House Exe. Doc. 66, Report concerning 185 unsold Creek Reservations in Alabama, 1848.

[House Exe. Doc. No. 66, 30th Congress, 1st Session]





A C T I N G   S E C R E T A R Y   O F   W A R,


In pursuance of a resolution of tke House of Representatives of the 13th of March last, a report from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, relative to the Creek Indian reservations under the treaty of 1832.

June 1, 1848
Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed.

WAR DEPARTMENT, May 31, 1848.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit, herewith, a report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 13th of March last, requiring information respecting Creek Indian reservations, under the treaty of 1832, remaining unsold or undisposed of.

Acting Secretary of War.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Office of Indian Affairs, May 30, 1848.

SIR: I have the honor to submit, herewith, a list of Creek Indian reservations, under the treaty of 1832, which remain unsold; and, also, a list of reservations set apart for reservees under the same treaty - claims to which, by purchase from the Indians or otherwise, have not been finally disposed of; prepared under a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of March 13, 1848.

With reference to the interrogatory, "What plan, if any, has been adopted by the War Department for the disposition of said unsold reservations?." I have the honor to state that no definitive measure has yet been adopted upon the subject.

The 1st section of the act of 3rd March, 1837, authorising and sanctioning the sale of Creek reserves, enacts that the President of the United States may cause the reserves belonging to the Creek Indians, which shall remain unsold on the 4th April, 1837, to be sold at public auction, in the Creek country, "after giving at least sixty days notice of the time, place, and terms of sale in the public prints, and to cause patents to be issued to the purchasers of said reserves.

The records of the offices show that, as early as June, 1838, an agent was appointed to carry out the intention of said law, and that the lands which appear to be unsold, as aforesaid, were advertised in public prints, in the States of Alabama and Georgia, for sale, near to the location of the reserves; but that the sale was "postponed on representations made to the department that the reserves were claimed under purchases from the Indians. Several claims were afterwards presented and confirmed, thus reducing the number of unsold reservations.

It is the intention of the department to renew the advertisement for the sale of these lands when it shall determine on the most favorable period of the year to bring them into market.

In relation to the claims now on file, and not finally disposed of, it may not be improper to state that the office intends to select from them those to which no objection appears, with a view of submitting them for confirmation.Those which have received a favorable consideration by the department, but the conditions on which their approval depend have not been complied with, the parties or their agents will be notified that, unless the claims are perfected, by the payment of the purchase money within a reasonable time which will be named, the lands will be regarded as unsold by the Indians, and be disposed of at public sale under the law of 1837.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Acting Secretary of War.

List of Creek Indian reservations which have been sold, and the sales of which have not been finally acted upon by the department.

