My Story

My Story

Sonya's Gaggle

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Hello everyone! 
 My name is Sonya and I have a passion for my family and family history.  I came from a very dysfunctional birth family.  I had no control over them or the things that happened in my childhood. Having said that, coming from a dysfunctional birth family does not define the person I am today!  It has however given me a very strong desire to know that there was something better before the relationship of my mother, father & sisters. That is where my passion for genealogy comes in.

The funny (to me anyway) thing about this passion is that my father had it.  He was very big into genealogy.  He passed on to meet his maker a few years ago and although I was never able to be close to him he gave me  a precious gift!

It is one that I can pass on to my children and grand children, without the stigma of the things that made my childhood so awful. It gives me a sense of belonging beyond what I had as a child and a sense of importance to pass onto my children.

I have 4 children now!  I am truly blessed beyond words.  I have to say that even though my childhood was not the greatest it taught me the importance of what a family could be and what it should be.  This is what I strive for with my children and husband Bernie.  

What defines me as a person is my love for God, my willingness to forgive and ask for forgiveness.  My Love for my children and the love for me that I see in eyes that look to me with joy and the trust they have in me.  My love for my husband and what future generations will feel when they look back on my life.  

As you browse through my genealogy pages and photos you will find Kings, Queens and Princes but, what gives me the most joy is the simple facts like How Great Great Grandma Annie used to love walking down to the creek to go fishing or how Great Grandma Ellen met her husband and endured the wilds of Texas after the civil war.

Please let me know if you find something that ties into your family here! I would be thrilled to hear from you!

Sonya Perkins Lynch


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