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Arranged by town and thereunder by family group. Typed copies of two
receipt rolls for per capita payments. The first was made to individuals listed
in the "Old Settlers Rolls of 1857" and was certified November 11-12, 1858. The
second was made under article 6 of a treaty of August 7, 1856 and an act of
Congress of March 3, 1859 (11 Stat. 702) and was certified August 8, 1859
Contains the name of the head of the family and the names of the other
family members, the amount each received ($85.40 under the 1858 payment and
$16.65 under the 1859 payment), and some remarks.
The microfilm is reproduced here at Ancestry (subscription required). Last updated 13 Nov 2020.
" We, the undersigned, heads of families and individuals without families, of, and comprising that portion of the Creek Tribe of Indians, and their descendants, who emigrated west of the Mississippi River prior to the Treaty of 1832, do hereby acknowledge to have received of and from Elias Rector, United States Superintendent of Indian Affairs, the sums opposite our names and signatures respectively, and that the same is in full of our per capita shares of the sum of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars appropriated by the Congress of the United States, in part fulfillment of the sixth Article of the Treaty with the Creek and Seminole Indians, of August 7th, 1856; and to be in full compensation for our allowance, as such Creeks, to be equivalent for the reservations granted to the Eastern Creeks by the said Treaty of 1832. "