Serial Set Index ... Creek Reserves Index

[Table rearranged by name.]
Name of reserveesNames of town to
which reservees belong
#Location of claimsRemarks
What part
of section
Al-lo-way-hadjo Ar-bic-choo-chee 15 W. ½ 22 18 11
Al-pet-ter Cussetaw, on Jollar-nul-kar Hatchee 94 S. ½ 22 18 27 Claimed by Wm. Dougherty under a power of attorney purporting to have been executed by the reservee in favor of Seaborn Jones & Co. on 13th May, 1837. An uncertified contract is on file in favor of Alex. J. Robison.
Ar setch-e Ko-ho-mut-ki-garts-kar 97 N. ½ 13 22 10
Ar-bick-ko-hadjo Hatch-chi-chubba 36 E. ½ 29 19 20 This tract appears to be claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. Contract uncertified. No action had.
Ar-boke-ti-ge Ki-a-li-ge 51 S. ½ 21 20 21 Claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. Contract not certified. No action yet had.
Ar-chu-loc-harjo Tallissee 9 S. ½ 22 17 22
Ar-loc-hadjo Ar-bic-coo-chee 53 W. ½ 32 16 11Contract on file certified to Samuel W. Mardis. No definitive action is, by the records or files, shown to have been had on this case.
Ar-lock-hadjo Hatch-chi-chubba 59 W. ½ 24 19 20 Claimed by John Goodwin. Rejected by commissioners. Contract not certified. An endorsement on memorial in the handwriting of Secretary Spencer as follows: "to be approved on payment of value."
Ar-sto-te Oswichee, on Opillikee Hatchee 32 S. ½ 9 18 27 Uncertified contract in favor of Webb, Kidd & Co. presented to commissioners, who recommended that it be rejected. No action since.
Ar-sto-te Eufaula, on Chowokolo 31 N. ½ 13 17 25The records show that there have been claims to this tract by Hill, Shorter & Co. and M. W. Perry & Co.; but no papers appear on file, nor has action been taken for their adjudication.
Ar-wat-ta-li-ga Cu-bi-hatcha 25 W. ½ 20 15 23This case is in the same condition as No.12, above named, only that the contract purports to be in favor of Robert J. Ware alone.
As-fo-li-ga Ar-bic-coo-chee 105 E. ½ 17 17 10 Contract certitied to Themes Goodwin & Alvis Q. Nicks. This case is in the same condition with No.53, (Ar-bic-coo-chee.)
Betsey Fish Pond 68 [71] W. ½ 9 22 20 Certified to James Hall at $150. No papers on file, nor does the record of locations show what disposition was made of the contract.
Billy Che-haw 27 [28] N. ½ 11 18 24
Car-bi-elth-car Cu-bi-hatcha 12 W. ½ 18 15 23There is on file what purports to be an uncertified contract from reservee to Ware, Dougheny & Co. No action, so far as the records show, has been had on this case.
Ar-lock-hadjo Ar-bic-coo-chee 53 W ½ 9 17 10Contract on file certified to Madisom Putman. No definitive action had upon it. A contract to Driver & Porter was cancelled by the President in 1836.
Char-bo-ie-gar Ko-ho-mut-ki-garts-kar 25 S. ½ 14 24 26
Cha-woc-ca-la-micco Ar-bic-coo-chee 5 N. ½ 31 17 10 Record of locations shows that a contract was certified to Wm. Mullally. No papers are found on file connected with the case.
Chil-oke-hadjo Chat-tok-sof-ke 116 W. ½ 6 22 26 Location conflicts with that of an Indian who has sold - No. 23, Thlakatchka and O-ke-fus-ke Town.
Cho Yo-ho-lo Chock-o-lock-o 36 E. ½ 10 17 7
Choak-chart-hadjo Toak-paf-kar 56 W. ½ 13 22 18 Dead. Claimed by Bradford, Winslett & Griffin by purchase from legatee, (the widow.) This claim was reported by commissioners for rejection. No definitive action has since been had upon it.
Chock-ko-e-che Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 36 S. ½ 1 15 29
Cho-e-kar-hadjo Tal-la-se Hat-chee 16 S. ½ 30 14 7Dead. Claimed by Estill & Hogan. The report of Crawford and Balch adverse to this claim appears to have been the latest action had upon the case.
Cho-fixico Chock-lock-o 3 W. ½ 5 17 8Dead. Claim of Estill, Duren, & Hogan not yet decided. This was reported by Crawford and Balch for rejection.
Cho-hadjo Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 35 W. ½ 7 22 17 Dead. Claimed by Wm. M. Moore by purchase at administrator's sale by Henry Logan, by purchase from the only heir, a child, and by Estill, Duren & Hogan by purchase from the widow, also represented as only heir. Final action has not been had upon the case.
Cho-il-le-hadjo Rabbit 72 N. ½ 28 16 10Record of locations show that a contract was certified to John Goodon. The contract is not on file or its disposition shown.
