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[Oklahoma Historical Society microfilm, CRN 6]
1832 Creek Orphans: 1860 Census ... 1867 Census ... 1870 Payroll ... 1883 Payroll
Excerpt from Senate Report, no. 599, 46th Congress |
Part of this Creek Orphan trust fund was paid out in January-March 1883 to approximately 573 Creek orphans (or their heirs). Each orphan was entitled to $532.32. Given that most of the original orphans had died by the time this payment was made the majority of the money was divided to their heirs. The following is transcription from the 1883 Creek Orphan Payroll reproduced on Oklahoma Historical Society microfilm CRN 6. Listed are the claim number, orphan's name, heir's name, and heir's age. If the payment was not signed for by the orphan (or their heir) the person who did sign for it is listed, usually their legal guardian (g). Each heir is numbered. Heirs listed with the same number in front of their name are an heir of the original heir (ie. grandchildren). Keep in mind that the heir could also be a niece or nephew. This 1883 payroll is arranged by tribal town. (The town names of Towarsar, Osoche, and Hutchechuppa only appear on the 1870 roll but have been added to this 1883 transcription.) The heir index is indexed by first name only.
Index to Heirs (by first name only):
A-An ...
Ar-Ch ...
Ch-Di ...
Eh-Ha ...
Ha-Hu ...
Il-Jo ...
Jo-Ko ...
Ko-Lo ...
Lo-Ma ...
Ma-Na ...
Na-Po ...
Po-Sa ...
Sa-Si ...
Si-Ta ...
Ta-To ...
To-Wo ...