res. Oxford, George M Bell 31 merchant Scotland, Lucinda 28 PA, Florence 4 WI, Henry 2 WI, Thomas 3m WI [USA, 1860 Census, Wisconsin, Marquette County]
July 1863, "Consolidated List of all persons of Class II, subject to do military duty in the Fifth Congressional District ... Wisconsin", George M Bell, merchant of Oxford, age 35, born in Scotland [USA, Civil War Draft Registrations]
1 June 1870, res. Mauston, George M Bell 42 grocer Scotland, Lucinda 36 PA, Florence 14 WI, Harry 12 WI, Emist 10 WI, Maggie 7 WI, Kate 3 WI [USA, 1870 Census, Wisconsin, Juneau County]
18 June 1880, res. Bridge Creek, George Bell 52 dry goods merchant Scotland, Lucinda 47 PA, Allis 13 WI [USA, 1880 Census, Wisconsin, Eau Claire County]
21 June 1900, res. Marietta, George M Bell 72 postmaster Scotland immig 1832, Lucinda M 68 PA, Alice 33 teacher WI [USA, 1900 Census, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle County]
1 June 1905, res. Marietta, George M Bell 77 postmaster Scotland, Lucinda M 73 PA, Alice C 37 school teacher WI [Minnesota, 1905 Census, Lac Qui Parle County]
14 May 1910, res. Marietta, George M Bell 82 Scotland, Lucinda M 78 PA [USA, 1910 Census, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle County]
12 Dec. 1913, death at Payette ID of Lucinda Miller Bell, widow, age 81, born 12 May 1832 at Cambridge PA, daughter Wendal V Miller and Elizabeth Blair, buried 15 Dec. 1913 at Payette, informant H M Bell [Idaho, Death Registrations]
Helen Bell (1758--) and George Somerville
31 Oct. 1781, Bess Hyslop of Ormiston, unmarried, claimed she was raped by James Mackie. Nelly Bell was with her and supported her story. Rachel Litster also knew. [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
26 Mar. 1782, Bess Hyslop appears to have lied, child was born after only 6 months. Nelly Bell had left. [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
25 June 1789, "George Sommervill and Helen Bell had a daughter born June 25th Baptized July 10th named Nelly" [Scotland, Humbie, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Nov. 1791, "George Sommerville and Helen Bell had a daughter born Baptized upon the 15th Novr named Suffie" [Scotland, Humbie, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
19 June 1794, "Fala 19th June 1794 The which day George Sommerville shoemaker Fala and Helen Bell his spouse had a daughter baptized named Mary" [Scotland, Fala & Soutra, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
23 Feb. 1797, "1797 23d Febry George Sommerville Shoemaker Fala and Helen Bell his spouse had a Daughter born & baptized named Betty" [Scotland, Fala & Soutra, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 Dec. 1802, "Fala 5th Decemr 1802 The which day George Sommerville shoemaker Fala and Helen Bell his spouse had a daughter born and baptized named Anne" [Scotland, Fala & Soutra, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
6 July 1861, death at Red Mains of Sophia Jeffrey, age 75, widow of shepherd William Jeffrey, daughter of George Sommerville, deceased shoemaker, and deceased Helen Bell, informant nephew George Davie [Scotland, Pencaitland, Death Registrations]
Henry Deal Bell (1785-1859): m. Jean Dickison (--1830)
1807, "Henry Dale Bell of this parish and Jean Dickison of the Parish of Kelso were registerd for proclamation Octr 23rd & Marrd Novr 5th 1807" [Scotland, Coldstream, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
1807, "Henry Dale Bell Gardener in the parish of Coldstream and Jean Dickieson of this parish gave in their names for proclamation 21st Octr 1807 and were married 13 Novr by the Revd Mr Lundie Wit. John Dickieson Andrew Hilson" [Scotland, Kelso, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
11 Nov. 1808, "Kelloe 11th Novr 1808 Henry Dale Bell Gardener and Jean Dickie his wife had a Daughter born named Jean and baptized 11th Decr before the Burgher Congregation in Dunse" [Scotlandf, Edrom, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
9 Apr. 1812, "Henry Bell Gardener Mercheston and Jean Dickie his Spouse had a daughr born 31st March last named Magdalane" [Scotland, Edinburgh St. Cuthberts, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 Mar. 1814, "Andrew Bell Gardener Marcheston and Jean Dickie his Spouse had a Son born 26th January last named John Graham" [Scotland, Edinburgh St. Cuthberts, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Mar. 1816, "Henry Bell Gardener at Marchesten and Jean Dickie his Spouse had a Son born 10th Feby last named Thomas Dale" [Scotland, Edinburgh St. Cuthberts, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
10 May 1818, "Henry son to Henry Bell gardener Newholm and Jean Dickie his spouse was born 26th April 1818 and baptized 10th May Witnesses William Crawford and William White" [Scotland, Dolphington, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
19 June 1820, "Alexander son to Henry Bell gardener Newholm and Jean Dickie his spouse was born 2nd June and baptized the 19th 1820 Witnesses ... Dunlop and John Dickson servants Newholm" [Scotland, Dolphington, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
4 Feb. 1828, "Henry Bell Gardner & Jean Dickie his Spouse St Andrews Parish a Son Born 5th January 1828 Named George" [Scotland, Edinburgh, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
12 Aug. 1850, res. Merton, Henry Bell 65 farmer Scotland, Jane 50 Scotland, George 22 laborer Scotland, Peter 16 laborer Scotland, Elizth 12 NY, Jane 9 NY [USA, 1850 Census, Wisconsin, Waukesha County]
1859, "Sacred to the Memory of Henry D. Bell born East Dalhousie, Scotland, Mar. 2, 1785 ..." [Wisconsin, Oxford, Oxford Village Cemetery, Inscriptions]