Chos-hadjo Taw-war-sa 11 S. ½ 25 17 20 Certified according to the records to Daniel Scurlock and Robert Watson for $1,265. No papers on file, nor do the records show what action has been had on the case.
Cho-yo-ho-lo E-mar-he 44 N. ½ 18 20 4Certified to Charles W. Peters at $700. This is in the same condition with no. 40, (Ki-a-mul-ge,) above named.
Chuf-fie-ni-gey Fish Pond 15 [18] W. ½ 22 24 20 Dead. Claimed respectively by Patterson & McNeil, Taylor & Neeves, and Mark E. Moore. The latter purchased at administrator's sale. Commissioners decided that the first-named party should be preferred on payment of amount of a valuation to be made. No definitive action since.
Chu-wa Yo-ho-lo Hickory Ground 19 W. ½ 24 19 18
Chu-wot-la-ti-ga Toak-paf-kar 82 S. ½ 30 24 19 Certified contract for $40 in favor of Wm Wilson, sen. No application for action on this claim has been made, so far as the files show.
Chu-ya-ho-lo Sow-ga Hatch-cha 52 S. ½ 12 19 23
Co-e-gus-hadjo Hatch-chi-chubba 24
S. ½ 3 19 19 Dead. Claim of Benjamin Fort recommended for rejection by commissioners, but that he he permitted to take it at a fair valuation, and payment thereof to the proper authority. No action since.
Co-e-gus-hadjo Ar-bic-coo-chee 106 S. ½ 32 17 10 Contract certified to Ware, Peoples & Dudley at $400. No action of a definitive character appears to have been had in this case.
Con-chart-yo-ho-lo Ar-bic-coo-chee 62 W. ½ 24 16 10 Contract certified to William Walker at $400 is on file. This is in a similar condition with No. 53, (Ar-bic-coo-chee)
Con-chat-hadjo Ko-ho-mut-garts-kar 73 E. ½ 15 22 24 Dead. Claimed by C. & F. McLemore and by Job Taylor and F. Power. Both recommended for rejection by commissioners. No action since.
Co-no-hadjo Oak-choy 37 E. ½ 23 22 19 Claimed by J. Goodwin. Rejected by commissioners, and no action since.
Coo-sa-lo-boieth-la Clewalla 69 E. ½ 29 17 23This case is in the same position as No. 58, above. No action had, and same claimant.
Coos-sar-harjo Tal-lis-see 6 S. ½ 7 17 24Claimed by Julius N. Brooks. Copy of contract on file, but no action appears to have been had on the case.
Coos-war-sart-harjo Tuck-a-batch-a 292 S. ½ 24 14 24There is a contract on file, uncertified, purporting to be in favor of Robert J. Ware. No action had in this case.
Cussetaw Hadgo, (chief) Tal-la-de-ga   Whole of 26 18 5Dead. The report of Crawford and Balch on the sale by the heirs, was approved by Secretary Poinsett, on condition that the purchase money, together with such further sum as a valuation shall show it to he worth, is paid into this office. Sale in favor of Ansel Sawyer. Condition of approval has not been complied with.
Dick Corn-house 9 W ½. fr. 11 21 10 Certified to Henry & Dudley at $105. The only difficulty is in reference to the subdivision of the section.
E-cho-hadjo Taw-war-sa 8 S. ½ 36 18 20
E-cho-nar-che-harjo Eu-fau-la 105 W. ½ 17 11 28 Same remarks as to No.29 above named apply to this case.
E-fo-lo Yo-ho-lo Che-haw-ah, or Che-ah-haw 68 N. ½ 8 17 28
E-lit-di-ga Oak-taw-sar-sey 28 S. ½ 7 23 21
E-marth-lar Taw-war-sa 16 E. ½ 32 18 21
E-marth-lar Yo-ho-lo Ki-a-li-ge 84 N. ½ 35 22 21 Dead. Claim of E. Corley & Co. rejected on the report of Burney & Anderson. It appears by a paper on file that this tract is also claimed by B. & H. Young, but no definitive action has been had, so far as the records show.
E-marth-lor-co-cho-ko-ne Coweata, at Cholose parpkar. 1 S. ½ 23 20 29 Dead. Claim by Samuel Williams. The office requires the purchase money to be paid in, which, commissioners say, is, or was, in "administrator's hands."
E-math-la-hadjo Hickory Ground 23 E. ½ 33 20 18 Claimed by B. S. Griffin, also by Wm. Winslett. These were both recommended for rejection by the commissioners. No action since.
E-ne-he-marth-loo-chee Cussetaw, near West Point. 130 W. ½ 4 21 26 Dead. Claim of Caleb Halloway, of J. W. & D. S. Thomas, and of Vann, McHenry & Co. by purchase from alleged heirs of the deceased reservee. Examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch. Secretary Poinsett decided on their report that the claim of Vann, McHenry & Co. would be approved on the payment of the ascertained value of the land. Money had not been paid.
