Creek Officers and Soldiers who died in the Seminole War, 1836-7 and payments due (part 1)

[Senate Ex. Doc. 55, 30th Congress, 1st Session, 1848 (part 1)]

Part 1 (Introduction) ... Part 2 (Deceased soldiers & heirs) ... Part 3 (Payments due)
Another list





To a resolution of the Senate calling for a list of the Creek Indian warriors who were killed, wounded, or died in the service of the United States during the late war in Florida, with a statement of the arrears of pay due them.

JUNE 15, 1848.
Read, and ordered to be printed.

Washington, June 14, 1848.

Sir: In answer to the resolution of the Senate of the 28th of May, 1848, directing the Secretary of War "to furnish the Senate with a list of the Creek Indian warriors who were killed or wounded or who died while, in the service of the United States during the late war in Florida, with the dates when they were severally killed or wounded, or when they died, together with a statement of the arrears of pay due to each of them respectively," I have the honor to transmit reports from the adjutant general and Second Auditor.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of War.

Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS, President of the Senate.

Washington, June 2, 1848.

SIR: In answer to the resolution of the Senate of the 25th ultimo, calling for "a list of the Creek Indian warriors who were killed or wounded, or who died while in the service of the United States during the late war in Florida, &c.," I respectfully enclose, herewith, a copy of a roll forwarded to this office at the time the Creek regiment was discharged, containing the names of those who died in service, with a copy of the letter from the commanding, officer of the regiment, dated October l, 1837, which accompanies, said roll, and is explanatory thereof. This roll gives all the information on the subject of inquiry derivable from the records of the adjutant general's office, and it is believed will meet the object of the Senate's resolution.

Respectfully submitted.

R. JONES,Adjutant General.

Hon. W. L. MARCY,Secretary of War.

October 1, 1837.

SIR: I have the honor to forward you a muster roll of persons of the regiment of Creek volunteers who died or were killed in the military service of the United States. It was prepared by direction of Major General Jesup, and intended to facilitate the procuring of pensions for the widows of the deceased. The names of the Indians being so different from those we were accustomed to see, for convenience of reference, I have added a column pointing out their number on the company muster roll; and as so many among the different towns, and even in the same town, have similar names, I have thought it best to give the appellation of the tribe to which they belong, and to add such information in regard to their families as might serve to identify the individual intended, and indicate the person entitled to receive the benefits secured to him by the laws of the country.

Although, perhaps, all the information necessary in obtaining pensions may not be embraced in this roll, yet it will be found to contain so much as to be of great assistance to any person charged with the duty of procuring what may be sufficient. It is here taken for granted that the government will designate an agent to attend to this business for the Indians; they themselves are so much averse to meddling with the law, and so ignorant of its forms, that, otherwise, it will amount to depriving them of the benefits of the "pension act;" or some dishonest, speculating white, man will go among them, purchase for a trifle their claims, or forge them, and thus defraud them of that provision to which the laws entitled them.

I am, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant 4th Artillery
Late major commanding regt. Creek vols.

To Brig. Gen. R. JONES,
Adjutant General U. S. Army, Washington city.


True copy.

R. JONES, Adjutant General
Second Auditor's 0ffice, June 10, 1848.

SIR: I herewith send a statement of arrears due certain deceased officers and soldiers of the Creek Indian regiment called into service in 1836, prepared in compliance with the latter clause of the resolution of the Senate, 25th ultimo, which was referred by you to this office.

It is proper to remark that a requisition, No. 1,544, was issued on 2d July, 1839, in favor of Wm. Armstrong, acting superintendent W. T., for $8,049.54, for the purpose of paying certain deceased officers and privates of Creek regiment of volunteers in service in Florida between lst September, 1836, and 1st September, 1837, and that the amount was disbursed by him to the heirs, as per receipt-roll filed in this oflice. The accompanying statement is intended to cover all who have not been paid.

The resolution is heremith enclosed.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. W. L. MARCY,
Secretary of War.