8 Aug. 1860, res. Oxford, Matthias Drew 21 farmer England, Jane 19 NY, Jane Bell 60 Scotland, Elizabeth 22 NY [USA, 1860 Census, Wisconsin, Marquette County]
John Bell (--1785): m. Helen Stevenson (1714--)
25 July 1749, "John Bell Gardiner at New Cranstown and Helen Stephenson his Spouse had a son born 25 July 1749 Baptized 28 July Name William Minr Mr William Smith Wit William Laurie Alexr Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
28 Sep. 1758, "John Bell in Loanhead and Helen Stephanson his spouse had a Daughter born 28 Septr 1758 Baptized 29 Name Helen Minister Mr Wm Smith Wit James Stephanson and Wm Deans" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Sep. 1761, "John Bell in Loanhead and Helen Stephanson his spouse had a Daughter born 20 Septr 1761 Baptized 25 Name Betty Minr Mr William Smith Witnesses James Dickson Peter Malcolm" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 July 1773, "Yesterday, was committed to the tolbooth, by warrant of the Sheriff, Helen Stevenson, spouse to John Bell gardener at Cranston, on suspicion of being concerned, with some others, in robbing the house of Cranston, belonging to Sir John Dalrymple, in the absence of the family, of several articles, of wearing apparel belonging to Lady Dalrymple, together with a parcel of household linen, the property of her Ladyship." [The Perth Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, 2 July 1773, p. 95]
William Bell (--1740)
14 Oct. 1719, "Sas. William Bell
in Ormistoun [seized] Off ane tenement of Land and ane large yard at the back thereof Lyeing on the north Syde of the toun of Ormistoun dated the 3d Octor instant presented be David Edmond wryr in Edgh" [Scotland, Particular Register of Sasines, East Lothian]
6 Nov. 1720, "William Purdie and Margt Tweedy had a child baptized called James witnesses John Mackie and William Bell all in Ormestoun" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Jan. 1724, "John Anderson and Elspt Aitkin had a child baptized called James witnesses Alexr Barkly and William Bell both in Ormestoun" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
7 Oct. 1731, "David Richardson & Marion Dods in the North Mains of Ormiston had a Child baptized named Matthew Witnesses William Bell & John Anderson" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
18 Oct. 1731, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes] [Kirk Session minutes unavailable for 1704-1729]
28 Oct. 1731, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
31 Oct. 1731,William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
25 May 1732, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
14 Aug. 1732, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
1 Oct. 1732, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
5 Jan. 1733, "Andrew Kinghorn & Christian Bell in Ormiston had a Child baptized named William. Witnesses John Kinghorn & William Bell" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Jan. 1735, "... William Bell
, Elders" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
18 Apr. 1735, "Janet lawfull Daughter to Andrew Kinghorn and Christian Bell was brought [forth] the twelvth and baptized the Eighteenth of April 1735 before William Bell and John Kinghorn" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
3 June 1735, "This I [John Cockburn] design chiefly for some thoughts about Improving of your father's [William Bell's] Garden and land of which if you [Charles Bell] do right you'l turn a good deal off into Kitchen and Orchard Garden. ... By the course of nature your father can't live long ..." [John Cockburn to Charles Bell; in Colville, p. 22-32]
12 Jan. 1736, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
26 Sep. 1736, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
3 Oct. 1736, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
17 Apr. 1737, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
10 May 1737, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
24 June 1737, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
12 Oct. 1737, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
30 Apr. 1738, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
19 Sep. 1738, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
24 Sep. 1738, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
9 Oct. 1738, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
29 May 1739, William Bell
attended [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
7 Nov. 1740, "Best Mortcloth for William Bell 4 [sh]" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
Colville, James, ed., Cockburn, Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to His Gardener, 1727-1744, 1904. "Ten crofters near the village held patches of arable infield in run-dale or long narrow strips, on which crops of bere, oats, or pease were raised in succession till a year in the natural dress of weeds gave repose. These crofters were the kindly rentallers of the barony, tenants at will. [Charles] Bell's father [William] was one of them. What Cockburn thought of their farming comes out in this to Bell about his father's land, 'His Husbandry goes no further than to gett bad grain one year and worse the next'" [James Colville, ed., Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to His Gardener, 1727-1744, 1904, p. xxiii]
William Bell (--1769): m. Christian Moffat (1714-1772)
20 June 1741, "William Bell and Christian Moffat both in this parish gave up their names in order to proclamation Charles Bell Caur for the man and Hary Moffat in Saltoun Caur for the woman" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