Eu-par-ho-yi-thle Ho-tal-ee Ho-ya-na 23 N. ½ 2 15 28
Fal-in-ni-che Ar-bic-coo-chee 78 E. ½ 20 16 11 This has not been certfied, but is claimed by John Goodwin, whose claim was rejected by commissioners. Secretary Spencer, however, decided that it might be approved "on payment of full value," the land to be appraised.
Far-ne-hadjo We-o-guf-ka 86 N. ½ 24 24 17 Dead. Commissioners report in favor of the claim of Estill, Duren & Hogan, on payment of amount at which it may be valued.
Far-tose-ke Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 33 N. ½ 13 15 29
Fix-ic-yo-ho-lo Chock-lock-o 55 E. ½ 26 16 8 Record of locations designates that a contract was certified to Thomas W. Likens by L. Tarrant. It is not filed, or its disposition shown by the record.
Fose-hatch-ee Emarthlar Hatch-ee-cubba 6 S. ½ 9 13 29
Fos-hatch-ee-fixico Ki-a-li-ge 5 S. ½ 25 21 20 Dead. Claimed respectively by B. H. & J. D. Young and Taylor & Neeves. The first-named was reported for rejection by commissioners, who recommended the approval of the other on payment of it's value on appraisement. Their report was approved by the Secretary of War, but definitive action has not been had upon the claim.
Fus-hat-cha-hadjo U-faw-la 105 N. ½ 2 20 23 Dead. Claim of Job Taylor recommended for rejection by commissioners. No definitive action on the case.
Gil-car Tuck-a-batch-a 209 W. ½ 18 19 22There is a contract from the reservee certified to W. C. Bulger for the N. ½ of this section on file. No action appears to have been had or even asked by the claimant. Certificate by Thomas J. Abbott, date 1836.
Har-loc-ho-bia Chock-o-lock-o 41 E. ½ 24 16 8Dead.
He-hun-kar Che-haw-ah, or Che-ah-haw 90 S. ½ 5 17 28
Hi-ar-dith-kar-harjo Clewalla 58 E. ½ 25 17 22 There is on file what purports to be a contract in favor of Robert J. Ware. No action appears to have been taken. Contract uncertified.
Hil-lis-hadjo Hitch-o-par-tar-ga 16 S. ½ 10 18 9 Dead.
Hil-lub-ha No-haw-locco Toak-paf-kar 14 N. ½ 21 24 19
Ho-lar-tar Yo-ho-lo Thla-katch-ka, Cho-lock-o-nin-nee, & c. 7 S. ½ 12 22 27 Dead. Claimed by Ethan Stroud by purchase from the heirs of the reservee. Decided by Secretary of War, Hon. J. R. Poinsett, that it could be approved on a payment of $375, and such other sum as a valuation of the land should show to be its value over $500, the price named in the deed, allowing a credit of $125 on the note given in payment for the land.
Ho-pia Yon-cha Hatch-chi-chubba 42
W. ½ 14 19 20 Claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. Contract not certified. No action had.
Ho-pie-gar Toak-paf-kar 48 N. ½ 10 24 19
Ich-car-kaw Tal-lis-see 40 E. ½ 31 18 24An uncertified contract in favor of Robert J. Ware is on file.
In-luck-hoe Ki-a-li-ge 91 S. ½ 27 21 20 Claimed by Alexander J. Robison & Co. Contract uncertified. No action had on the claim.
In-nun-die Lu-chi-po-ga 116 E. ½ 22 19 25
Is-far-ne Yo-ho-lo We-o-guf-ka 40 E. ½ 6 23 18
Is-far-ne Yo-ho-lo Ki-a-li-ge 159 E. ½ 19 21 21 Dead. Claim of Taylor & Neeves reported by commissioners for approval on payment of value, to be appraised. This appears by papers on file to be claimed by Benjamin Young also. No definitive action yet had.
Is-far-ne-fixico Tal-lip-se-ho-gy 12 S. ½ 19 21 26Conflicts with 28 Cussetaw, Osenubba. Certified to Stroud, Doyle & Islands on account of this Indian, (Is-far-ne-fixico.)The commissioners were of opinion that the Indian in Cussetaw has best rights, which Indian never sold. No late action had on the case.
Is-far-ne-o-boy Chock-lock-o 13 E. ½ 31 16 8Dead. This tract appears to be claimed by Estill, Duren & Hogan, and David Rosser respectively. Crawford and Balch reported both of these claims for rejection. No action has since been had.
Is-kar-bot-kie Tallissee 123 W. ½ 34 18 22
Jack Hil-la-bee 74
W. ½ 17 24 21 Contract certified to E. Corley & Co. at $200, on file. No definitive action had on this claim.
Joseph Goowin Tus-kee-ga 22 S. ½ 3 16 24
Kin-narth-hadjo Che-ar-haw 58 S. ½ 25 18 6
Klaus-har-tay Hitch-e-tee 51 N. ½ 26 15 29
Kle-chum-ma-hadjo Ki-a-mul-ga 40 E. ½ 8 20 3It appears by the records, that this tract was certified by L. Tarrant in favor of Charles W. Peters; but no papers are found on file, or other indication of action by the department being had upon it.
