James was born on 29 May 1862. He was the son of
Robert Cornelius Knox and
Elizabeth "Lizzy" Densmore McCain. He married
Effie Carr on 25 September 1889. His body was interred in April 1917 at
Monticello, Drew Co., Arkansas, at Oakland Cemetery. James died in April 1917 at age 54. He was New Tag Obituary from an unknown newspaper:
"Judge Jas. C. Knox, Dead.
It is with deep and sad feelings of regret that we are called upon to announce the death of Judge Jas. C. Knox, which deplorable event occurred at 6 o'clock last Tuesday evening. Judge Knox was first attacked with grippe, which terminate in pneumonia; but this disease was breaking, but a failure of the heart followed, which terminated fatally.
Judge Knox was about 56 years of age, and was among the leading lawyers of the State. He was, for several years, Assistant Attorney for the Iron Mountain Railroad, with his headquarters in this city; but owing to the large increase in his private practice was forced to resign this position about two years ago, in order to devote his entire time to the interests of his clients. Judge Knox was a familiar spirit in all the Courts of Southeast Arkansas, and had a large practice in the Federal and Supreme Courts. Personally, he was a most affable gentleman, with the highest standard of honor. The editor of this pape has known him, well and intimatley for the past 20 years; has been associated with him, and been against him in many hard fought legal battles, and we never knew him, in a single instance, to loose him temper or to use improper or insulting language to anyone.
He was the perfect gentleman at all times and under all circumstances, and when taking issue with you on legal points, which frequently becomes necessary in the trial of causes in Court, Judge Knox, while impressing his points with force and eloquence, did so in such a way, that he drew his adversary's admiration, rather than any ill feelings.
In his death the Bar has lost one of its ablest members, the country a most valuable citizen and the family a loving husband and devoted father.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, Judge Robert C. Knox, and John Knox, and two daughters, Miss Virginia Knox and Little Miss Effie Knox, besides his aged father, Judge Robert C. Knox, Sr. all of this city.
Our sincere and heartfelt condolence are extended the bereaved family in theirg greatest loss.
The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. T.O. Owen, Pastor of the Methodist Church, assisted by Dr. M.B. Corrigan, and Rev. Flournoy Shepperson, after which the remains wer placed in their final resting place in Oakland Cemetery at 5 o'clock, p.m. Wednesday evening."
In April 1917.