1 Apr. 1744, "William Bell and Christian Moffat in Ormiston had a child brought forth the 29 March 1744 and baptized the first day of April before witnesses namesd Charles" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Oct. 1745, "William, son of Will Bell & Christian Moffat bapt 8th Octor 1745" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
9 Jan. 1750, "Robert, of William Bell of Ormiston bapt 9 Jany 1750" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
27 June 1753, "Expended of the Mortification Money for binding poor Apprentices ... To John & Alexr Logan weavers in Ormiston as apprentice fee for Charles Bell lawful son to William Bell residenter in Ormiston for 6 years from 27 June 1753, £3.6.8" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
c. 1754, "Item to Wm Bell to buy a horse by agreement of session
£24" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
30 Sep. 1754, "William Bell & Christian Moffat in Orm, born Sep 16th bapt 30th 1754" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1755, "Wm Bell at half a crown per month", July to Nov.; also £0.4.10 on 16 March; and £0.14.0 on 15 July [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
23 June 1756, "Christ: Moffat when going to Edinr £0.1.10" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
1756, "Wm Bell a furlot oatmeal 12 pence 1/2 per peck" for Sept., Oct., and Nov. [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
3 Dec. 1756 to 28 Feb. 1757, "Wm Bell 3 months at 3 shillings per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
28 Feb. 1757 to 1 Aug. 1757, "Wm Bell at 3 shillings per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
17 Dec. 1765, "Poor granted: ... William Bell ... 2 sh (each) per mo" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
17 Dec. 1765 to 23 June 1766, "Wm Bell 2 schilling per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
23 June 1766, "alterations in monthly pensions: ... Wm Bell ... 2 shill each" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
23 June 1766 to 19 Jan. 1767, "Wm Bell 2 shilling per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
7 July 1767, "alterations in monthly pensions: ... Wm Bell ... 2 sh ea per mo" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
7 July 1767 to 28 Nov. 1767, "Wm Bell 2 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
28 Nov. 1767 to 15 July 1768, "Wil Bell 2 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
15 July 1768 to 7 Sep. 1768, "Wm Bell 2 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
7 Sep. 1768 to 29 Mar. 1769, "Wil Bell 2 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
29 Mar. 1769 to 3 Aug. 1769, "Wm Bell Apr. May June 3 shill per month & spouse Christian Moffat for July at 2 shill and Aug. at 1 shill" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
3 Aug. 1769 to 12 Dec. 1769, "Christ Moffat 1 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
12 Dec. 1769 to 26 June 1770, "Christian Moffat 1 shill" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
26 June 1770 to 13 Mar. 1771, "Christ Moffat 1 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
13 Mar. 1771 to 16 July 1771, "Christian Moffat 1 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
10 July 1771 to 24 Dec. 1771, "Christ Moffat 1 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
24 Dec. 1771 to 1 July 1772, "Christ Moffat Jan & Feb at 1 shill per month" [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Accounts]
William Bell (1746-1805): p. Margaret Muir
2 June 1776, Margaret Muir of Ormiston, unmarried, had a child, she said William Bell of Ormiston, unmarried, was the father [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
16 June 1776, William Bell acknowledged paternity of the child of Margaret Muir [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
9 Mar. 1777, Margaret Muir appeared before the congregation, confessed her sin with William Bell, and was absolved [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
15 June 1777, William Bell appeared, confessed his sin, and was absolved [Scotland, Ormiston, Kirk Session Minutes]
27 Dec. 1800, "(1039) Dec. 27, 1800. WILLIAM BELL, Gardener, Ormiston, Seised, Dec. 20, 1800, -in a Tenement of Houses & lands on the North side of the High Street of ORMISTON, (under exception), par. Ormiston; -on Ch. Conf. by John, Earl of Hopetoun, Dec. 6, 1769. P.R. 462.122." [Scotland, Abridgements of Sasines, East Lothian]
13 May 1805, "(1253) May 13, 1805. HELEN BELL and George Sommerville, Shoemaker, Fala, her husband, -and Helen, Sophia, Betty, Janet, &; Ann Sommerville, their children, Seised, in liferent and fee respectively, Apr. 16, 1805, -in a Tenement of Houses and lands on the North side of the Town of ORMISTON, (under exception), par. Ormiston; -on Disp. & Settlement by William Bell, Gardener, Ormiston, Mar. 11, 1805. P.R. 540.79." [Scotland, Abridgements of Sasines, East Lothian]