Ko-nip Yo-ho-lo Tallasse Hatchee 21 W. ½ 31 13 7Dead.
Ko-nip Yo-ho-lo Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 58 S. ½ 15 22 16 This tract is claimed by Robert J. Ware. The case stands in a similar condition with the one above named, (No.45, Pock-en-tal-le-has-se.)
Ko-nip-harjo-cho-che Tal-lis-see 42 N. ½ 13 17 22Dead. Claim of Thomas W. Coker by purebase from heirs. Secretary Poinsett decided that it could be confirmed on payment of the purchase money, and such other sum as a valuation shall state it to be worth at the date of sale.
Kotch-ar-tus-tun-nuc-kee Thla-katch-ka, or Broken Arrow 25 S ½ 31 18 28A contract, uncertified, to Arnold Seal is on file, with an endorsement identified to be in the handwriting of the late Secretary of War, Hon. John C. Spencer, "to be approved on payment of value."
Kun-char-ta Yo-ho-lo Hatch-ee-cubba 4 S. ½ 10 13 29
Kun-chartee Cussetaw, on Osenubba Hatchee 28 S. ½ 19 21 26 Location conflicts with that of an Indian who has sold - No. 12, Tal-lip-se-ho-gy Town.
Kus-sar-me Che-haw-ah, or Che-ah-haw 40 S. ½ 33 17 29By the records, it appears that this Indian sold his land to Shorter, Tarver, & Shorter. Sale certified by W. A. Sanford, but no papers are found on file relating to the case.
Le tif E-marth-lar Hatchet Creek 4 W. ½ 7 22 6
Li-go-che Thla-katch-ka, Cho-lock-o-nin-nee, & c 27 W. ½ 4 22 28Dead. Claimed respectively by Gideon Arthur and Wiley Thaxton, each, by purchase from heirs, and by Henry Kellum hy purchase at administrator's sale. No definite action appears to have been taken since the report of commissioners adverse to each claim was made.
Lit-te-fixico Tal-la-se Hat-chee 22 W. ½ 12 14 7Claim of Fras. M. Hamilton was reported by the commissioners for rejection, and on 6th March, 1843, Secretary Spencer endorsed upon the memorial "rejected; no contract and no proof." What purports to be a contract appears, however, to have been filed on 12th Jan., 1841, by Judge Bryan.
Lof-ter Fixico Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 1 N. ½ 31 22 17Dead.
Mar-hat-kar Cussetaw, Atsecharlitcha 75
W. ½ 32 20 27
Mar-lose-tar, (female) Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 65 E. ½ 32 16 29
Micco Yo-ho-lo Ar-bic-choo-chee 40 W. ½ 30 16 11
Molly Toak-paf-kar 104 W. ½ 1 24 18 Claimed by Wm. Wilson. On memorial in this case is endorsed in the hand writing of Secreary Spencer, "to be approved on payment of $75."
Mor-ho-i-il-le Tal-la-se Hat-chee 51 S. ½ 34 14 7 This tract of land was claimed by Hall, Winslett & Griffin. The commissioners reported the case for reversal. The decision of the Secretary of War of 7th December, 1841, states, "I am not satisfied that one of the conditions" of the treaty of 1832 has been complied with. "This condition is the full and complete payment of the consideration." No action since.
Ne-har-che-haung Po-chis-hach-cha 3 E. ½ 30 20 18 Dead. This was claimed by J. M. N. B. Nix by purchase from the widow of reservee. Memorial of claimant dismissed by commissioners. No action has since been had.
Ne-har-hadjo Fish Pond 97 [100] N. ½ 9 24 20 Dead. Claim by Estill, Duren & Hogan, and by Taylor & Neeves. Commissioners preferred the first-named purchasers on payment of whatever sum the land should be valued at. Their report was approved by Secretary Poinsett. No later action.
Ne-har-mar-te-hadjo Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 45 W. ½ 24 22 17 Uncertified contract purporting to be from reservee to Robert J. Ware on file. No final decision made upon the claim.
Ne-he-mar-ta-micco Ar-bic-coo-chee 54 W. ½ 23 16 10Contract on file certified to Wm. P. Chilton. Otherwise in same conditon as No. 53, (Ar-bic-coo-chee.)
Nelly Hil-la-bee 117 S. ½ 15 24 21 Certified to E. Corley & Co. at $125. There is no record of any final action being had in this ease. The contract is not on file.
Ni-ho-lub-bee Fish Pond 44 [47] N. ½ 19 22 21
Nill-cup Yo-ho-lo O-swichee, on Chattahoochee 25 S. ½ 6 15 30
Nit-tar-day Po-chis-hach-cha 24
Frs. 6 & 7 19 18 Dead. Claimed by Howell Rose and by J. Murchison, and B. H. Funderback. That of the former was rejected, and the latter recommended for confirmation on payment of the valuation. No action since.
