Tingley Descendants

Tingley Descendants

All of the information presented here is from The Tingley Family Revised, which is a record of the descendants of Samuel Tingley, the son of Palmer Tingley who came to the United States from England in the 1600's. This is an ongoing project, started by my Mother, which I am continuing. Eleven volumes have been published thus far, covering the first 10 generations and part of the 11th generation, Palmer being the first generation. I am now working on Volume 12, which continues the 11th generation.

The Tingley Family Revised includes both male and female lines of the descendants of Samuel Tingley and consequently includes many surnames other than Tingley.

To assist you in determining if someone is a Tingley descendant I have generated a list of all the individuals in the first 11 volumes who have married. This list is alphabetized first by surname and then by given name. Sufficient information is included in this list to find the spouse(s), parents, and married children of each individual, using the numbering scheme employed in the books.

Each record in the Tingley books is assigned a 2 digit generation number and a 5 digit family number. An example would be 07-00184. This would be the 184th family of the 7th generation.

For additonal information, email Harold Frye at one of the following:

Tingley names list
Tingley volumes containing record nn-nnnnn
Libraries with Tingley books

Volumes 3, 6, 8, and 11 may now be purchased at www.Lulu.com/tingley.
For other volumes, contact me.

This Tingley's on the 'Net site is owned by
Harold Frye.

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