23 Aug. 1805, "At Edinburgh the twenty third day of August Eighteen hundred and five years The following Inventory of the personal Estate and effects of the late William Bell presented by Peter Halkerston writer in Edinburgh. Inventory of the Moveable Effects which belonged to the deceased William Bell Gardner at Ormiston given up by George Sommervail late shoemaker in Fala now in Ormiston Executor nominated by the Defunct Conform to Disposition. Disposition and Settlement Executed by him dated the eleventh day of March 1805 Regd. in the Sheriff Court Books of Edinr the thirtieth day of March said year. Amount of the ... effects sold upon the 15 April 1805 £2.9.5. Dung valued by David Wight and James Tod at £1.5.0. Value of Cloaths &c £1.1.4. A Stack of Barley valued by W. Gibson & Jas. Brockie at £9.9.0. Cash received from Archd Wight £6.9.0. Do. from two Societies £6.0.0. A Boll of Barley sold to Jas Tod £1.10.0. [Total] £28.3.9. Edinr 23d Augt. 1805. ... Follows the Defuncts Disposition and Settlement. I William Bell Gardener at Ormiston ... make over to and in favour of Helen Bell Spouse of George Somervaill shoemaker in Fala, and the said George Somervail Husband of the said Helen Bell in conjunct liferent and the longest liver of them for their or her or his liferent use allenaly and to the children procreated or that may be hereafter procreated between the said Helen Bell and George Somervail equally amongst them share and share alike in fee all and sundry goods gear and Effects debts and sums of money Bank notes gold and silver Coined and uncoined Household furniture and plenishing and every other subject whatever and of whatever denomination whether heritable or moveable that may belong or be due and addebted to me at the time of my decease ... I hereby Nominate and Constitute the saids Helen Bell and George Somervail or either of them which may be in life at the time to be my sole Executors in trust for themselves and their said children ... I hereby give ... my right to as well as the Tack of all and whole these six aceres of land bounded as follows vizt on the East by the Ministers Glebe on the west by an inclosure formerly possessed by Alexander Wight Brewer in Ormiston, on the south by the Garden formerly of William and Charles Bell hereafter Disponed and on the north by the field Called the Water Puddle lying within the Barony of Ormiston Constabulary of Haddington and Sheriffdom of Edinburgh and that during all the years and terms yet to run of the said Tack which Tack was entered into by the late John Earl of Hopetoun and the late Charles Bell gardener in Ormiston my Father dated the first and third days of Jany MDCC and seventy and also all and whole that tenement of Houses and Lands lying on the north side of the Town of Ormiston and bounded by the North line of the High Street of Ormiston on the south by the Earl of Hopetoun his property land sometime possessed by Andrew Wight John Simpson and the heirs of James Wight Brewer in Ormiston By the said Earl his land sometime possessed by the said Chas Bell on the north and by the vennel or passage of twelve feet broad or thereby leading to the Ministers Barn and offices on the East; or as the said houses and Lands are now otherways bounded and described all lying within the Town Barony and Parish of Ormiston and Sheriffdom of Haddington excepting always that part disponed by the said Charles Bell to John Cockburn then of Ormiston his heirs and successors to his lands and Estate of Ormiston by the Contract of Excambion narrated in a Charter of Confirmation by the said late John Earl of Hopeton to my said deceased Father ... and that by two several infeftments or manners of holding one whereof to beholden of me and my foresaids in free blanch for payment of a penny Scots money at Whitsunday yearly if required and the other of the said Infeftments to be holden from me of and under my immediate lawful superiors in manner and for payment of the Feu duty and under the Conditions mentioned in the said Charter of Confirmation ... Providing and declaring always that these presents are granted under the burden of paying all my just and lawful debts and funeral Expenses and I hereby Nominate and appoint the said George Somervail to be tutor and Curator to his said Children during their pupillarities and minorities for the management of my Estate heritable and moveable hereby conveyed ... In Witness whereof these presents are written on these three pages of Stamped paper by Petter Diddep Writer in Haddington and subscribed by me at Ormiston the Eleventh day of March one thousand eight hundred and five years before these witnesses James Pringle carter in Ormiston and the said Peter Diddep signed William Bell James Pringle Witness Peter Diddep Witness. Edinr 23 Augt. 1805 ... Compeared George Somervail late shoemaker in Fala now in Ormiston who being solemnly sworn and examined Depones that William Bell gardner at Ormiston died upon the sixteenth day of March last That the Deponent has entered upon the possession or management of the deceaseds personal or moveable Estate as executor nominated by him Conform to Disposition and Settlement dated the seventh day of March last and registered in the Sheriff Court Books of Edinburgh the thirtieth day of March last ..." [Scotland, Edinburgh Commissary Court, Wills and Inventories]
18 Mar. 1806, "No 32. Haec Inquisitio ... quod quand Gulielmas Bell hortulanus apud Ormiston filius propatrui Janet Bell uxoris Georgy Dickson carrucary apud Ormiston obiit ... et quod dict Janeta Bell Satrix priesentuim est legitime et propinquior hares in generali linie et conquista dicta quand Guileilmi Bell qui filius legitimus fuit Caroli Bell quo quad Hortulani apud Ormiston propatrui dict Janeta Bell (ex parte Patris) ..." [Scotland, Services of Heirs]
William Bell (1749--): m. Magdalene Deal
1773, "Emilia Priestly lawful Daughter to William Bell and Magdaline Dale his spouse was born in Dalhousie the 19th and baptized the 25th of July 1773 in the face of the Congregation" [Scotland, Cockpen, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