No-cose E-math-lar Thla-katch-ka and O-ke-fus-ke 29 E. ½ 25 24 25Certified to Webb & Thornton, according to an entry in the book of contracts certified by R. W. McHenry. There is on file what purports to be an uncertified contract in favor of Daniel McDougald & Co. But no definitive action has been had on the case.
No-kose E-kar Sock-o-par-toy 61 W. ½ 13 23 19Dead.
No-kos-harjo Tal-lis-see 28 N. ½ 6 20 25 Contract in favor of Brodnax & Whittaker, certified by McHenry, is on file; but no action appears to have been had on the claim by the department.
Oak-chou Yo-ho-lo Taw-war-sa 17 W. ½ 31 18 21
O-chim-me-ga O-se-lar-ne-by 35
S. ½ 22 21 20 Dead. Claim of Taylor & Neeves by purchase from heirs, sustained by commissioners on condition that a valuation be made, and the amount thereof be paid for the use of the heirs.
O-cho-ie-ga Cle-wal-la 63 N. ½ 31 17 23
Oc-tar-che Yo-ho-lo Sow-ga Hatch-cha 53 W. ½ 24 19 23
Octiarche-fixico We-woak-kar 10 W. ½ 5 20 18 Claimed by Robert J. Ware. Contract uncertified. No action appears to have been had on the case.
Oct-ti-arche Yo-ho-lo Taw-war-sa 15 W. ½ 32 18 21
O-has-kee Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 74 [75] S. ½ 6 22 18 Contract in favor of Smith & Moore recommended for rejection by commissionors. No action since.
Or-tuss-micco E-kun-duts-ke 2 S. ½ 10 20 7 Dead. Claim of Estill, Duren & Hogan examined by Crawford and Balch, who recommended that it be confirmed on the purchaser's paying the purchase money, and such further sum as a valuation to be made may determine it to be worth.
O-sak-ey Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 70 N. ½ 4 15 29
O-thlar-ho-che Eu-fau-la 29 E. ½ 19 11 29By the records, it appears that this Indian sold his land to Alexander J. Robinson. Sale certified by J. W. A. Sanford, but no papers are on file in the case.
O-yet-tick-yo-ho-lo We-o-guf-ka 17 S. ½ 24 24 17 Dead. Claimed by J. M. N. B. Nix. Dismissed by commissioners. No action since.
Paddy Carr Cuseata 23 E ½ 23 15 27 Contract to Daniel MoDougald. Difficulty about subdivision of W. ½, on which reservee goes for quantity; also requires a relinquishment from reservee for said W. ½,, the contract covering the E. ½ only.
Par-hose-harjo Thla-katch-ka and O-ke-fus-ke 22 S. ½ 6 22 25 Dead. Claim of John C. Webb by purchase from the reservee. Examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch, who recommended that it be rejected. Further definite action has not been had upon it.
Pas-char-ter Hitch-o-par-tar-ga 43 S. ½ 11 20 8 This is claimed by Wm. Winslett. Deed (not certified) reported against by commisioners, and is not now on file. An endorsement in the handwriting of Secretary Spencer, on the memorial of claimant, says, "to be approved on payment of value."
Pin-hadjo Toak-paf-kar 18 N. ½ 15 23 19 Claims of John A. Chapman and Wm. Winslett respectively. Reported for rejection by commissioners. No action since.
Pow-has Emarthlar Ar-bic-choo-chee 56 W. ½ 29 16 11
Powis-hadjo Pock-en-tal-le-has-se 6 E. ½ 7 22 17 Claimed by Jacob P. House. Uncertified contract, and no proof of payment.
Pul-par-hoo-chee Oswichee, on Opillikee Hatchee 27 [47] S. ½ 33 19 26Claim of Cotton, Whatley & Cotton, and McHenry, Tharton & Co., examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch, who reported against that of the parties first named, and in favor of the company last designated, on the condition that the land be appraised, and the value thus ascertained be paid to the President for the use of the heirs of the reservee. Their report was confirmed by Hon. J. R. Poinsett, Secretary of War.
Quas-sad hadjo, (chief) Ki-a-li-ge
Whole of 13 20 21 Dead.
Sally Fish Pond 104 E. ½ 9 22 20 Dead. Claimed by Job Taylor and Daniel Neeves by purchase from the heirs, and by Abm. Chancellor and Solomon Robbins at commissioner's sale. No definitive action had upon the case.
Sally Rabbit 41 W. ½ 33 15 9Claims to this tract appear to have been made by George Helm, by Thomas Goodwin, and by Thomas M. Likins; but, on 6th March, 1843, Secretary Spencer decided that upon proof of the value of the land and the amount being paid, the contract in favor of Thomas M. Likins may be approved.
San-ho-i-che Ki-a-li-ge
N. ½ 10 21 21 Claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. Contract not certified. No action had by department.
