


Here is the structure - the relationships among the pages on the rspace site.

rspace_struct.jpg (13079 bytes)

"Simply Splashing" is the name of the welcoming page for this site.  There is a clickable link in that page that takes the visitor to the main page, named "startatthetop," containing some pictures and information.  The "untitled" pages should get real titles - they are for the Collins-Oakley family and the Norris family, but who can tell that by just looking at this structure?  The "Picture Name" pages should also have better names.  Why?  Because they are confusing.  

Looking back at the file folder setup we can spot the similarities between our page-relationship structure and the filing system.   In this particular site, the family-name pages are generally in family-name file folders - and the photos for each family-name are stored inside those same folders.

When we have finished reading this page, we can return to the page we linked from -- we have four ways to do that on this page:

  1. We can click the "Back" button in the browser's toolbar.
  2. We can click the link button named "Up" in the column at the left edge of this page
  3. We can click the link named "Organizing" in the line of text below.
  4. We can click the link named "Organizing" in the bar at the bottom or the page

Go back to Organizing.

If we had come to this page from some page other than "Organizing," we would return to the sending page by clicking the "Back" button on the browser toolbar.


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