15 Oct. 1780, "William Deal, Son of Wm Bell & Magdalene Deal born 10th Sept bap 15th Oct 1780" [Scotland, Ormiston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1782, "Thomas Deal Bell lawful son to William Bell and Magdaline Deal his spouse was born in Dalhousie Castle new houses the 28th of June and baptized the 21st of July Witnesses Matthew Dickson & Andrew Fletcher" [Scotland, Cockpen, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1785, "Henry Dale lawful son to William Bell & Magdalen Dale his spouse was born at Dalhousie Castle Gate the 2d and baptized the 12th of March 1785. Witnesses James Scott & Robert Turnbull" [Scotland, Cockpen, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1786, "Elisabeth lawful daughter to William Bell and Magdaline Dale his spouse was born at Dalhousie Castle Gate the 6th and baptized the 24th of Decr 1786 in the face of the congregation" [Scotland, Cockpen, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
Familial Status Uncertain
Agnes Bell
12 Sep. 1708, "John Lyall and Agnes Bell had yr Childe baptized Called Katharine Witt Will Bertram and Alexr Thomson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 Jan. 1713, "John Lyall and Agnes Bell had yr daughter baptized Called Maes Wit John Duncan and John Muir" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1 Apr. 1716, "John Donaldson & Agnes Bell his spouse had a Son born 25 March & baptized 1 Apr. 1716 Name John Minr Mr Rt Mutter Witn Jon Broun & Jam. Dods all in Cowsland" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 Oct. 1739, "John Anderson in Cranstown and Agnes Bell his spouse had a Daughter born 13 Octr 1739 Baptized 14 Octr Name Margaret Minr Mr Will Smith Wit Thomas Bell and Thomas Edward" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Jan. 1741, "John Anderson in Foord and Agnes Bell his Spouse had a Daughter born 20 Janry 1741 Bapt 23 Name Isabell Minr Mr William Smith Wit Thomas Bell and John Heriot" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
Andrew Bell
10 June 1683, "Andrew Bell had Thomas baptized Witnesses James Collvill James Willson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
10 Oct. 1689, "Alexr Bruce had Margaret baptized witnesses Thomas Aitkine Andreu Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 Sep. 1694, "William Thomsone & Janet Ballatyne had yr child baptized John witnesses William Brown & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
4 Aug. 1695, "Andrew Bell & Marion Sandilands had yr child baptized John Witnesses John Sandilands & James Smibert" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
24 Jan. 1697, "Wm Thomson & Janet Bannatine had yr childe baptized Margret Witt Wil. Broun & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
4 July 1697, "John Sandilands & Eliz Wilson had yr childe baptized John Witt James Wilson & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Sep. 1697, "William Brown & Agnes Bartholowman had yr childe baptized Margret Witt James Craig & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 June 1700, "James Wilson & Agnes Wilson had yr daughter baptized Christian Wit John Sandilands & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
23 Nov. 1701, "John Sandilands & Eliz Wilson had yr childe baptized George Witt James Wilson & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
14 Nov. 1703, "Alexr Edward & Janet Brown had yr childe begotten in fornication baptized Alexr Witt Andrew Bell & ... Waters" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Feb. 1704, "John Sandilands & Eliz Wilson had yr childe baptized Patrick wit James Wilson & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
6 May 1705, "John Scougall & Agnes Anderson had yr childe baptized Jean Witt James Wilson & Andrew Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
19 Aug. 1705, "Thomas Bell & Margret Saltown had yr childe baptized Andrew Witt Andrew Bell & John Irving" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Nov. 1772, "James Cairns Mason in Byers Mains and Jean White his spouse had a son born November 20th Day 1772 Baptized 29th Name John Minr Mr Will Smith Witnesses Andrew Bell and George Blackie" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
David Bell
5 June 1715, "David Bell Officr of Excise & Jean Irvine his Spouse had a daughter born [blank] May & baptized June 5, 1715 Name Janet Minr Mr Alexr McAlpine Witn Thomas Bell Mercht & Robt Irvine all in Cranston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
Euphan Bell
9 Jan. 1807, "Andrew Richardson at Magazine had by his wife Euphans Bell a Daughter Born 9th Janry 1807 and baptized the 1st Febry before the Congregation Name Euphans" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
9 July 1819, "Andrew Ritchardson labourer at Magazine had by his wife Euphans Bell a son born July 9th & baptized the 19th September 1819 before the Congregation name Andrew" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
George Bell
11 Mar. 1684, "Robert Broune had George baptized Witnesses Robert Young Geo Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
6 Mar. 1743, "George Bell wright in Cranstown and Janet Struthers his Spouse had a son born 6 March Baptized 7 March Name John Minr Mr Will Smith Wit John Paterson and Mr Tho Falside" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 Sep. 1749, "George Bell Smith in Cowsland and Margaret Chalmers his Spouse had a Daughter born 2d Septr 1749 Baptized 5th Septr Name Margaret Minr Mr Will Smith Wit James Muir & William Allane" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
23 Dec. 1775, "Bell, George and Jean Swinton had a Son born Decr 23d and baptised the 24th by Mr Wm Smith Minr named John Witnesses Mr John McKenzie & James Hume" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Feb. 1776, "Gordon, Andrew and Elizabeth Carse had a Daughter born 26th Feby & baptised 28th Named Elizabeth Witnesses Alexr Steven & George Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