Sap-pe-ley Cussetaw, near West Point. 71 W. ½ 17 22 27 Record of locations designates that a contract was certified in favor of Halloway & Smith by R. W. McHenry for this land. It is not now on the files, and the records do not show its disposition.
Sar-nar-hie Tal-lis-see 103 W. ½ 29 18 23 This tract was certified to Samuel Williams. The commissioners decide in favor of the reversal of the contract. No action since.
Saw-nie Toak-paf-kar 41 N. ½ 9 24 19
Sfar-ne-fixico Cussetaw, on Tollarnulkar Hatchee 42 W. ½ 2 16 27
Shark-ho-with-lar-nay Euchee, on Chattahoochee 41 S. ½ 25 16 27
Sin-kin-ha Ki-a-li-ge 44 W. ½ 32 21 21 Dead.
Sin-tha Yo-ho-lo Hickory Ground 17 W. ½ 14 19 18Dead.
Skin-ni-a O-se-lar-ne-by 29 E. ½ 21 21 20 This tract appears to have been claimed by Wm. Winslett, but it was reported for rejection by the commissioners. No action since.
Sli-kay Tal-la-de-ga 39 E. ½ 22 19 4 Certified to Willis H. Jones for $610; otherwise in a like condition with the case above, (No.40, Ki-a-mul-ga.)
Sock-up-po-ky Che-ar-haw 15 W. ½ 32 17 6The claim of Estill, Duren, & Hogan, by purchase from the heirs of the reservee, was examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch, who recommended that the reserve be valued, and on payment of assessed value that the claim be approved. A claim of Robert Jameson by purchase from alleged heirs is also on file. No definitive action had in either case.
Sof-li-ga, (female) Hitch-o-par-tar-ga 45 S. ½ 21 20 9
Sok-e-thli-che Eu-fau-la 68 W. ½ 23 11 28
Spake-oke-harjo Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 38 N. ½ 1 15 29
Spoak-harjo Ot-tis-se 54 5. ½ 3 15 23Contract in favor of R. G. Haden and William Simmons. Hon. John C. Spencer, Secretary of War, decided that it could be approved on payment of proved value of the land.
Spoak-oak-hadjo Toak-paf-kar 37 N. ½ 17 24 19
Ste-he-che-pe, (female) Oswichee, on the Chattahoochee 81 S. ½ 5 15 29Dead.
Stim-molth-ho-e Ki-a-li-ge 162 S. ½ 26 21 21 Claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. The contract not certified. No action had by department.
Sukey Oswichee, on the Opillike Hatchee. 55 N. ½ 31 18 27
Tal-le-geeg-fixico We-o-guf-ka 7 E. ½ 36 24 17 Dead. Commissioners report in favor of tile claim of Estill, Duren & Hogan, upon the payment of the amount at which a valuation by government shall determine to he right.
Tal-lin-har Thlob-thloc-co, Macon county 81 W. ½ 19 17 22Contract certified to Henry Hugely in 1836 by Thomas J. Abbott. Claimant has not applied for its confirmation.
Tal-loaf-harjo Tuck-a-batch-a 308 E. ½ 30 19 22This case is in a like situation with Gilear's, No. 209, above. Certified to W. C. Bulger at the same time.
Tal-lo-loo-che Tal-lip-se-ho-gy 13 N. ½ 17 20 25Dead. Claimed by purchase from the heirs by McHenry, Gilder & Co. No appraisement made. Payment of value into this office required before approval can be recommended.
Tal-marse Emarthlar Ar-bic-coo-chee 95 W. ½ 27 16 10 Contract in favor of A. Tunipseed declared void by the President in 1836, on the report of Burney and Anderson. Contract in favor of Wm. Winslet subsequently withdrawn. Contract in favor of David Barnwell was reported for reversal by Commisioners Crawford and Balch. An appeal was entertained by Secretary Spencer, but no action appears since to have been had on the case.
Tal-o-ke Hitch-o-par-tar-ga 30 W. ½ 20 17 10 Contract certified to Thomas Goodwin for $300 on file. No action had.
Tal-war-hadjo Oak-taw-sar-sey 33 W. ½ 18 23 21 Dead. Claim of Wm. Winslett sustained by commissioners, on condition of payment of valuation to be made. No action since had.
Tar-has-harjo Tuck-a-batch-a 286 N. ½ 23 14 24
Te-har-lof-te Sock-o-par-toy 20 E. ½ 18 23 20 Contract certified to Wm. T. Stamps at $80. Nothing of record or on file shows any attempt to perfect this ciaim.
Teth-le-gey We-o-guf-ka 31 S. ½ 8 23 16
Thle-war-ley Che-haw-ah, or Che-ah-haw 87 S. ½ 4 17 28
Thlo-kus-hadjo Ki-a-li-ge 99 N. ½ 11 20 20 Commissioners rejected the claim of E. Corley & Co., but reported that of Gaither, Young & Co., to whom this tract was certified for approval. No action appears to have been had since.
Thlo-we-thlar High Log 103 W. ½ 6 15 28
