Thomas was born at
Washington Twp., Washington Co., Indiana, on 24 March 1877. He was the son of
Joshua Gresham Trueblood and
Elizabeth Priestman Baynes. He married
Grace Idola Witter at
Salem, Washington Co., Indiana, on 9 April 1905. The following article comes from:
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. Illustrated
1916 B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana
Data Entry by Jerry Morris Mounts
"Thomas B. Trueblood
Well-known farmer and prominent citizen Washington township,
Washington county, Indiana, was born in Washington township,
on March 24, 1877, the son of Joshua G. and Elizabeth (Baynes )
Trueblood, natives of Washington county, Indiana, and Delaware County,
Pennsylvania, respectively. Joshua G. Trueblood was born on March 25,
1839, the son of Nathan and Mary Darby (Hollowell) Trueblood, the
former of whom was the son of Joshua Trueblood. Nathan Trueblood
came to Washington township, when he was thirteen years of age,
with his parents, and after his school days he engaged in farming on the
home farm, which was homesteaded near the town of Canton, for some
time, and then was married to Mary Darbv Hollowell, who was the
daughter of Thomas and Mary Hollowell. After his marriage, Nathan
Trueblood homesteaded a farm in Washington township, a place which
he cultivated for the remainder of his days. Joshua G. Trueblood,
father of the subject of this sketch, was born on the old Trueblood
homestead, in Washington township, near where he was educated,
and after which time he engaged in farming for some time, and then,
Joshua G. Trueblood enlisted with the Fiftv-third Regiment, Indiana,
Volunteer Infantry, for service in the Civil War, Mr. Trueblood
serving as a part of the army of General Sherman for three years and
eight months, after this time receiving his honorable discharge, as
a result of the close of the war. Following his return from war service,
Joshua G. Trueblood was married, on September 19, 1866, to
Elizabeth P. Baynes, the daughter of Beezon and Lowry (Humphreys)
Baynes. a sketch of whose lives is presented elsewhere in this
volume. To the marriage of Joshua G. and Elizabeth Trueblood were
born the following children, Lowry, Mary, Elwood, Lewis (deceased),
Oliver. Thomas, Walter and William. Joshua G. Trueblood, after
his marriage, secured a farm of eighty acres south of Hitchcock. a
place which He improved and where he lived as a general farmer,
until 1880, when he moved to another farm of eighty acres in
Washington township, on this place, Joshua G.Trueblood having
engaged extensively and with notable success in general farming
and more especially in the breeding of high grade, purebred Poland
China hogs and Cotswold sheep. The elder Trueblood was known
as an expert on live stock, his judgment on matters of sheep and
hogs giving him a place among the leaders of the business in the
state and vicinity. Joshua G. Trueblood continued in his agricultural
life until his death on May 23, 1906, after which time, a son, Walter,
took up his work and is now successfully engaged in following the
principles and methods of his father. Joshua G. Trueblood and his
wife were active and devout members of the Blue River Society of
Friends and were armong the most active in the support of the
efforts and worship of the Hicksite Friends church. The elder
Trueblood was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic
post, at Salem, and was a man who was prominent in the ranks
of the Republican party, he not caring to serve in public office.
Thomas B. Trueblood received his education in the township
schools of his native township, and then, after a period as a farmer
on his father's farm, Thomas Trueblood, with his brother, Oliver,
went to the state of Colorado, where they lived for some time and
then returned to Washington county, and purchased, jointly, a
farm of one hundred and three acres, located east of the town of
Salem. On this place Thomas Trueblood,and his brother engaged
in general farming for about seven years, and then, disposing of
this farm, the Trueblood brothers bought a farm of seventy acres,
known as the old Knight farm, a place which they cultivated for six
years. About this time, Thomas Trueblood moved to Salem, where
he bought property, but continued to farm for two years then secured
work in a factory for two years. After disposing of his home in
Salem, Thomas Trueblood returned to farm life and bought a farm in
Washington township, where he now lives and is successfully engaged
in general agricultural pursuits. On April 9, 1905, Thomas B. True-
blood, was united in marriage to Grace Idola Witter, who was born
on January 30, 1885, in Washington township, the daughter of
William J. and Margaret (Morris) Witter. To the marriage of Thomas
B. and Grace Trueblood have been born two children. Russell Boyd
and Blanche Elizabeth. Mr. Trueblood and his family are members of
the Blue River Friends church. In politics, Thomas B. Trueblood
is an active Republican, although he has not aspired to public office.
Mr. Trueblood is a leading member of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, at Salem."
Thomas died on 2 November 1968 at
Salem, Washington Co., Indiana, at age 91. His body was interred on 5 November 1968 at
Salem, Washington Co., Indiana, at Crown Hill Cemetery.