9 May 1777, "Thomson, John and Lilias Inglis had a Daughter born 9th May and baptized 20th Named Margaret Witnesses George Peaston & George Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 Nov. 1777, "Peaston, John and Margaret Thom had a Daugr born Novr 5th 1777 baptised 14th Named Jean Witnesses Wm Dixon and George Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
22 Nov. 1777, "Bell, George and Jean Swinton had a Daugr born 22d Novr 1777 baptised 24th named Elizabeth Witnesses George Peaston & John Peaston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Sep. 1779, "Thomas Brown & Margaret Nicol had a son born 26th Sepr and baptised 10th Octr 1779 named Edward Witnesses George Peaston & George Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
3 Oct. 1779, "George Bell & Jean Swinton had a Daughter born 3d Octr and baptised 10th Octr 1779 named Jean witnesses George Peaston & Thomas Brown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
7 July 1781, "George Bell & Jean Swinton had a Daughter born 7th July & baptised 8th named Flora Witnesses Mr Stevens and George Peaston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1781, "1779 John Peaston and Margret Thom had a Son Born 8th Nover and Baptised 18th Named George Frances Witness Geo Bell Geo Peaston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
James Bell
4 Mar. 1683, "James Bell had William baptized, Witnesses James Wight, Jo: ..." [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 June 1756, "James Bell in Muttonhole and Janet Carmine his spouse had a son born June 5th 1756 Baptized 6th Name James Minr Mr Wm Smith Witnesses Wm and Robert Taits" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
John Bell
3 July 1715, "Thomas Bell Mercht in Cranston & Margt Salton his Spouse had a Son born 28 June & baptized 3 July 1715 Name James Minr Mr Robt Mutter Witn George Peston Mercht & John Bell both in Cranston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 Mar. 1722, "Thomas Bell Mert in Cranstoun and Margaret Salten his spouse had a Daughter Born the 25th March Baptized the 27th March Name Isabel Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witness James Mitchel in Dalkeith and John Bell Mert in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 June 1745, "Mort Roll ... 1745 ... 2 June ... Ditto John Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Burials]
Margaret Bell
5 Feb. 1803, "Robert Aitkin and Margaret Bell both in this Parish entered their names in order for proclamation of Marriage" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Marriages]
8 Apr. 1804, "William Greive at Whitehouse had by his wife Margaret Bell a Daughter born the 8th April 1804 and baptized the 29 before the Congregation Name Isabel" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
1 July 1805, "William Grieve Servant to Lady Dalrymple at Cranston had by his wife Margaret Bell a Daughter born 1st July 1805 and baptized the 15th before the Congregation Name Helen" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
11 Aug. 1806, "Robert Aitkin Farmer in Caldwells had by his wife Margaret Bell a Son born the 11th Augt 1806 and baptized the 26th before the Congregation Name James" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
Mary Bell
15 Sep. 1757, "Alexander Gibb Brewer to James Home and Mary Bell his spouse had a son born 15th Septr 1757 Baptized 18th Name James Minr Mr James Primerose Witnesses John Johnstown and William Peastown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
Thomas Bell (1683--): m. Margaret Saltoun
10 June 1683, "Andrew Bell had Thomas baptized Witnesses James Collvill James Willson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
19 Aug. 1705, "Thomas Bell & Margret Saltown had yr childe baptized Andrew Witt Andrew Bell & John Irving" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
18 Aug. 1706, "James Wilson & Agnes Wilson had yr childe baptized Charles Witt John Sandilands & Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
12 Jan. 1707, "Thomas Bell & Margt Saltown had yr childe baptized William Witt Geo Peastown & James Wilson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
6 Apr. 1707, "James Stanners and Margt Notman had yr Childe baptized Lilias Witt Thomas Bell and James Borthwick" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
24 Aug. 1707, "John Sandilands and Eliz Wilson had yr childe baptized Janet Witt James Wilson and Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 Apr. 1708, "Andrew Stephen and Margaret Paterson had yr Childe baptized Called Anna Witt Tho Paterson and Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
10 Oct. 1708, "Mr James Laird of Chesterhall had his Son baptized Called George Witt George Peastown and Tho Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
28 Nov. 1708, "Thomas Bell and Margt Saltown had yr Childe baptized Called Thomas Witt George Peastown and James Wilson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
23 Jan. 1709, "John Bayn and Katharine Whitson had yr Childe baptized Called Heugh Witt James Wilson and Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Feb. 1710, "George Peastown and Jane Lawson had yr daughter baptized Called Jean Witt Thomas Bell and Andrew Greenfield" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 Mar. 1711, "Thomas Bell and Margt Saltown had yr Childe baptized Called Agnes Witt George Peastown and John Sandilands" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
23 Mar. 1712, "George Peastown and Jane Lawson had yr Childe baptized Called James Witt Tho Bell and Andrew Greenfield" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