Tim-fo-leech-kar Ho-tal-ee Ho-ya-na 19 S. ½ 6 15 29
Ti-mi-dul-ca Tuck-a-hatch-a 139 S. ½ 6 14 24There are on file what purport to be contracts in favor of Ware, Dougherty & Co., and A. J. Robison respectively, neither of them certified. No late action has been taken on the cases.
Tim-mor-tee We-o-guf-ka 37 N. ½ 7 24 18
Tim-mo-we-lar-ga Ki-a-li-ge 127 S. ½ 29 20 21 Dead.
Tin-thla-nis-hadjo Po-chis-hach-cha 11 E. ½ 19 20 18 Dead. This was claimed by J. M. N. B. Nix by purchase from the widow. Memorial dismissed by commissioners. No action has since been had upon it.
Tof-fo-fixico Ki-a-li-ge 37 N. ½ 3 20 21 Claimed by Alexander J. Robison & Co. Contract not certified, nor action taken upon it.
Tol-ofe-hadjo Hil-la-bee 39 N. ½ 5 24 22 Contract certified to Thos. M. Likins at $15, on file. No definitive action appears to have been had on this case.
Tommy Emarthlar Thlob-thloc-co, Chambers county 55 5. ½ 7 19 25Dead. Claimed by McHenry, Gilder & Co., and Robert Owen. Secretary Poinsett confirmed the report of commissioners rejecting Owens's claim, and confirming MeHenry, Gilder & Co.'s, on payment of amount of a valuation of the land.
Tommy-hadjo Po-chis-hach-cha 30
W. ½ 12 20 17 Dead. Claimed by J. M. N. B. Nix. Dismissed by commissioners. No action since.
Tuck-a-batch-a E-marth-lar Tal-lis-see 183 W. ½ 25 16 23 There are what purport to be contracts on file in favor of Thomas S. Woodward and Robert J. Ware, respectively. Neither were certified; nor does it appear that any definitive action has been had on the claims.
Tuck-a-batcha Fixico Toak-paf-kar 42 S. ½ 8 24 19
Tul-ge E-marth-lar Ar-bic-coo-chee 9 W. ½ 26 16 10Contract certified to Ware, Peoples, & Dudley on file, (at $153;) but no final action appears to have been had in the case.
Tul-se-harjo Cussetaw, near West Point. 45 N. ½ 28 22 27Dead. Claim of Thomas B. Erwin by purchase at administrator's sale, and that of Vann, McHenry & Co. by purchase from heirs of the deceased reservee, examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch. On a review of their report, Secretary Poinsett decided that the claim of Erwin could be approved on the payment of the consideration into the department for the use of the heirs. No payment made.
Tus-tun-nuckee-char-tee Euchee, on Chattahoochee 7 S. ½ 31 15 27Claimed by T. P. Redding & Co. Contract examined by Commissioners Crawford and Balch, who recommended its reversal.
U-buck-lart Ho-ga Toak-paf-kar 35 S. ½ 17 24 19
War-thloe-co-harjo Antanga 53 S. ½ 19 17 21Dead. This tract is claimed by Hayne, Devereaux & Thompson by purchase at administrator's sale, and by McHenry, Gilder & Co. by purchase from the heirs. Proof of payment by the former has been decided to be unsatisfactory. Payment in the latter case not alleged.
Washington Cussetaw, near West Point. 38 N. ½ 33 21 27Dead. There is on file an uncertified contract in favor of N. M. Thornton from the widow and heir of reservee, assigned to Wm. & S. R. Vann. William Vann was also purchaser at sale by commissioners of orphans' court. No appraisement made or money paid.
We-woak-ke-yo-ho-lo Oak-choy 20 S. ½ 13 21 20 Claim of John Goodwin rejected by commissioners. On memorial is endorsed in the handwriting of Secretary Spencer, "deed to be produced, and on payment of value, to be approved."
Widow Cornells Cu-bi-hatcha 31 W. ½ 16 16 23 The conveyance to Mr. Freeny by heirs of the reservee has been reported, requiring the payment of $881.23 before approval.
Wox-e Yo-ho-lo Hatchet Creek 63 N. ½ 32 21 6 Dead.
Yar-har-hadjo Sock-o-par-toy 29 E. ½ 7 23 20 Dead. Claimed by Abm. Chancellor by purchase at administrator's sale at $416.
Yar-har-harjo Cussetaw, on Jollar-nul-kar Hatchee 132 S. ½ 32 17 28 Same remarks as to No.94, above named, apply to this case.
Yar-to-war-harjo Cosstaw, on Cho-wo-kolo 6 N. ½ 11 18 26 Certified to Fannin & Howell. This case was reported for disapproval by commissioners, which report was confirmed by the Secretary of War. A contract in favor of C. W. Cotton, made before the above was decided, may be approved on payment of value. So said Secretary Spencer, in an endorsement on the contract.
Yo-ho-lo-hadjo Ki-a-li-ge 95 N. ½ 15 20 20 Claimed by A. J. Robison & Co. Contract not certified. No action taken by the department.