12 May 1713, "Tho Bell and Margaret Saltown had yr Childe baptized called Marion Witt George Peastown and James Wilson" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
24 Sep. 1714, "George Peston Mercht in Cranston & Jean Lawson his spouse had a daughter born 21 & baptized 24 Septr 1714 Name Margaret Minr Mr Robt Mutter Witt Tho Bell Mercht in Cranston & Alexr Greenfield Portioner in Dalkeith" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 June 1715, "David Bell Officr of Excise & Jean Irvine his Spouse had a daughter born [blank] May & baptized June 5, 1715 Name Janet Minr Mr Alexr McAlpine Witn Thomas Bell Mercht & Robt Irvine all in Cranston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
3 July 1715, "Thomas Bell Mercht in Cranston & Margt Salton his Spouse had a Son born 28 June & baptized 3 July 1715 Name James Minr Mr Robt Mutter Witn George Peston Mercht & John Bell both in Cranston" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
5 May 1717, "John Bane Wright & Kathrine Whitsun his Spouse had Twins born 1st & Second Baptized 5th May 1717 Names James & George Minr Mr Ogilvy in Enderwick Witn Mr Thomas Kirkwood Schoolmr & Thomas Bell Mercht all in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
22 Oct. 1717, "George Pestoun Mercht in Cranstn & Jean Lawson his Spo had a daughter born 21 baptized 22 Octr 1717 Name Lilias Minr Mr Rt Mutter Witnes Tho Bell Mercht in Cranstn & Daniel Ross Gardner yr" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
17 Feb. 1718, "Mr Thomas Kirkwood Schoolmr of Cranstn & Elizabeth Smith his Spouse had a Son born 16 Baptized 17 Febr 1718 Name Charles Minr Mr Robt Mutter witness George Pestoun & Thomas Bell Merchts there" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
9 May 1718, "Thomas Bell Mercht in Cranstn & Margaret Saltoun his Spouse had a Son born 7 baptized 9 May 1718 Min Mr Robt Mutter Name Robert witn George Pestoun & James Mitchel in Dalkeith" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 Oct. 1718, "John Bone & Kathrine Whitsun his Spouse had a Son born 13 Octr baptized the same day Name Thomas Minr Mr Rt Mutter Witness James Wilson & Thomas Bell all in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Oct. 1718, "James Bruce & Mary Shirrilaw his Spouse had a Son born 23 baptized 26 Octobr Name Thomas Minr Mr Rt Mutter Witness Thomas Bell & Jon Bane all in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 Aug. 1719, "George Irvine Office of Excise & Janet Tannahill his Spouse had a Son born 29 July baptizd 2 Aug Name Thomas Minr Mr Rt Mutter witn Mr Thomas Kirkwood & Thomas Bell all in Cranstn" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
21 Dec. 1719, "John Bane and Margt Paterson his spouse had a son Born 21 Decr Baptized 27 Decr Name James Minr Mr Robt Mutter James Wilson and Thomas Bell all in Cranstoun witnesses" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
18 May 1720, "Thomas Bell in Cranstoun and Margaret Saltoun his spouse had a Daughter Born 18 May Baptized 22 May Name Margaret Minr Mr Mathew Selkirk Wit George Peastoun and Mr Tho Falside" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 Jan. 1721, "Murdoch Mcgregory and Janet Allan his spouse had a Daughter Born Janry 13 Bapt 15 Name Janet Minr Mr Robert Mutter wit Thomas Bell Mrt in Cranstoun and Mr Thomas Falside Schoolmr there" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
11 Mar. 1721, "George Mildstones in Prestoun mylne and Jean Broyrstones his Spouse had a Daughter Born 11th March Baptized 12 March Name Barbara Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witneses James Wilson and Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
14 Apr. 1721, "Mr Thomas Falside Schoolmaster of Cranstoun and Anna Robertson his spouse had a Daughter Born 14 Aprile Baptized 23 Aprile Name Anna Minr Mr Rot Mutter Wit James Wilson Baxter in Cranstoun and Tho Bell Mert there" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Sep. 1721, "John Hackstoun in Cranstoun and Helen Brown his Spouse had a Daughter born 20 Septr Baptized 21 Septr name Margaret Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses George Liddell Gardener to Prestoun and Thomas Bell Mert in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 Mar. 1722, "Thomas Bell Mert in Cranstoun and Margaret Salten his spouse had a Daughter Born the 25th March Baptized the 27th March Name Isabel Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witness James Mitchel in Dalkeith and John Bell Mert in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
10 June 1723, "John Bone Wright in Cranston and Margaret Paterson his Spouse had a Daughter born 10 June 1723 Baptized 16 June Name Margaret Minr Mr Robert Mutter Wit Thomas Bell Mert in Cranston and Mr Thomas Falside Schoolmaster there" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
24 Aug. 1723, "Richard Sandylands in Cranstoun and Margaret Gordon his Spouse had a Son Born 24 August Bapt 25th August Name John Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Thomas Bell and Thomas Sandylands" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
28 June 1724, "John Crumbie in Cranstoun and Jean Darling his Spouse had a Daughter Born 28 June Baptized 5 July Name Margaret Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Thomas Bell and Robert Greenfield BOth in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
2 Sep. 1724, "John Begbie in Blackside and Beatrix Dick his Spouse had a Daughter born 2 Septr Baptized Sixth September Name Margaret Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Thomas Bell Merchant in Cranstoun and Mr Thomas Falside Schoolmaster of Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Oct. 1724, "George Tait in Dalkeith and Grissell Peastoun his Spouse had a Son born 8 October Baptised 11 October Name George Minister Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses James Willson and Thomas Bell both in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
10 July 1725, "Thomas Bell Merchant in Cranstoun and Margaret Saltoun his Spouse had a Dawghter Born 10th July 1725 Baptized 11th July 1725 Name Mary Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses James Mitchel Dyer in Dalkeith and Alexander Edward Brewer at Foord" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
30 Apr. 1726, "John Bone in Cranstoun and Margaret Paterson his Spouse had a Dawghter born 30 Aprile Baptized 1st May 1726 Name Jean Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Thomas Bell and James Wilson both in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
27 Sep. 1726, "John Sawrs in Cowsland and Euphan Robertson his Spouse had a Son born 27 Septr Baptized 2d Octor Name John Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Thomas Bell and Mr Thomas Falside both in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
30 Sep. 1726, "Robert Cochran in Cowsland and Euphan Smeebaird his Spouse had a Dawghter born 30 Septr Baptized 2d Octor Name Euphan Minr Mr Robert Mutter Wit Thomas Bell and Mr Thomas Falside both in Cranstoun" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
25 May 1728, "Robert Rutherfoord Tenent in Prestown and Grizell Stclair his Spouse had a Dawghter born 25 May Baptized 26 May Name Barbara Minr Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses John Colvill Mert in Prestown and Thomas Bell Mert in Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
26 Dec. 1728, "Robert Ronaldson Tenent of Whitehouse and Marion Glass his Spouse had a Dawghter Born 26 Decr Baptized 31 Decr Name Jean Minister Mr Robert Mutter Witnesses Robert Turnbull Tenent in Cowsland And Tho Bell Tenent in Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
3 May 1731, "Richard Anderson Millar in Whitehouse Miln and Elspeth Duncan his Spouse had a Son Born 3d May Baptized 8 May Name George Minr Mr Andrew Mitchel Witnesses Thomas Bell and John Lothian" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
15 May 1731, "James Willson Baxter in Cranstown and Isabel Thomson his Spouse had a Daughter born 15 May Baptized 19 May Agnes Minr Mr David Walker Minr of Temple Wit Thomas Bell and James Colvill both in Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 Oct. 1732, "Mr Thomas Falside Schoolmaster at Cranstown and Anne Robertson his Spouse had a Daughter born 13 Octr being Friday betwixt four & five before noon Baptized 18 Octr Name Jean Minister Mr Walter Cavers Witnesses Robert Waddell of Muirhouse and Thomas Bell Brewer in Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
22 Sep. 1733, "George Peastown Gardiner to the Hobl The Viscount of Oxfurd and Anne Brown his Spouse had a son born 22d August 1733 Baptized 27 August 1733 Name Robert Minr Mr John Williamson Minr at Inner Esk Witnesses Thomas Bell and Alexr Meek both Innkeepers in Cranstown" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
11 Nov. 1733, "Charles Heriot in Cranstown and Agnes Ronald his Spouse had a son born 11th Novr 1733 Baptized said day Minr Mr William Smith Witnesses Mr Thomas Falside and Thomas Bell both in Cranstown childs name being William, first child Baptized be our Minr" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
11 June 1737, "Normand Kay Masson and Mary Sandylands his Spouse had a Daughter born 11th June Baptized 17 June Name Isabell Minr Mr William Smith Wit Thomas Bell and James Colvill" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
21 Jan. 1739, "Alexander Murdoch Gardiner in Cranstown and Eliz Willson his Spouse had a son born 21 January 1739 Baptized 27 January Name James Minr Mr Will Smith Witnesses James Simson and Thomas Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
8 Oct. 1739, "Normand Kay Masson in Cranstown and Mary Sandylands his Spouse had a son born 8th Octr Baptized 12 Octr Name Normand Minr Mr William Smith Wit Thomas Bell and Thomas Edward" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 Oct. 1739, "John Anderson in Cranstown and Agnes Bell his spouse had a Daughter born 13 Octr 1739 Baptized 14 Octr Name Margaret Minr Mr Will Smith Wit Thomas Bell and Thomas Edward" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
20 Jan. 1741, "John Anderson in Foord and Agnes Bell his Spouse had a Daughter born 20 Janry 1741 Bapt 23 Name Isabell Minr Mr William Smith Wit Thomas Bell and John Heriot" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
13 June 1742, "John Bonnyman and Betty Edward his Spouse had a son born 13 June 1742 Baptized the said day Minr Mr William Smith Wit Thomas Bell and John Colvill" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
27 Sep. 1742, "James Home in Cranstown and Grissell Watt his spouse had a Daughter born 27 Septr Baptized 29 Septr Name Margaret Minr Mr William Smith Wit Tho Bell and Jo. Youle" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
4 Feb. 1750, "John Johnstown Smith in Cranstown and Janet Scott his Spouse had a son born 4th Feb 1750 Baptized 11 Feb Name William Minr Mr Wm Smith Wit James Home & Tho Bell" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]
14 Apr. 1756, "John Johnstown Smith in Cranstown and Janet Scott his Spouse had a son born 14 Aprile 1756 Baptized said day Name George Minr Mr Wm Smith Wit Thomas Bell and Peter Malcolm" [Scotland, Cranston, Old Parish Registers, Baptisms]